The Gift of Tea in a Basket

May 16, 2023 4 min read 16 Comments

The Gift of Tea in a Basket
Tea really isn't a necessary part of life, but isn't it a beautiful part of life? The very spirit of tea, whether you drink it in a pretty cup by yourself or with a friend, is the spirit of beauty. Tea can bring grace to your every day, or stir a memory of a time or person you love. I hope you will pour yourself a cup of your favorite tea {mine is Earl Grey} and read along as I share The Gift of Tea in a Basket. The Gift of Tea in a Basket It's always such a delight and honor to join my Monday Morning Blooms friends Pam and Mary for their Tea on Tuesdays! I'll share their links at the bottom of this post so that you can join each one of us for tea. The Gift of Tea to Go

The Gift of Tea in a Basket.

I've had the pleasure of lots and lots of tea parties. From a daily 'party' as a little girl with my European grandmama when my Mom and I lived with my grandparents in their stately European home, to little tiny cups of tea in child-sized porcelain cups with my girls and little people {mostly honey very little tea} - to big tea parties in the garden for 40 ladies from church we hosted every month for two years. Each one is special to me, and each one fills my heart with sweet memories. Tea in a basket Today, I'm sharing a small tea party with you, one that you can gift to someone. It's a tea party that you can pack up and take to a friend who is in need of a touch of beauty, a spot of tea, but mostly love and friendship. All of us have friends who have varying ailments, from the friend who has battled with the world's longest cold, to the friend who is recuperating from surgery, to a friend who is fighting breast cancer. Or maybe just a friend who is having a hard time, and can use some encouragement. Sharing the beauty of tea and your love for your friend, and taking her the gift of tea in a basket, is a joy. I have had the opportunity of doing this several times, and I can promise you, while your friend will feel loved and spoiled, it will be YOU who receives the biggest blessing! lilacs in a basket filled with tea party things If your friend is in bed, you can take your basket right into her bedroom and set everything up on a tray. The Gift of Tea in a Basket-

Somehow, taking tea together, encourages an atmosphere of intimacy, when you slip off the timepiece in your mind and cast your fate to a delight of tasty tea, tiny foods, and thoughtful conversation.

-Gail Greco

lilacs in a tea cup You can pack everything in a basket. You will want to include two of your prettiest tea cups {possibly leaving hers behind as a gift}, a small tea cloth or runner and napkins, perhaps a candle {and candle holder if you bring tapers, and matches} some flowers in a vase or other container, and all the other tea things. Tea party in an antique basket Once you get to your friend's home, you can boil water in her tea kettle, and spread out the cloth, and get your special tea to go ready for the two of you. Lilacs in antique vase

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2,

Lilacs in an antique floral vase

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God;

but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

1 John 4:11-12

Tea with lilacs on a white linen bed

friendship tea party

What you will serve depends on the friend and what she can have. I think that even if you have a friend who is undergoing chemo and may not wish to eat, she will enjoy a cup of tea with you. She will relish in the fact that you went to the trouble to visit her, and prepared a lovely cup of tea, then spent time listening to her, and sharing your love for her.

When my friend did her chemo, she had a time when she really only wanted to eat very simple cookies and fruit, and that was perfect with tea!

antique lavender tea cup for tea party for a friend

Having tea feels comforting and inviting. Taking a cup of tea together allows for quiet time to listen, to be attentive to present moment. And to really talk to one another.

I John 4:11-1scripture for tea time

What to Pack for The Gift of Tea in a Basket

*A large basket with a handle *A pretty tea cloth and two napkins *A 4 cup tea pot *A thermos filled with hot tea {if you can't boil water there} * Tea, milk & sugar *2 tea cups and saucers *2 tea spoons *2 small plates *2 small forks *Tea foods and fruit *Flowers in vase *Tray lilacs in a vase Quite a few years ago I was asked to speak about women's friendships for a gathering of women. It's totally out of my comfort zone to speak publicly, so I did a lot of research at the time, because I wanted to sound smart and be prepared. {!!} One of the things I learned {and really wasn't surprised at!} was that women respond to stress differently than men. We deal with stress by surrounding ourselves with friends. Friendships between women are special. They shape who we are, and who we are yet to be. More importantly, friends help us live longer, and make us healthier! Treat a friend to tea I hope this encourages you to incorporate the gift of tea in a basket into your own life. There are so many opportunities to bring someone a tea party for two! I've seen friendships made or renewed, friends in need greatly encouraged, and many other beautiful magical things when you take the time to sit together with someone else over a cup of tea!

