Luxurious Brioche French Toast

August 08, 2022 3 min read 16 Comments

Best Brioche French Breakfast
Right now three of our little people are here for two more weeks of summer fun - yay! Our little guy person likes to know what "the daily menu" is ahead of time, so he can plan accordingly? He loves breakfast, so we try to step it up at our FrenchGardenHouse for breakfast! This is my favorite way to serve French Toast, it's an easy breakfast all of them love. This is the most buttery, fluffiest and luxurious French toast ever, little people approved! They've named it the most Luxurious Brioche French Toast. Best Brioche French Breakfast So so good, Luxurious Brioche French Toast is such a nice way to start the day with a lovely, warm breakfast. So elegant, you can serve it for a fancier brunch too. Simply turn your oven on low, and after you fry a few slices in the pan, remove them to a baking sheet in the oven to keep them warm until you are all done with all the brioche slices. Luxurious Brioche French Toast

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Our family summer breakfasts here at FrenchGardenHouse are something I look forward to, and thank goodness they no longer start at 6:00 am! It makes me very happy to see everyone gathered around our new kitchen table-island at the beginning of a beautiful sunny morning! antique silverware in cloche Luxurious Brioche French Toast

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I usually have Mr. FrenchGardenHouse make a side of bacon to go with this. We often serve this with strawberries, the little people prefer blueberries or blackberries. Right now, anyway! Over the years they have changed their preferences somewhat. Thank goodness we are all past the stage where nothing can "touch" something else on their plates. {"ewww, it's touching!"} Be sure to take the strip of paper OFF the bottom of the bread. Brioche usually has a bottom piece of paper. Once, when the little people still woke up at 6 or 6:30, and I hadn't had enough coffee, I forgot this step and it was not pretty. I used to drink tea in the mornings, but those early summer mornings called for something stronger, coffee! If you wish, you can sprinkle sugar mixed with cinnamon over your Brioche French Toast instead of the maple syrup.

Luxurious Brioche French Toast

INGREDIENTS 4 large eggs 3/4 cup whole milk {this works better than low-fat milk} 1 teaspoon real vanilla extract 1 Tablespoon sugar Unsalted butter, for frying 1 brioche bread {I buy this at Trader Joe's} about 10-12-slices 1 teaspoon or more cinnamon to taste {optional} Maple Syrup Berries DIRECTIONS
  1. Wisk the eggs well. I use a casserole dish for this, so I can add 3-4 slices of bread to the custard mixture at once. Add in the milk, vanilla, sugar and cinnamon if desired. Wisk really well, until everything is completely combined.
  2. Take the strip of paper OFF the bottom of the bread. Brioche usually has a bottom piece of paper. Once, when the little people still woke up at 6 or 6:30, and I hadn't had enough coffee, I forgot this step and it was not pretty.
  3. Soak the brioche slices in your egg custard mixture on both sides, until well coated. At this time, add about 1 tablespoon of butter to a frying pan. Once the butter has meted and starts to bubble, add as many slices of bread as will fit in your pan without touching each other.
  4. Cook on medium heat about 3-4 minutes on each side, being careful not to burn.
  5. Transfer the pieces that are done to a baking tray placed in a warm {200 degree} oven.
  6. When getting your pan ready for your next batch, use a paper towel to remove the browned butter and "bits" from you pan and repeat the process for the remaining brioche slices.
I hope you will enjoy making these for your own little people, your big people, or for a luxurious brunch when entertaining!


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16 Responses


August 10, 2022

Sharon, I love “grandma Camp”!! I am sure your grandkids have such fond memories of those times too!


August 10, 2022

Mary, I agree! Once the kids started sleeping later we got a dog – and his idea of a good time was a 5:30 walk!!!

Mary Eman
Mary Eman

August 10, 2022

Does anything really need to start at 6:00AM?! That was always my opinion when my sons were “that age” and it has only gotten stronger with age. Except the dogs do not agree!

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

August 10, 2022

Oh, Lidy! It was such a delight to read about your little people’s breakfast this morning! Thank you for sharing the recipe – it is very similar to the one I use. I always made it for breakfast during my annual week of ‘Grandma Camp’ when my grands were little. Four of my five are now in college (one to graduate this year), so their schedules are too busy for week-long visits, but I cherish the memories and enjoy whatever time I’m blessed with them! Have a wonderful week!


August 08, 2022

Thank you so much Cheryl. Thank you for the blessings, too! I hope you are having a blessed summer, friend.


August 08, 2022

It is, so fluffy and delicious!


August 08, 2022

Best French Toast…perfect family time! Hope you are having a happy summer with your family too. xo


August 08, 2022

Oh wow, how exciting Nancy! Little people are the best, aren’t they?!

Nancy Sharp
Nancy Sharp

August 08, 2022

So cute the little guy wants to know the day’s menu. When mine were littles they ate the same thing all the time. Now they are all adults and their tastes have improved immensely. Now I’m going to be a Great Grandmother. I can’t wait for little people again!!

sunday hendrickson
sunday hendrickson

August 08, 2022



August 08, 2022

How fun to compare- I love that idea! Breakfast is actually my favorite meal to eat out on vacation. ? I don’t really ever make this French Toast for me because I need gluten-free bread, but the rest of my family says it’s the best! hope you are having a happy summer week!


August 08, 2022

Lidy, my all time favorite breakfast is French toast. One year I ordered it every time we dined out for breakfast so I could compare offerings around town. Basically, the best was right here at home using brioche. Thanks for your recipe. I think I’ll make some this week! Happy August!


August 08, 2022

Hetty, we only speak English to our little people. One of our children speaks Dutch, the other one ( who was actually born in Holland!) understands some Dutch but doesn’t really speak any. It sounds like you have had a wonderful experience living in different places!


August 08, 2022

What a perfect post to read early and start the morning with a laugh. I had forgotten about “ewww, it’s touching!” Do you and Mr. French Garden House speak other languages to your grandchildren? One of my regrets is that my parents and grandparents always spoke English to us (I have 2 sisters). We would have learned English anyway from friends, neighbors and in school. Regardless of the language learned, (ours would have been Italian and German) it’s always helpful and you never know when it will come in handy. Who knew my hubby and I would end up living 8 years outside of Den Haag.


August 08, 2022

Delicious Lidy,a more luxurious version of French toast or as we say wentelteefjes.


August 08, 2022

Oh, this sounds so amazing, Lidy! It warmed my heart to hear of breakfast at your house with your little people! May God’s continual blessings be upon you and your family.

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