Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl

May 02, 2022 5 min read 13 Comments

Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl
This floral design is sensational for a Mother's Day celebration, big or small. The table setting with my Dutch Mom's favorite light blue and gold colors inspired the choice of soft pink garden roses and peony tulips. Layered with greens from the garden and soft white alstroemeria the color palette is perfect for a lush floral arrangement. This is so easy - I'll show you How You Can Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl. Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl Welcome to Monday Morning Blooms! My good friends Mary, Pam and Shirley and I cherish this time when we get together and share our love of flowers with all of you. Thank you so much for joining us, if this is your first time here, an extra WELCOME ! Monday Morning Blooms This is actually the first year ever that I won't be together with either of my girls. Mr. FGH and I have some fun plans for the weekend starting with an early breakfast and it might involve some flea market buying, never a bad thing, right? I will say I will miss my two girls, now Moms themselves. I'm so grateful for them and proud of each one, and also thankful that they are such wonderful mothers to my beloved little people! Even though I won’t be with the women I love for Mother’s Day, I carry them in my heart. My grandmother was such an influence on my life, I learned most things about “how to be” from her: how to invite people to share meals, how to be generous with time and resources for friends, neighbors and strangers, how to set tables, arrange flowers, and create a pleasing home for our family. My Mom wasn’t a homemaker in the traditional sense, she was a business woman who loved reading, and me. She was fiercely courageous and moved all by herself to the states with me, she was the epitome of an independent woman way before this was in fashion. My sweet mother-in-law was a home maker at the very core of her being. She made sure everyone visiting her home had everything they needed, and spent her life caring for her family and home. At first, because she was so very different than my own Mom, I didn’t appreciate her caring ways as much as I should have. But I grew to love her very much. I miss all these women in my life, and am so thankful for all the days I was able to be in their company and warmed by their love. For this Mother's Day inspired flower arrangement in a compote, I set our new kitchen table/island with flirty chambray placemats, embroidered Bee linen napkins, beautiful dishes, hand gilded goblets, and all the flowers my mom loved! flowers on a kitchen island

compote filled with roses

pink roses

Compote Vase Inspiration

The wide bowl of a footed compote is easy to work with and ideal for creating an abundant garden-inspired look. I used this stunning Scalloped Gold Glass Bowl, it has the most gorgeous hand etched and hand gilded details. The height brings extra emphasis to your flowers, and allows the tulips and greenery to cascade down beautifully. Flowers in compote Gold wine glass Mother's Day table


For this Mother's Day Arrangement I used: White Alstroemeria Princess Hitomi Garden Roses Bi-color Pink-Salmon Peony Tulips New Dawn Garden Roses from our garden Greens from our garden Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl

Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl | Instructions

1 | If you are using a compote that is precious to you, cut a piece of plastic wrap a little bigger than your metal flower frog, and lay this underneath it in the bowl. {see photo 1 below} 2| Carefully fill the compote with water. You can add preservative, but because my bowl is glass with gold, I did not. 3 | Place the greens in your arrangement first, use a variety of foliage clipped from the garden or purchased. Be sure you strip the leaves from the bottom of the stems. I did not tape down the metal frog, so I held it slightly in place each time I "stuck" a stem of greens or a flower on the spikes. {see photo 2 below} 4 | Add all your greenery stems to form a base, including some here and there to show through the flowers on the top of your arrangement. Getting the greens securely in place is the key to creating a base for your arrangement, it also establishes the shape and size of your arrangement. 5 | Next, start adding your white alstroemerias all around, and again a few to show on the top. 6 | Add garden roses to fill most of the empty areas. 7 | Use your peony tulips to fill any empty areas left. 8 | Place more greenery if needed to fill any left over empty spots. 9 | Stand back and admire the beauty! DIY FLoral Arrangement DIY Floral Arrangement New Dawn and HIromi Roses pink roses Hiromi ROSE TIPS
  • Remove any thorns or leaves from flowers. This will prevent harmful bacteria from entering the water and reducing their lifespan.
  • To help roses open more quickly, blow into the center of the bud. This allows the rose to breathe and extends the width of the bloom.
Arrange flowers in a compote I generally like to make my arrangements one third vase and two thirds flowers. The idea is that there should always be more flowers than vase and the flowers should be “overflowing” the edges of your vase or container. Vetro Gold Glasses Circling back to the table settings, how gorgeous are these linens? They are made in the Ukraine, and their quality is unsurpassed. I'm completely smitten with the new bee tri-fold napkins, you can use them to create a casual setting or an over the top elegant one. For this Mother's Day brunch, I think they look elegantly casual! Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl mother's day brunch I found these really sweet little heart shaped macarons at Trader Joe's and placed two in antique butter pats. And put a gilded silver salt shell at each place setting. Mr. FGH likes his salt, although I'm trying to monitor his salt intake. { he hates it! } gold plates and bee napkins Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl These are just a few of the tips that helped me make it easy to Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl and I hope they give you some ideas about how you can create beautiful floral arrangements simply and easily too! Ironstone on a plate rack I wish you a lovely Mother's Day! No matter what you do, who you are with, whether you are a mom to children, or furry children, Moms rule the world! {if only!!} Arrange Flowers in a Compote Bowl Heart macaron shop sources 1. Chambray Linen Placemats 2. Embroidered Bee linen napkins 3.Vetro Gold Plates 4.Vetro Gilded Goblets 5. Antique Ironstone Butter Pats 6. Gilt and Silver Shell Salts Please be sure to visit my friends who are sharing their own beautiful Mother's Day inspiration on their blogs today. You KNOW you always leave them inspired and uplifted! I do.

