The Year in Flowers

January 04, 2021 6 min read 26 Comments

The Year in Flowers
Happy New Year, dear friends! Whew - what a year it's been! For this Monday Morning Blooms, we thought we'd look back at the year with our beloved flower therapy - The Year In Flowers. The Year in Flowers Please join me as I share each month, and a floral inspiration from each month from FrenchGardenHouse with you. Welcome to Monday Morning Blooms! If you are new here, I hope you will cozy up with a cup of hot coffee or tea, and stay a while. It's a joy and a blessing to have you join me here! I hope to see you each time Mary, Pam, Shirley and I gather on the first and third Monday of the month to share our floral therapy. Monday Morning Blooms Let's look back at 2020 shall we? The Year in Flowers. You can visit each post in its entirety by clicking on the link underneath the images. JANUARY mantel decorated with pink peonies in French enamelware

Beat the January Blues

There’s no getting around it. After the holidays, the winter blues can set in. You can beat the January blues by creating a flower arrangement to brighten your home. Outside, it may be cold and grey, but inside, you can warm up your home with one simple addition : blooms! It has been scientifically proven that flowers have the ability to elevate your mood. To bring some early year cheer to our newly remodeled master bedroom, I added some bright flowers to the antique French mantel. I filled a French blue enamelware with the fresh flowers. No instructions needed, just snip, place in water, and done! FEBRUARY

Style a Sweet Table for Valentine's Day

Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner à deux or having one or more of your best friends over, Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to go all out with romantic details when dressing a table. On our Monday Morning Blooms, I styled a sweet table for Valentine’s Day that celebrates love with antiques, and of course, flowers! Taking a cue from the antique gilt dinner plates with the bright floral centers, the flowers for this table mixed a happy bunch of colors. MARCH Spring floral arrangement

Grateful for Home Arrangement

This was an unusual time for all of us, with stay-at-home orders due to the pandemic going into place. As I was preparing for our family to stay out of harm’s way as much as possible, planned for meals, and other necessities, I also went all out and bought lots of flowers. I figured it would be the last time Mr. FGH would let me travel around to gather a big bunch of gorgeous blooms. {I was right.} Part of what we all did, too, was making our home as lovely, as peaceful and as calming as possible. Especially during times like this, we were so grateful for home. This spring floral arrangement brought much needed beauty to our home during this time – I called it a Grateful for Home Spring arrangement. APRIL French Garden Planning Luncheon

French Garden Planning Luncheon

Just before our Stay At Home order began, we started re-doing our back garden. Luckily, garden contractors could still work here in California, so our garden is actually in place by now. John and I planned our “new” garden at this French Garden planning luncheon for the two of us. MAY Mothers day celebration

To Moms, with LOVE.

This past year Mother’s Day might not have looked like it normally does for many, if not most, of us. But that didn't mean skipping Mother’s Day, a day which is traditionally the day to show our beloved maman how much we love them, appreciate them, and miss them! This lovely tea table, set to celebrate all the Moms in the garden, was crowned with a beautiful Mother’s Day Rose Arrangement nestled into an antique silver basket. JUNE summer bouquet

Summer Entertaining French Style

Summer Entertaining, French Style with a beautiful and easy table setting. Since this is the season when we usually entertain in the garden, in this unusual year, eating outdoors allowed for social distancing. JULY

The Pleasure of Tea in the Garden

In July, our newly planted garden started to fill out a little, and I set a little tea table tucked into a quiet spot in the garden. A small table inspired by the floral beauty of the garden in summer. This joy-filled setting made it easy for us to enjoy an afternoon befitting the matchless beauty of mother nature and her floral creations. AUGUST French Autumn Floral Inspiration

French Country Autumn Floral Inspiration

I'll be honest, this is one of my very favorites! Almost at the end of summer, this was an ode to my most beloved season, Autumn. I welcomed it with wide open arms, just as I did as a little girl growing up in Europe, walking in the orchard to pick figs and pears, or discovering moss, beautiful leaves and other natural delights in our family’s woods. This French Autumn Floral Inspiration was created using the jewel tones of this glorious season. SEPTEMBER The Art of Small Flower Arrangements

The Art of Small Flower Arrangements

Fresh flowers always do their magic, they really liven up any room. It doesn’t really matter much if the arrangement is big or small. It’s the colors, the textures and often the scent of real flowers that matter most. In September, I shared a trio of tiny vases, filled with left-over flowers from a large bouquet, and set a pretty simple table using our favorite white and blue linen napkins. OCTOBER Fall Decorating In The Kitchen

