The Power of Flowers

July 20, 2020 4 min read 30 Comments

the power of flowers
You know that for me, it's all about antiques and how they add life to your home and garden. But just as powerful as a decorative element, are flowers. Today I'd like to share with you The Power of Flowers. Flowers can completely change the entire atmosphere, the entire mood anywhere. the power of flowers They add color, texture, and delightful smells. They literally breathe life itself into your home or patio or porch, don't they? WELCOME TO MONDAY MORNING BLOOMS! Pam, Mary, Shirley and I are so excited that you are joining us today! Be sure to visit them by clicking on the links I'll add to the bottom of this post. Monday Morning BLooms Have you ever walked down the street after buying a fresh bouquet of flowers and noticed that there's a spring in your step? The world looks brighter and happier, and most of the people that see you with your flowers will smile. Fresh flowers in your home or garden add that same magic. Flowers make us happy. the power of flowers Did you know that patients in hospital rooms with flowers need less pain medication, are less anxious and have lower blood pressure and pulse rates than patients in rooms without? Researchers in Japan showed physiologically measurable beneficial effects from observing roses for as little as four minutes. Researchers in the Netherlands showed that people dining in restaurants with fresh flowers on their tables seemed to be in better moods, and have a better time. antique French bottle holder with lavender I'd rather eat a really economical meal one night a week {or even two!} than not have some kind of fresh flowers here at FrenchGardenHouse. They can be from the garden, they can be store bought, or they can even not be flowers at all but a few branches or snips of bushes from the garden. My fresh flowers can be a vase full, or even two twigs in a tiny glass bottle. As long as they are fresh, it doesn't matter! Luckily, in summer we have plenty of hydrangeas and lavenders that bloom in the back garden at FrenchGardenHouse. It's been a really good hydrangea year! The colors are spectacular! What I love most about the lavenders, besides their fragrance, is that bees love to visit them. Bees are so important to our environment, and it makes me happy to hear the delightful buzzing of bees in the garden. For this Monday Morning Blooms, I set a table outdoors because it's just so beautiful in the garden in Southern California this month. {I've also gotten even more fond of our outdoor spaces during our stay at home time, have you?} Our little FrenchGardenHouse {shed} was a gift for one of my banner birthday years. My John built it himself with the help of a few friends. It was supposed to be an art studio for me, but right now, it's our shipping department. Our business name was inspired by's a sweet little house in the garden. French garden house with hydrangeas It sits partially under the giant gingko tree in the back of the garden. It's a shady spot in summer, which I take full advantage of when friends or family come for a visit. The little French bistro table and chairs are a wonderful place to enjoy a little summer treat. The bench around the gingko tree has a few pillows on the garden side, but the back is where some of our antique French watering cans rest when they are not being used. the power of flowers

Blue French Enameled Coffee Pot

On the table, a vintage tablecloth with red summer strawberries sets the blue color scheme. Along with lavender and hydrangeas from the garden, I bought a little bundle of lisianthus in purple. I had hoped for some kind of blue flower, but these purple beauties add a pretty deep color to the little bouquets. The flowers are arranged in varying heights in a variety of glass bottles, then placed in an antique French bottle carrier with a painted blue handle. It's a pretty casual summer arrangement, straight from the garden. antique french enamelware blue hydrangeas and lavender bouquets Gorgeous cherries from the market are piled onto the antique ironstone compote, and petit fruit tarts are in another French blue and white pedestal server. light blue hydrangeas in summer the power of flowers Small antique French plates with the prettiest light blue floral border join the party, along with antique silver plated dessert forks. antique ironston A smaller bouquet is just the right size to place next to the bouquets in the bottle holder. the power of flowers I hope you have enjoyed this floral therapy post. Thank you so much for joining me today... DO YOU HAVE A FLOWER THAT ALWAYS MAKES YOU HAPPY? Please visit my floral inspirational friends:

Shirley at Housepitality Designs

Mary at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

Pam at Everyday Living

the power of flowers

and me, Lidy at FrenchGardenHouse


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

30 Responses

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

January 28, 2022

What a lovely side excursion from your blog post on blue flowers!

You have such a wonderful eye for all things beautiful – flowers and your lovely pieces that make your blog so wonderful to read and enjoy, Lidy!

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

July 24, 2020

What a beautiful setting for flowers, a bistro table and friends – or a quiet time for just you! So inviting and lovely! Have a wonderful weekend, Lidy!

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

July 22, 2020

One day my hubby mentioned that we seem to always have flowers around the house. I said that they are here to make us happy. He agreed. Your garden shed tucked in the corner in your yard under the Gingko tree is the sweetest place to spend time. Truly a happy place.
The table setting with your beautiful hydrangeas tucked in the divine antique treasures sets the tone for any meal of charming ambience.
Yes, flowers are the indeed a great contributer of peace and healing.
Have a great day my friend. Love joining you for MMB!!!


July 21, 2020

Your main picture could be my kitchen. I have a huge vase of hydrangeas that I cut this year on my kitchen table. They will dry there for the rest of the summer. I have a bowl of cherries that I am going to make jam with today. Your pictures always make me feel at home. Thank you for all your work to bring such lovely photos to brighten our day.


July 21, 2020

Thank you for visiting, sweet Rita! It’s always a happy day on Mondays!


