To Moms, with Love

May 04, 2020 5 min read 40 Comments

Mothers day celebration
Mothers day celebration This year Mother's Day might not look like it normally does for many, if not most, of us. But that doesn’t mean we’re skipping Mother's Day, a day which is traditionally the day to show our beloved maman how much we love them, appreciate them, and miss them! Today I'm sharing a lovely tea table, set to celebrate all the Moms, in the garden with a beautiful Mother's Day Rose Arrangement. To Moms, with love.


Monday Morning Blooms for spring My flower loving friends and I are sharing what we can, in honor of Mother's Day. We hope you will be inspired to celebrate your Mom, yourself, your daughters and daughter-in-laws the best you can this year. Please visit all my friends at the end of the post by clicking on their links for more flower therapy! As we are still sheltering at home, I am more grateful than ever for our gardens. We have enjoyed gorgeous weather over the weekend, and I'm excited to share my tea-for-two table setting with all of you today. I've saved you a virtual seat to join me for tea in the garden! My Mom has been gone for quite some years now, but oh how she loved coming to have tea in our garden every Sunday afternoon! You can read about her in a post I wrote after she passed away. Most Mother's Days, our whole family would gather in the garden, first for tea time, later for dinner at the long outdoor table. She was brave, strong, funny, and loved me beyond what any child could ask for. As a single Mom, she taught me everything I needed to know, loved me fiercely, and made me feel like we were a fully complete family. I thought there would be no better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than to set a tea table in our garden with my Mother's favorite flowers, roses. Our back garden is coming along. We recently had it re-designed, and pulled most of the old plants out. But the glorious climbing Eden rose stayed. She is sharing her gorgeous big blooms in perfect timing for our tea time! For the centerpiece of my tea table, I cut just a few of her delightful blossoms to arrange in an antique silver bride's basket. A few snips of greens from our silver-sheen trees in the front garden, a few petal pink alstroemerias together with some white iceberg roses from the front entrance, and voila! My Mother's Day inspired floral arrangement is ready. The sound of our new fountain bubbling in the background certainly soothes our soul during this time. I've always cherished the month of May in the garden, but never more so than during this shelter at home time! I layered our old French metal round garden table with a patchwork from France, it has all the colors of the garden and adds such cheerfulness. I know this is a table my Mom would have loved! Oh, I wish I could still sit at it with her. I am grateful for all the years we had together, and also more than grateful to be a mom myself. I know she is with her heavenly Father. But these are the times that I miss her most. If only my teenage self could have known this. : ) The plates are French Old Paris porcelain. They have the most exquisite scalloped border of sky blue - like the prettiest day in May. Each is hand painted in gold with a monogram - divine! An antique silver plated teapot to pour the tea has yet another monogram engraved on the front. That the pot belonged to a woman long ago and carries her initials makes it even more special to me. Sitting here in the garden on the gravel path, surrounded by plants that are just beginning to bloom is heavenly. It's such a sweet spot for a pot of tea, a few treats, and reflecting on how special all mothers are! I love that saying- "God could not be everywhere so He created Mothers." {Even though I know God can be and is everywhere.} I always tell my girls that no one will ever love them as much as me, their mother. Isn't that true? Our garden is growing by the day, and the coral bells in my pot are showing off. The hydrangeas in my pots are starting to bloom, too. I just love this time of year, don't you? Thank you so much for joining me today in our garden. I so appreciate and cherish your friendship, and love reading your comments! If you look closely, you will notice that the little tarts are faux. Just keeping it real. Our grocery delivery isn't coming until tomorrow, so we are all out of treats and fruit for today. It seems that since we are both home all the time, a daily "coffee break" in the front garden for Mr. FGH and myself has become a new habit, and it's accompanied by a treat. : ) So we are out until tomorrow's groceries arrive. Mother’s Day this year won’t look like it usually does, but the feelings are just as strong. We've all had to rethink how we usually celebrate. But instead of being discouraged, we all have the opportunity to get really creative to show our Moms, children, sisters, and friends how much they mean to us. I know many of us will be meeting around the virtual table in a zoom meeting online to let those we love know that we do. Here at FrenchGardenHouse, we've had the privilege of hand writing countless Mother's Day cards to send with gifts bought in our shop this past week. It is my hope that every mom who opens the gift will be touched by that note, written by me in ink, but written with all the love in the world by their children. Darling friends, I wish you a blessed week ahead and a beautiful Mother's Day. Please be sure to visit Shirley, Mary and Pam. They always delight my heart and inspire me with their creativity.

MARY at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

SHIRLEY at Housepitality Designs

PAM at Everyday Living

Mothers day celebration And me, LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse

What are your plans for Mother’s Day?


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop

40 Responses

Taunya Daley
Taunya Daley

May 07, 2020

Lidy your post couldn’t be more lovely, your flower arrangement and table is enchanting. Do you have any tips on how you make your Eden roses so happy, the foliage and blooms are incredible! Thank you for the beauty you create for us!