Fall Decorating in the Kitchen

There is a coziness and welcoming warmth in our kitchens when there is a nip in the air in October. Our kitchen is the heart of our home, and the place many of us spend so much time. In October I gave you a peek into our fall kitchen at FrenchGardenHouse. I set the farm table in the center, and filled up a huge antique French sardine pot with big flowers in all the colors of the season. NOVEMBER Use What You have centerpiece

Use What You Have Fall Centerpiece

It wasn't always that easy to go out and buy flowers this year. I was super excited to show you what you can do to create a beautiful fall centerpiece using what you have! Even though for many of us, Thanksgiving was not what we usually have, we celebrated our blessings at tables medium and small. This kind of centerpiece was perfect for this year. DECEMBER White Christmas Flowers French Country Style

White Christmas Flowers French Country Style

This arrangement of white Christmas flowers, French Country style was an elegant and easy way to create a flower arrangement with candles for the holidays. We were not as “decorated” as in other years, at FrenchGardenHouse, and there were no holiday parties and teas with friends and neighbors. But that didn't mean we didn't decorate or celebrate Christmas. I hope you've enjoyed a look back at the year in flowers here at FrenchGardenHouse. We will be sending out flower love and therapy to you every first and third Monday of this coming year. Thank you so much for your visits, they are so cherished by me. I'm praying for a healthy, joy filled year with many blessings for all of you! Please visit my dear friends to see their flowers for the past year below: The Year in Flowers

PAM at Everyday Living

The Year in Flowers

Shirley at Housepitality Designs

The Year in Flowers

MARy at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

The Year in Flowers

and me, LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse

Finally, we're starting our new year off with a give away. We are giving away a bottle of this wonderful flower saver product, Floralife Crowning Glory. We were all introduced to it by our Mary {she actually generously gifted each one of us a bottle!} and it's a wonderful product to use when creating flower arrangements at home. You simply spray it on your flowers, and it helps them to last much longer than usual. Who doesn't love that? To enter the giveaway and a chance to win a bottle 32 oz. bottle of Floralife Clear Crowning Glory Solution, just leave a comment telling me what your favorite flower is. For a second entry, Pin a photo from this post to Pinterest and leave an additional comment telling me so. The Pin/Save button pops up on the upper left corner of each photo. Update: Congratulations to my winner - Gail K! Your spray will be on it's way to you soon. Happy Flowering!


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

26 Responses


January 12, 2021

Thanks so much, Denise! Wishing you a beautiful and flower filled year ahead!

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

January 09, 2021

A rose is a rose always and forever, I love any color or style. (white being my favorite )This month’s Monday Morning Blooms has been a real treat. You 4 ladies are very talented and given all of us many hours of inspiration and pleasure. It’s been so fun being on this floral journey with you. Love starting out the new year with a opportunity to win a new to me product. Thanks again!

Vicki Pruitt Duggins
Vicki Pruitt Duggins

January 07, 2021

Your posts are so lovely and simply delightful! Thank you for moments of delight!
I love pale pink peonies but currently have a pink camellia
( ‘Nuccio’s Cameo’) in my garden that is capturing my heart!

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

January 06, 2021

What beauty to behold! Thank you for this beautiful reminder of 2020’s Monday Morning Blooms that always brighten my day and week!


January 06, 2021

Thank you Nancy! Sunflowers are such a great choice, once the petals are all gone, the heads are still so beautiful for floral arrangements, aren’t they?


January 06, 2021

Hi Hetty! Welcome! It’s a pleasure to see you here. No need to be confused…that part of our master bedroom is a sitting area, and is quite big, I can actually host a luncheon or even dinner there! I had a tea there for the holidays, it’s actually a fun place to have a good friend {or a few in normal years!} over, that part of the master has big sliding doors that open into the garden for a beautiful view. And yes, I don’t always have a dining table there, once the party is over, the table goes back to where it came from, and often a few French chairs are there with an ottoman and a smaller coffee sized table.


January 05, 2021

Hello Lidy. I’m new to your blog and am a bit confused after going on a blog binge. In your January 20, 2020 blog you show your newly refurbished master bedroom with an antique French mantel set between two bookcases. In the November 16, 2020 blog, the same mantel and bookcase are shown with a dining table. Are large furniture pieces moved for photographic purposes? Happy New Year

Gloria Pulliam
Gloria Pulliam

January 05, 2021

Dahlia’s are what I grow in my garden because they have a very long growing season in Raleigh, NC. However, my favorite is the Hydrangea, I grow them but the season is very short here. I love seeing your arrangements. I have also dried them following your instructions, It is wonderful to see my arrangement inspired by you of dried flowers from my garden. Happy New Year!