July 20, 2020

I’m so happy yours are doing so well, too Mae. xo


July 20, 2020

Thank you so much, Carole! So happy to have you join us here. xo

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

July 20, 2020

You can take the girl out of France, but you can’t take the France out of the girl. It’s so lovely, Lidy. Thank you for sharing your French heritage through home and garden with us!


July 20, 2020

I’m so sorry about the hydrangeas, Bonnie. We actually have way less too…but only because a few bushes died due to an early and really strange heat wave in March.I hope you have a lovely week, too!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home
Carole @ From My Carolina Home

July 20, 2020

I have just spent a happy hour reading your blog, what gorgeous photos!! You have such an eye for the beautiful and gracious. New follower.

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

July 20, 2020

Delightful post, Lidy! I adore your vintage tablecloth and napkins and lovely flowers and food. So charming.
Flowers do lift your mood and give me such pleasure. Your flowers from your garden are so beautiful. I usually have hundreds of hydrangeas but this year only a handful. Our weather warmed up early and new growth was damaged by several weeks of colder than normal weather after the warm-up. It has been disappointing but there are many worse things.
Have a lovely week.


July 20, 2020

Hydrangeas are really beautiful. Ours are doing well this year too.

be well… mae at


July 20, 2020

Mary, it’s always a joy to spend our special Mondays together. I am very fortunate with the shade…but then you live near water. :) Happy summer week, dear friend. xo


July 20, 2020

Sandra, I agree completely, especially during this time, flowers bring us so much joy. I hope you enjoy your week. xo


July 20, 2020

Shannon, thank you! I have enjoyed your visit too, you are always so encouraging and sweet. Happy Monday, friend. xo


July 20, 2020

Donna, the cloths are so charming, aren’t they? I love the idea of a Strawberry Festival!! Our gardens and our weather are a blessing….I agree. Happy Monday to yoU!


July 20, 2020

Tonita, thank you so much, you are so kind. I hope you have a blessed week, too.


July 20, 2020

It’s always a pleasure to share our special Monday Morning Blooms with you, dear Pam. I wish you could sit here under the gingko in real life. Wishing you God’s blessings, xo


July 20, 2020

Sharon, you are so sweet! I hope you are enjoying a beautiful day, friend. xo


July 20, 2020

Thank you so much ! I am so happy to have a few flowers to snip for arrangements from the garden. Hope your Monday is a blessed one! xo


July 20, 2020

Your flower arrangements, etc are beautiful!
I love the hydrangeas!

Sharon Reimers
Sharon Reimers

July 20, 2020

I’m definitely planting hydrangeas ASAP. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for making my day, again.

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

July 20, 2020

Lidy, what a beautiful spot to eat alfresco in front of the French Garden House. The blooms look so pretty in bottles tucked inside your French bottle carrier. I adore the small antique blue plates and I love fresh cherries! The vintage tablecloth on your sweet bistro table is just lovely! Your setting is charming and as always perfectly curated. It is a pleasure to share Monday Morning Blooms with you! <3

Donna Milazzo
Donna Milazzo

July 20, 2020

Such a lovely setting! I think that a close friend of our family must have had a similar tablecloth, or perhaps I saw one at the ‘Strawberry Festival’ our little Lutheran church would have each summer – it looks so familiar! Our gardens and our weather here in OC are truly blessings in this time of quarantine!


July 20, 2020

Your photos are magazine worthy. I love the mini fruit tarts, i display tarts in a little pie cabinet in my farmhouse cottage along with a couple of faux pies. The blue coffee pot is charming. The flowers are beautiful. Have a blessed week.

Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

July 20, 2020

Oh Lidy, this is all so beautiful and brings a smile to my face. Your blue hydrangeas are so pretty and compliment the antique blue and white china pieces perfectly! I am swooning over the cake pedestal and vintage tablecloth. You always share such pretty things. I have so enjoyed my visit! Happy Monday, sweet friend! Enjoy your week!


July 20, 2020

Jenna, thank you for your visit! Flowers always make everyone happy, and now there’s proof. :) While it’s still cool, the little table under the gingko will get a lot of use this summer. Hav have a happy day, friend.


July 20, 2020

It is delightful Lidy, the antique basket full of a variety of bottles, vases and flowers is the perfect table decoration for your beautiful garden table! The cherries provide great contrast to your blue and purple flowers…I love the photo of the bee and lavender, I painted a bee on lavender yesterday for world watercolor month! I really enjoyed all the fun facts about the joy flowers bring, that is truly amazing, and I know fresh flowers always make my whole house happy! Thank you for this beautiful moment of flower therapy!

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

July 20, 2020

Lidy, such a lovely table. I, too, believe there is wonderful and powerful medicine in flowers. Especially in difficult times, their beauty is even more important in our lives.

Thank you for the lovely post. Stay well, my friend.


July 20, 2020

Lidy, You have created such a charming and welcoming spot for entertaining in your back garden with your flowers, sweet bistro table, vintage linen tablecloth, French bottle carrier and serving pieces. I always have watering can-envy when I spy your wonderful antiques! Shade is something we are in short supply of in the afternoons and evenings and I envy your sweet spot under your tree. As always it’s a treat to join you for some flower therapy. Happy Monday <3

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