Vintage Marketplace Fun

  Rita Reade’s and Christie Repasy’s Vintage Marketplace Show is one of the best...

Temecula Get Away

  Do you ever just love {need} to get away on a mini vacation?Even two days can be a refreshing...

Belle Inspiration

Belle Inspiration is a gorgeous digital magazine based in Paris. I am so very honored to be featured...

Dishy News for Tabletops

I have a total LOVE AFFAIR with dishes. I admit it. That’s why I can barely contain my...

May Day

The First of May! The outbreak into beauty which Mother Nature makes at the beginning of May excites...

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in My Garden

Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle.....a seed waiting to sprout, a...

How to Care for & Polish Your Antique and Vintage Silver

Here are our best tips to polish and take care of your silver...

Easter Lunch

Last time, I showed you this year’s Easter Buffet table, now let’s go outside!! Since we...

Easter Tablescape & Celebration

There is nothing I love more than to gather family and friends for a holiday celebration. Easter...

The Very Best Gift

Gifts, they are always a treat to receive, and simple, heart felt gifts are best. I love gifts from...

Secrets of Snow-white Linens

    Freshen up for your decor with Linens.  Antique and Vintage Linens can bring that...

The Vintage Marketplace

There is nothing as fun as going to an antique show on a glorious sunny day with a sweet friend, is...

Jane Austen Placesetting Magic

I love reading. I love romantic books ~ particularly those by Jane Austen. When time allows, I love...

American Made

We adore antiques from France, England, the rest of Europe as well as the US.  We are proud to...

We Love PINK!

We love the color PINK. Soft, feminine, pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and...

Happy Valentine’s Day & Winner!

Of all celebrations, Valentine’s Day is the sweetest. When else can you sneak in a love note...

HERS Book giveaway!

A room should captivate while being inviting; it should not only be comfortable but should make you...

Warm Winter Lunch with a Friend

I love going out for lunch with a friend, don’t you?  Sometimes time doesn’t permit the...

Off to market

We are off to market this week…. meetings with sales reps, and {I admit, my favorite!} special...

Romancing your Closet

At the start of each new year, I try to clean up and refresh my clothing closet. Organize. Donate...

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