Silver Plate Tea Pot| Nina's Paris Tea|Sterling Tea Strainer|Lilac Friendship Tags

Marie Antoinette Tea|Antique Sterling Crown Spoon| Lavender Hand Painted Tea Cup|English Silver Plated Muffineer

Vintage Florentine Tray| French Lavender Linen Runner Pin for Friendship tea party Please be sure to visit my dear friends Pam and Mary by clicking their links below: The Gift of Tea iin a Basket

PAM at Everyday Living

tea on Tuesdays

MARY at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

The Gift of Tea in a Basket and me, LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

16 Responses


May 20, 2023

It’s such a sweet thing to do, isn’t it? Time spent together, it’s really all about that! xo Lidy


May 18, 2023

What a wonderful gift awaiting a friend or love one. This is a special gift that will be cherished . Thank You for sharing.
Marilyn,Joan and Marion


May 17, 2023

Barbara, thank you so much for your visit! It’s really so easy, it doesn’t have to be quite this fancy, just some tea, treats, cups and friends together. It’s a wonderful way to treat a friend in need of some “happy” which at times we all are! xo

Barbara at Mantel and Table
Barbara at Mantel and Table

May 17, 2023

Lidy this is the sweetest! What a brilliant idea to take a tea basket and spend some time with a friend. And the flowers and teacup make a beautiful present afterwards. Really a lovely idea, and your photos are gorgeous as always. Thanks so much for the inspiration!


May 17, 2023

Gloria, I’m so very sorry about your dear friends, but I am glad you have such sweet memories of having wonderful tea times with them. And I so agree, make time to sit together with the people you love, over a cup of tea, to share your lives and hearts.

Gloria P
Gloria P

May 17, 2023

Everyone needs to share a tea with friends. After they are gone, as I have lost many friends that I had tea with, those are the memories you will always have of them. Have tea with a loved one no matter what the reason. All my love to everyone.


May 16, 2023

Good morning Mary! Thank you so much for sharing tea with me today, it’s always a blessing. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead, too! xo Lidy


May 16, 2023

Thank you dear friend. It’s a blessing to be joining you for your lovely Tea on Tuesdays today. Tea is always a great encourager, sharing it with a friend makes it even more special! xo Lidy


May 16, 2023

good morning Dianne, I agree! Friendship is such a special gift, isn’t it? I’m so happy this brought sweet memories to your heart! xo Lidy


May 16, 2023

Sandi, it really doesn’t matter what your basket looks like! It’s the love and care and gifting of special time to a friend that really counts! xo Lidy


May 16, 2023

Barbara, lilacs are so gorgeous, aren’t they? We can’t really grow them where I live here, so when they arrive at the flower market I can’t resist! They are so special, with each miniature little lavender purple flower perfection, and all hundred or so of them on a branch making up the “flowers” – magical! Thank you so much for joining us for a cup of tea today! Xo Lidy

Barbara Potter
Barbara Potter

May 16, 2023

Dear Lidy,
Oh, how I long to put my face into that bunch of lilacs and take a deep breath! They do not grow in zone 9 where we live so every year at this time I yearn for them. Sharing tea with a friend in need is one of the most rewarding gestures and so appreciated. Your post resonated with me because I see taking tea as an almost sacred ritual.

Dianne Sharpe
Dianne Sharpe

May 16, 2023

Good morning Lidy. This beautiful post is a delight for the eyes and really touched my heart. I loved the scripture “carry each others burdens”. Friendship is such a special gift and I can see why you were ask to speak on this subject. I can envision you going into your friend’s kitchen, locating her tea kettle and getting the teapot ready. We become so familiar with our friend’s homes. This brought memories of my tea parties with my granddaughter and my daughter sitting in a chair too small for my proportions. I have these kind of friends…beautiful gifts from God.


May 16, 2023

That basket-oh my goodness, it is gloriously gorgeous! Such a unique and thoughtful idea. I may not be able to recreate it, but I certainly will copy this idea next time I have a friend in need.
Thank you!

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

May 16, 2023

Lidy, this is a lovely and thoughtful post. The thought of sharing a basket of tea with a friend who is sick, lonely, or just needs encouragement is a perfect idea. Who would not be encouraged by a visit and a basket filled with a pretty teacup to be gifted. Of course, the basket is beautifully packed with everything that is needed to enjoy a special teatime. I have a couple of friends that could use a gift of encouragement.

Thank you for sharing a beautiful presentation that would lift anyone’s spirit. It is always a pleasure to have you join Mary and me for tea. Wishing you a joy-filled Tuesday!


May 16, 2023

Good Morning Lidy, What a wonderful gift basket to give and share the gift of tea! So many pretties in your basket, as well as your tray, including my favorite tea book. I have a serious Silver Repousse Tea Strainer envy too…swoon! I adore lilacs and their heavenly fragrance, I wish I could find a variety that would grow well here. Thank you so much for joining us for tea today. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. <3

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