Bobbi Duncan
Bobbi Duncan

January 05, 2021

Lidy, I so enjoyed seeing again all your beautiful arrangements—what fun !

Nancy brantley
Nancy brantley

January 04, 2021

Beautiful arrangements. My favorite flower is Sunflower. Loved the August and December arrangements.


January 04, 2021

My favorites are spray roses. They are smaller, but there are many of them. At one time my husband said to me “those roses are like you and your sisters, where there is one, there’s sure to be a few more!” My parents raised me together with my five sisters, and we still live close to the place we were raised. Thank you.

Sandy G.
Sandy G.

January 04, 2021

Oh Lidy, you know how I love your flower posts! If I’m not able to copy your flower arrangements, then I pin and/or carry them in my heart. My very favorite flower is pansies, you can actually put them in a tiny vase, although they don’t last long. Happy New Year, flower friend.

Maree Sperle
Maree Sperle

January 04, 2021

Wonderful arrangements that are stunning. Hoping everyone’s 2021 is full of health, happiness and flowers.

Lynn Jackson
Lynn Jackson

January 04, 2021

Eye candy for the soul.

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

January 04, 2021

Lidy, each and every arrangement has its own personality and is truly beautiful. I enjoyed seeing them so much. This post is one to enjoy over and over again.

Happy New Year!

Debbie Joens
Debbie Joens

January 04, 2021

Happy New Year Lidy! What a joyful look back on a crazy year. Thank you for the elegance you bring to each post. I enjoy seeing every one! I am still enjoying my beautiful arrangement from Lynch Creek Farms. The colors were perfect to extend it as my centerpiece for New Years Eve. Thank you so much!!


January 04, 2021

Such a joy to see all the beautiful arrangements you created last year once again Lidy! I love love Monday Morning Blooms, and flowers in any color or combination! The floral spray sounds like magic indeed! Happy New Year!


January 04, 2021

Here’s to a bright new day!

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

January 04, 2021

I so enjoy this series and your small group of flower friends! I do believe your August arrangement was a favorite for me, but they are all gorgeous, especially when you use them to complement your beautiful antique treasures! Happy New Year, Lidy!

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

January 04, 2021

What a joy it has been to scroll through your MMB posts and review your year of beauty! I honestly can’t take it all in one sitting. There is so much to enjoy. I love seeing your gift of design and enjoying your personality reflected in your creations.
Have a beautiful week!


January 04, 2021

This certainly brightened my day! Just what I needed to kick off the New Year gorgeous blooms.

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

January 04, 2021

Lidy, each month you delivered gorgeous floral creations and inspiration from your beautiful back garden to your lovely home filled with stunning antiques. It was sometimes difficult to find flowers last year, but we all survived. Hopefully, this year will be better. Thank you for sharing your creativity and talents with us, you are amazing! It is a joy to share MMB’s with you! <3


January 04, 2021

Love your flower arrangements in such beautiful antique vessels. My favorite flower is larkspur.

Linda Hollander
Linda Hollander

January 04, 2021

Dear Lidy,

Your floral posts have been such a bright spot in a bleak year! I would say I look forward to them but I so rarely know what day it is, I’m usually surprised and always delighted.

Please consider this my entry for your giveaway and while I’ve been wracking my brain, I just don’t know know to narrow down a favorite flower! Roses? Oh, yes! Iris? Can’t say no! Blue hydrangea? That’s the one! Maybe.

A very good dilemma to have, non?


January 04, 2021

Lidy, What a beautiful flower-filled year and look back! Your French Country Autumn Floral Inspiration post is one of my favorites too in celebration of fall with your dahlias and roses in your antique blue firkin! Thank you for the beauty and flower therapy this past year. I hope 2021 brings health, happiness and many more blooms your way! I look forward to sharing more flowers with you this year. <3

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

January 04, 2021

I know you are saying good-bye to 2020 and not looking back….between the pandemic and the horrible fires you have endured, you still managed to bring the readers of Monday Morning Blooms some beautiful flower inspiration and seeing the beauty of what is around us whether it be in your beautifully renovated backyard or the beauty of your home. I love our group. I look forward to kicking 2020 to the curb and and planting flowers at the curb! Your year in flowers is beautiful to see in review. Happy New Year Lidy and I look forward to sharing our love for flowers in 2021!

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