Linda Stoll
Linda Stoll

May 05, 2020

Oh Lidy, it’s so calm and beautiful here…


May 05, 2020

I agree Linda! (Other than my girls and their families!) Wishing you a blessed day. xo

Linda Hovgaard
Linda Hovgaard

May 05, 2020

A French basket, some beautiful flowers, a spot in the garden, sweet notes and memories of Mom. What more could a person want? Lovely Lidy!


May 05, 2020

Nancy, I agree, I believe she is! Especially on Sunday afternoons when our whole family is (or used to!) gather and have tea in the garden, with dogs, children and adults all making a joyful noise, I can feel her presence. Happy Mother’s Day, friend! xo


May 05, 2020

Michele, thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you have a blessed day, friend. God bless you, too!


May 05, 2020

Janice, thank you so much for joining me today! It’s such a blessing to hear birds sing and watch flowers grow in this season, isn’t it? Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day too!


May 05, 2020

Kitty, thank you so much for your visit! Yes, we are always, always connected to our mothers, even when they are no longer with us, I agree. Wishing you a blessed week ahead and a Happy Mother’s Day.


May 05, 2020

Thanks so much Rita! I am happy with the garden too, like you, we are nearing the “let’s simplify!” stage of life. : ) Hope you have a blessed week, friend!


May 05, 2020

Mary, thank you so much for your visit.  Oh, that Eden, she is a beauty!! I know you will love her just as much as we do here.
Your post yesterday was so beautiful, and what a sweet tribute to your Betty.

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

May 05, 2020

Lidy, this arrangement is so fresh, really pretty! I am love, love, loving your updated garden! The water feature is perfect with your table setting. Happy Mother’s Day to you!


May 05, 2020

Oh Lidy, I so enjoyed you beautiful post. Aren’t we always connected to our beloved mothers, even though they’re no longer with us? Your table is a lovely tribute to her. Your China and silver pieces are stunning and your flowers so gorgeous. Thanks for keeping it real on the faux tarts…made me smile. The addition of the beautiful bible verses were absolutely perfect. Happy Mother’s Day to you! ?

Janice Zencka
Janice Zencka

May 05, 2020

A early Happy Mother’s Day to you Lidy. Your Tea Table is lovely. The Brides Basket is strikingly beautiful. I know you were thinking of your Mom while arranging
the flowers in the basket. Your garden is also looking lovely, and the container with the Hydrangea’s and Coral Bells is a pretty sight. Thank You for sharing your Wonderful Ideas.


May 05, 2020

She is right there by your side… and loves the table that is set just for her! And she will enjoy your gardens!
Happy Mother’s Day!


May 05, 2020

Lidy, This is just stunning. I actually gasped when I saw your silver bride’s basket filled with all those beautiful blooms and I love the addition of the wispy sprays of white gaura. I have an Eden rose that I hope will grow up to just like yours one day. :)

So many beautiful monogrammed pieces and treasures you have the curated and have the privilege of ‘fostering’ until they find a new home from your shop. Your garden is a beautiful spot to shelter and sip tea from, no wonder your mom enjoyed it so. As always it’s a treat to join for some flower therapy and MMB. Happy Mother’s Day. <3

Michele M. (Finch Rest)
Michele M. (Finch Rest)

May 05, 2020


What an absolutely beautiful post. Thank you. God bless you.

Stay home, stay safe, and stay healthy.


May 05, 2020

Cindy, thank you so much for your visit today!  I know, I miss my Mom every day too. And Mother’s Day makes me teary-eyed-happy, if you can relate to that at all.
Teary eyed that she is not longer here, happy that I was able to have her for the years that I did. And happy for the beautiful and funny memories I have of her. 
I wish you a lovely week, and a blessed Mother’s Day.xo


May 05, 2020


Such a beautiful post. Your garden is always beautiful. I miss my mom everyday but Mother’s day is a tough one.

You have such wonderful collections and are always inspiring. Beautiful flower arrangement.



May 04, 2020

Thank you so very much Teresa. I so appreciate your comments, too, because then I can tell you have visited me. : ) Wishing you a blessed week and a lovely Mother’s Day! xo


May 04, 2020

Denise, I agree. Thank you for joining me for tea today. I wish you a beautiful week, and a blessed Mother’s Day, too!


May 05, 2020

Thank you so much Alice! You are so sweet. It was challenging, I know, for us to make something beautiful withouthaving the chance to pick and choose at the flower shop or market. : )  But I agree, all of the ladies made beautiful things happen. I so appreciate your visit, and wish you a beautiful week ahead. {hoping to see you on the blog before Mother’s Day!}

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

May 04, 2020

Lidy, your table is beautiful. The brides basket is a treasure to be cherished and the flowers in it are ones every bride would chose. You are so thoughtful to enclose a mother’s day card with each purchase. I’ve mentioned to the other MMB ladies that the pictures in today’s post should be in a coffee table book to be treasured forever. Happy Mother’s Day week.

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

May 04, 2020

Lidy, It is a different time of unrest, and hard to not celebrate with the people we love, past and present. I will accept your invitation to tea in the garden. Your Eden roses are perfection, as is the table setting. Thank you for hosting, have a blessed Mothers Day, and thank you for your inspired post.


