Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket

April 05, 2021 3 min read 15 Comments

Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket
It's SPRING! Nature is awakening, and we couldn't be more excited, right?! After this long season of winter, we all love spring, it's the season of rebirth. For those of you who live somewhere where the weather isn't cooperating, bring spring indoors with this Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket. Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket WELCOME TO MONDAY MORNING BLOOMS! MMB SHIRLEY Mary, Pam, Shirley and I are so happy you are here! Especially in spring, when there are so many sensational flowers for welcoming spring. I think if you could only have fresh flowers in your home for one season, Spring would have to be the one, don't you? Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket With so many gorgeous flowers to choose from, it wasn't easy choosing only a few favorites for this Monday's flower arrangement. I finally chose these because of their color and fragrance to create my Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket. french spring florals Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket To bring the spring garden indoors, I bought Hyacinths, Ranunculus, and Tulips. And added that eternal spring happiness herald, Daffodils! THE FLOWERS: TULIPS Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket One of the most admired and beloved flowers around the world, they are the first flowers to blossom each year, along with crocuses and daffodils. Snow on the ground or not, tulips are the heralds of spring. If you live somewhere with cold winters, tulips are perfect for your garden, they bloom from the earliest possible date! Each tulip color has a special meaning, these pink tulips are meant to symbolize affection and caring. DAFFODILLS daffodils in garden Daffodils are associated with rebirth and new beginnings. The Latin name for daffodil is Narcissus. It is believed to be named after Narcissus, the beautiful boy who became enamored with his own reflection in Greek mythology. The daffodil has a connection to vanity and egotism, but also to chivalry and regard. HYACINTHS blue hyacinths Hyacinths are known to be "the flower of Apollo" and are certainly beautiful enough to worthy of being loved by a sun god. They are a symbol of peace, commitment and beauty, but also of power and pride. Other meanings attributed to them are constancy, joyful love, but also for jealousy. Blue hyacinths stand for consistency, purple ones for loveliness. You can search for your favorite flower meaning on The New Language of Flowers HERE > spring floral arrangement

How to Create A Spring Flowers in a French Basket Arrangement

To bring a spring garden indoors, use any of these. CONTAINERS | Line with plastic, cover plastic and top of pots with moss or kraft paper. FLOWERS | I used a combination of flowers, potted bulbs, and faux!
  • Potted hyacinths
  • Potted mini daffodils
  • Fresh tulips
  • Fresh ranunculus
  • Faux spring bulb flowers
Really, there are no rules! If you can't find enough bulbs, a good quality faux will still bring spring to your floral arrangement and home! Since I made mine quickly and totally forgot to line the basket with plastic (don't do this at home!) I had to place the basket on an ironstone platter since it leaked a little. silly me.. Behind the scenes: I have had a few questions about our couch lately. As in, what is it? Well, it's our old couch without its slipcover. It's the canvas underpinnings....we ordered a new couch last October from Pottery Barn for this room, which was supposed to come in January. It's been "in the works" for months, fingers crossed that we finally get to have it delivered in May. Considering how the pandemic has affected so many families in much more difficult ways, I am thankful for our current couch situation. : ) You can see our beautiful "new" European Pillows HERE> and the Wool Blue Paisley Throw is HERE > Our latest luxury FGH Candles are HERE > Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket I hope you've enjoyed this Monday's blooms at FrenchGardenHouse. Join us on April 12th for a special edition of Monday Morning Blooms and an exciting announcement. Please be sure to visit my friends below for more gorgeous Spring flower therapy!

PAM at Everyday Living

MARY at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

SHIRLEY at Housepitality Designs

Fresh Spring Flowers in a French Basket

an me LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse



Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

15 Responses

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

April 07, 2021

As always many thanks to you and your friends for the beautiful inspirations of Monday Morning Blooms! The posts are not only beautiful but so informative with your how to! And your French basket is so lovely, Lidy!

sunday hendrickson
sunday hendrickson

April 06, 2021

Miss Lidy, love how you grouped each type of flower
rather than interspersing throughout —
creates more color impact!


April 05, 2021

Good Morning Lidy. What a lovely spring arrangement to bring Spring into your home. The bunny, the flowers and the candles… all together are perfection!
Enjoy your week my friend!


April 05, 2021

The abundance of flowers look so pretty in the basket Lidy! The basket makes me think of Easter, Spring, and Summer picnics! I adore tulips and ranunculus, and it was fun learning about the flower names and meanings, thank you! I hope you had a lovely Easter~

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

April 05, 2021

Good morning, Lidy. I do love your cheerful spring blooms in your pretty French basket. I have studied the meaning of flowers for years and I find it so interesting. And to think, that people once knew what the meanings were and also to give what was appropriate for a certain situation or occassion. Once again, you have created a bit of magic for our enjoyment. Have a lovely week and a happy spring.

Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

April 05, 2021

Lidy, your spring arrangement in the French basket is absolutely gorgeous! It is so perfectly spring and brings a smile to my face. The bunny sitting beside your arrangement is precious, and I adore your FGH candles. It all makes for the most lovely spring vignette. Happy spring, sweet friend!


April 05, 2021



April 05, 2021

Love how you mixed potted flowers and cut flowers together in one basket. The blooms are beautiful.

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

April 05, 2021

Lidy, your French basket filled with the loveliest spring blooms is a breath of fresh air and spring’s best. All of my blooms friends used ranunculus for their arrangements, a favorite flower of mine. Hyacinths have the loveliest smell. I am loving your pillows. Thanks for sharing the link to the flower meanings. Hope that sofa arrives sooner than later.

As always, it is such a pleasure to share Monday Morning Blooms with you. Wishing you a beautiful Monday!

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

April 05, 2021

Lidy, how lovely your post is today! I feel the beauty of spring you have created and loved seeing your creative process of assembling your spring basket holding many of my favorite flowers.
Your graphic is exceptionally beautiful! You do those so well.
How nice that you shared the link for flower meanings. It was interesting to read the meanings behind the flowers you used.
I smiled when I saw your FCH candle in your vignette. I have enjoyed mine and think of you when I see it.
Thank you for sharing the beauty of spring and I can smell the lovely fragrance through the screen!
Have a happy day.

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

April 05, 2021

Beautiful spring bounty, Lidy! I have really enjoyed fresh flowers in my home this spring. It’s such a welcome sign of life after winter and the long year of pandemic.


April 05, 2021

Good Morning Lidy, What a lovely surprise to find discover the other side of your tulip basket is filled with more beautiful spring blooms! I love your easy method of filling your basket as it makes it easy to replace your spent flowers. I guess I’m not observant as I have never noticed your sofa. The furniture industry has had quite a surge this past year since all of us have been staying at home. I remember hearing about a nationwide foam shortage that was impacting and delaying manufacturing. Hope your sofa comes soon! As always it’s a treat to join you for some flower therapy, Happy Monday <3


April 05, 2021

Lovely flower arrangement in your beautiful basket ,adore the hare.
Happy Easter

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

April 05, 2021

What a most beautiful burst of beauty in your Spring arrangement in that gorgeous basket. I am doing lots of peeking in the background too!…Love those pillows Lidy! Spring has truly returned in your beautiful living room. Hope you receive your sofa soon…yes, it has been a game of waiting as far as new furnishings are concerned these days. Must say, I love the bunny!…antique?….Glad you had a wonderful Easter with your family! So happy to be back with my wonderful Bloom friends!


April 05, 2021

I have my first Peonies this year, Im so happy

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