Early Spring Centerpiece

February 11, 2014 2 min read 6 Comments

Early Spring Centerpiece

It's been such a cold, cold winter, while we all wait impatiently for Mother Nature to wake up, jump start the season by welcoming spring into your interior décor. Take a trip to your local garden center and pick up some live plants to perk up your decor.

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A centerpiece filled with vibrant Pansies and bright Pink Primroses is the perfect visual "Pick - me - up" for the winter doldrums. This also makes an easy, inexpensive seasonal centerpiece for Spring, Easter, or every day. {my personal favorite reason to have flowers!} A centerpiece for your table doesn't have to cost much, nor be difficult to make, using flowering plants meant for the garden border cost so little compared to a huge statement making bouquet.

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I used one of our Belgian Antique Zinc Bowls for this centerpiece. You can fill the bottom of the bowl with soil, plant the flowers, packing soil firmly around each little plant, and arrange moss on the top. This arrangement will last about 5 to 7 days, as there is no drainage hole in this bowl; then you will have to transfer the plants to the garden or into a terra cotta pot. Even easier: place two six packs of Pansies on the bottom of the bowl, nestle in small Pink Primroses around the side, and fill in the rest with moss to cover the pots. Easy. easy. It really doesn't get any easier than this. In about 7 days plant the flowers in a pot with a drainage hole, or in the garden if you can. This is a sweet centerpiece and a reminder that Spring is surely just around the corner!

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For a special touch, each Belgian Linen Bon Appetit Napkin is folded on the plate, with a linen string tied loosely around it, and a little pansy on top. Lovely.
If you want to romance your Home and Garden with antique and vintage treasures to make you smile each time you come home, visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.

6 Responses


February 14, 2014

This is such a simple and lovely centerpiece idea, Lidy. It adds a beautiful touch of spring to the table! I also like the Belgian Antique Zinc Bowls. Thanks for the inspiration!

Phyllis Schneider
Phyllis Schneider

February 13, 2014

Oh! Lidy, Just prior to the cold spell, I caught some Pansies peeking out at me from one of my local haunts. Not being able to ignore their uplifted faces I gathered up a few and potted them in my very small garden in Pacific Grove. Now as I enter or leave through my garden gate they are the first and/or last thing I see as I leave or return from a day of errands. What a delight your bowl of Pansies are as an uplifting tribute to our visions of Spring. Thank you. Sincerely, Phyllis


February 12, 2014

What a wonderful way to bring spring inside. It is so cold here in MO, but this is a great idea. Going to browse your garden section and hopefully get inspired and find a treasure for our garden.


February 12, 2014

Thanks for the great idea, we could use a touch of spring around here. I am going to do this in the antique French planter I bought from you last year.


February 12, 2014

I can’t remember when I have enjoyed a post more! It must be that I’m practically desperate
for Spring to start, or that your centerpiece is such a great idea. Can’t wait for my Zinc bowl to arrive, it is great.

Sandi S.
Sandi S.

February 12, 2014

What a great idea! I did see some pansies at our HomeDepot, I will get them today. We are getting another snow storm, and I am soooooo ready for sun and spring. Thank you for this great idea, our home could use some cheering up and hope for spring weather. Hugs, Sandi S.

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