Secret Life of Antique Scales

April 08, 2021 2 min read 5 Comments

blue antique French scale
Antique scales are stunning decorative accents for your home, with deep roots in the past. These days, the scales we use are mostly digital. Not beautiful, nor a decorative accent like the antique scales, that's for sure. The history of scales goes centuries back, fascinating! Let’s look at the secret life of antique scales. blue antique French scale The Indus River Valley has the oldest evidence of weighing devices - balance scales - from 2400 -1800 BC. Scales were used to standardize trade among civilizations in the ancient world, without much change until the 3rd or 4th centuries BC. Where before, scales were made of wood or stone, craftsmen began making scales in bronze, brass, iron marble and other more substantive materials. secret life of scales Scales were made to weigh all sorts of things, from small, delicate jeweler's scales shown in this painting by Pieter de Hooch during the Dutch Golden Age, to huge scales used in industry. Secret life of scales Most of the scales we have sold at FrenchGardenHouse are French. The French scales from the 18th and 19th centuries are so lovely with their cast iron or wood and marble bases and bright brass or copper pans. They are used as decorative objects by our clients, in kitchens. When designer Sue Murphy created a gorgeous French Country kitchen for her client, a beautiful scale was placed front and center! {You can visit this home tour HERE> } A French Country Home Tour Scales also look fantastic anywhere and everywhere else in their homes. One collector has a gorgeous display of our antique French scales in his library, on a stunning built in set of shelves. Secret Life of Antique scales Each antique scale has it's own stories to whisper, it's own patina, and its own personality. I love really unusual antique scales. An antique scale can really add history and charming interest to any room in your home. Scales are useful antiques that have had a life for a purpose, and now, mostly, they can live out their remaining years in a home, loved just for their looks and personality! Here are some of my latest finds, I have to admit, they are all favorites! Secret Life of Antiques | Scales Secret Life of Antiques | Scales Secret Life of Antiques | Scales Secret Life of Antiques | Scales {see all newly arrived antiques here>} Now that you've learned a tiny bit about the secret life of antique scales, would you add one to your home decor?


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

5 Responses

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

April 14, 2021

What lovely scales that would be a beautiful addition to anyone’s collection! Being a ‘red person’ I’m particularly enamored with the red one!

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

April 11, 2021

Beautiful scales and we can always count on detailed information/history of the antiques you present. I love antique scales…I had to “scale down” on my collection when we moved. I have kept some sentimental ones..Of course I am partial to the blue one!


April 09, 2021

They are great fun, aren’t they Mary Anna?

Mary Anna Bailer
Mary Anna Bailer

April 08, 2021

I have a tiny kitchen, so I have no room to display one of these treasures. But …. oh! …. how I love that look!


April 08, 2021

Very informative. Thank you so much.

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