May 04, 2020

Lidy, I don’t comment often but I’m always blessed and inspired by your beautiful posts. Today’s is especially lovely as your flowers came from your very own garden! The sweetness of your spirit and that of our Heavenly Father emanates through today’s writings. May God bless you richly especially as you have Zoom time with your loved ones. Happy Mother’s Day to you as well!


May 04, 2020

Thank you so much for your visit!  I am so delighted that you loved the flowers, because it’s been a challenge to not be able to run to the flower market to buy blooms. : )  But thankfully my Eden is blooming! Oh, you will love her. The older she gets, the more flowers she will shower you with.
Wishing you a beautiful week ahead!xo

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

May 04, 2020

Lidy, I agree with Donna. I don’t think I have ever seen a more beautiful table or post that you have done. It is truly beautiful. Your arrangement is breathtaking.

I do love your Eden rose, I have her in my garden. This is her second spring so I am in hopes of lovely blooms from her. Your garden is gorgeous and I know you savor every moment you spend there.

Happy Mother’s Day, Lidy. Enjoy the day.


May 04, 2020

Jenna, so happy that you visited and enjoyed our beginning garden. :) I agree, watching our girls parent their darling children gives such joy! Happy Mother’s Day week to you too, friend. Not sure what our actual Mother’s Day will look like, but seeing each other virtually or in real life is still a blessing. xo


May 04, 2020

Thank you Pam, I know our Moms are in heaven, waiting for us. Like I said, if only the teenage me would have known about this time,I might have been a little less snarky to my Mom during those years. :)

Can’t wait to visit you this morning. Favorite two Mondays of the month! xoxo


May 04, 2020

Thank you darling friend. Thank you for always encouraging and being such a loving friend to me. It is such a joy to gather on our two Mondays and share our blog friends. I wish you a gorgeous day, and yes! I hope that we can all see each other for Mother’s Day in our family too. My baby little person is growing by the minute. : )


May 04, 2020

Thank you for joining me here today Denise! I hope you have a blessed day!


May 04, 2020

Nancy, thank you. I am so blessed to have you join me today. That translation is from the New Living Translation. Congratulations on your granddaughter’s wedding, always so exciting! I love the New Living Translation because it seems to really speak to my children in language they completely relate to. :) Wishing you a beautiful Mother’s Day! xo


May 04, 2020

Della, thank you so very much for your visit, and your sweet compliment. Our Moms, always in our hearts and thoughts. I wish you a lovely Mother’s Day too. xo


May 04, 2020

Thank you so much, Donna! I am so glad we kept the Eden roses too, and a few others. (everything else is super tiny but trying to grow by the day!) Happy Mother’d Day to you too. xo

Donna Milazzo
Donna Milazzo

May 04, 2020

Lidy, This is one of the prettiest tables of yours I’ve seen. Such sweet memories of your dear Mom. I loved the Biblical inspiration. Eden roses are one of my very favorites and I am SO glad you kept the ones in your garden! Happy Mother’s Day!


May 04, 2020

Lidy,I so enjoyed you table setting. Your floral centerpiece is lovely. You mentioned roses were your mother’s favorite flower and they also were my mother’s. Have a lovely Mother’s Day and thank you for sharing.


May 04, 2020

Oh Lidy, I so enjoyed my teatime with your today in your incredible garden! What a peaceful haven you’ve created and those Eden roses, swoon! The silver bride’s basket looks beautiful packed with your garden roses, what a wonderful spot for tea and a treat! It brings me great joy to watch my daughter and son be such fantastic parents, it makes me feel like I’ve done something right :) Happy Mother’s Day week to you, I will be with my son and his boys and will be facetiming with my daughter and her family…hoping we will all be together soon!


May 04, 2020

What a beautiful place to enjoy anytime!
I love the Bible translation you used for 1Corinthians 13:4-7.
What translation is it? My granddaughter is getting married and those words are always perfect for a wedding ceremony, but that translation is just so beautiful.

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

May 04, 2020

Dear Lidy, I agree with Shirley that your mom is sitting at your lovely garden table enjoying her favorite flower…roses. The climbing Eden rose is a beauty for sure and it is exquisite in the silver bride’s basket. I think I would enjoy owning a bride’s basket especially after reading the history that you so beautifully wrote for Southern Lady magazine. I know you miss your mom, as I miss my mom, but the memories will always live in our hearts. The legacy that they left us is being passed down to our children and grandchildren. It is always a pleasure to join you for Monday Morning Blooms and I wish you a most joyous Mother’s Day!

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

May 04, 2020

Oh Lidy, I am sure your mom is sitting at that beautiful table admiring each and every detail and loving that you have created it just for her. Your roses are magnificent!…I am loving the peeks of your new garden spaces. I am swoooooning over the silver bride’s basket. Now you have me on the lookout for one! I know how much you loved your mom and how she (and your grandmother) influenced your life so beautifully. I know how much you miss them. So happy that you have such wonderful memories and you have passed on the teachings of your mom on to your children. Always a treat to spend MMB with you…..Mother’s Day?…I so hope that by then I can spend time with my son and family…


May 04, 2020

Beautiful. Thank you!

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