Mother's Day luncheon Mary at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

spring mOther's Day lunch Pam at Everyday Living

mother's day flowers Shirley atHousepitality Designs

flowers on a kitchen island

and me,Lidy at FrenchGardenHouse

Do you have any fun plans for Mother's Day?


linking with Between Naps on the Porch

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13 Responses

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

May 05, 2022

Yaaay for Mother’s Day Monday Morning Blooms by you and your wonderful friends! The table and floral arrangement is so very lovely, Lidy! What I love just as much are your perfect little touches that just add so much! The petals on the table, the sweet picture of you and your mom, the macarons and the single rose in the little vase in front of that beautiful pitcher!

As always, thank you for your kind instructions on how to arrange the flowers and those extra tips !

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day with Mr. FGH and with the love that we always have with us in our hearts from your beautiful daughters and other loved ones here and in heaven!

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

May 05, 2022

Lidy, your girls are stunning! And I couldn’t love the history of the women who’ve influenced your being any more! What a great fusion of talent, and you seem to have acquired the best of all of them!
A breathtaking arrangement and table setting! Happy Mother’s Day to you!


May 04, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day to you too, dear Jenna! I hope your weekend is wonderful and blessed with magic hours. xo


May 04, 2022

So beautiful Lidy! Happy Mother’s Day!

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

May 03, 2022

Lidy, I love your free flowing flower arrangement and I miss your beautiful table but sure you are enjoying the new island probably with storage. And what beautiful children you are blessed with.


May 03, 2022

Lidy, your arrangement is gorgeous. I like the hint about 1/3 vase and 2/3 flowers. I’m going to remember that.
Your Arte Italica pieces are stunning. I’m so tempted to order pieces each time I see them, but sadly we just do not entertain anymore. I still add Crown Linens for two and keep a table set all the time. Living with beautiful tabletop details brings happiness. Your post is a loving tribute to the special women in your life. No longer having our moms and mothers-in-law leave a void, but they do live on in our hearts. How fortunate we were to have them in our lives. Happy Mother’s Day to you. Enjoy the market!

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

May 02, 2022

LIdy, your flowers, and table are gorgeous! Your compote is so lovely as are the Arte Italica glasses and plates. I love the bee napkins, too. The darling petite heart macaroons caught my eye immediately. The chambray placemats were a perfect choice.
Thanks for the tutorial on arranging. I really like the greenery cut from your garden. All the flowers are perfection.
Your quote graphics are also perfect. So lovely.
Such a sweet tribute to your mothers. We do come to love our MILs because we get to know them.

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

May 02, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day to you as well! Funny how motherly influence can come from so many different women, in so many different ways. I’m sure the world would be better if it was governed by women. Love the flower arrangement and table setting, you have so many beautiful things to make your tables special! Such a pleasure for all to enjoy thanks!

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

May 02, 2022

Good Monday Morning Lidy! Oh my friend, you have outdid yourself on the arrangement and table settings. I so love the elegant Vetro collection from Arte Italica…and must say how so very creative that you placed the napkin under the clear glass of the salad plate…LOVE that look!!! The flower arrangement is impeccably beautiful and so love your roses from your garden. So nice to see this gorgeous table setting on your new island…I will have a belated Mother’s Day dinner with my son too as he will be out of town. But look forward to spending it with my Sweetie…Always so thrilled to join you for Monday Morning Blooms…i wish you a most beautiful day and Happy Mother’s Day!!


May 02, 2022

Thank you Lidy for sharing your lovely floral arrangement. It is gorgeous. You have two very beautiful daughters. Happy Mother’s Day.

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

May 02, 2022

Lidy, your arrangement of roses and peony tulips is stunning in the beautiful compote. Your instructions on how to create the arrangement are excellent and easy to follow. Every detail of your setting is so lovely with the layering of the bee napkins under the glass plate. Your girls are gorgeous and I know that you will miss them on Mother’s Day, but flea market shopping isn’t a bad alternative. Wishing you a joy-filled Mother’s Day!


May 02, 2022

Lidy, What a gorgeous arrangement of garden roses and peony tulips! Your compote is a beauty too. Bee still my heart…I adore how you layered the glass plates over those handsome bee linen napkins! Your girls are BEAUTIES, they look like models. I know you will miss them on Sunday, but flea market shopping is the next best thing. ?As always, it’s a treat to start my day and share blooms with you! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead and Happy Mother’s Day. <3


May 02, 2022

Dear Lidy,

Again a beautiful arrangement. You’re absolutely right when Moms are in charge then the world looked a lot better.
Happy Mothers day and enjoy your fun plans with Mr. FGH
Your daughters are gorgeous. xoxo

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