Thanksgiving Entertaining Blog Tour DAY 3 & FGH Give-Away!

November 04, 2016 2 min read 17 Comments

Thanksgiving Entertaining Blog Tour DAY 3 & FGH Give-Away!
14906866_10209257804574673_4293088667343686514_nThank you for joining me for Day 3 of the Thanksgiving Entertaining Blog Tour | Thankful to bHOME. Today there are four more talented, creative bloggers who are sharing their Thanksgiving inspiration with us! thanksgiving2016frenchgardenhousehall This is such a beautiful time of year, cooler temperatures, the promise of our family and friends gathered around our table, I don't know about you, but that's my absolute favorite, when all those I love come home for the holidays. falllivingfgh It is the calm before the storm, the time right before the Christmas decorating, holiday shopping and parties start. A time to relax, and plan like crazy!! I have so many exciting things coming up to share with you and help you get ready for the holidays this month here on the blog. A fabulous review of the much acclaimed new book called THE COUPE....filled with fabulous recipes for cocktails. So timely! Cheers A peek into Leslie Sinclair's new and beyond gorgeous interior design book Segretto Vignettes with the most delicious interiors you can imagine {and ONE COPY TO GIVE AWAY!} btablesilverfgh6 A long awaited post about how to care for your heirloom silver, and more on the types of silver to collect. frontentrancedrinksFGH4 The promised post on how to make those lovely orange pomanders for the holidays. And lots and lots of inspiration, antiques, and more of all the things we both love. I hope you will join me this month, I love having your company and reading your comments! AutumnDinnerFGH5 I am honored to sponsor this Thankful to bHOME Blog Entertaining Tour with a Hostess Gift Give-Away! Don't forget to leave me a comment following the easy directions below. frenchgardenhousegiveaway

To ENTER THE GIVEAWAY: Please visit the shop and let me know in the comments below what your favorite, favorite piece is, and that's it! Easy, right? I'll enter your name in a drawing, and one lucky reader will win this gorgeous FrenchGardenHouse Hostess Set in blue, shown above. {valued at 350.00} Yay!

I also wanted to share this opportunity to give to someone this holiday season with you. Please consider helping out a mom who is fighting a battle for her daughter that no one should ever have to fight. Christine, a friend to many of us bloggers, is literally fighting for her daughter’s life. No pressure at all, but if you are inclined to help, GO HERE. Merci, mon amies!

Be sure to visit my friends, I personally can't wait to visit them and see what they are doing creatively for the holiday!

Day Three

Thanksgiving tour collage

Starfish Cottage * Little Farmstead * Teaselwood Designs * My Soulful Home

Day Two


French Garden House * Zevy Joy * Laura Trevey * Housepitality Designs * Lilacs and Longhorns

Day One


Designthusiasm * Duke Manor Farm * Celebrating Everyday Life * Cupcakes and Crinoline

17 Responses

diane trahan
diane trahan

November 05, 2016

My favorite is the Art Deco aqua blue guilloche HP pink roses compact.
That is my favorite color and it just jumped out at me.
Love your store and keep the emails coming.
God Bless.

Debby Condro
Debby Condro

November 04, 2016

Hi Lidy, I love your blog thank you for sharing ideas and your home. I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksiving! Debby

Ruth Attar
Ruth Attar

November 04, 2016

I looked at your extensive collection and kept going back to the French Toleware Footed Aqua Cachepot Jardiniere.
I love you blog and find it very inspirational.


November 04, 2016

Thank you so much for your visit, Diana! I hope that you have a beautiful Thanksgiving with those you love, too!

Diana Lucas
Diana Lucas

November 04, 2016

Lidy, You have so many items I love in your shop. So hard to choose but my favorite, which I have looked at for awhile is definitely the 19th century pedestal ironstone plate. Simply gorgeous! Also, your home is just lovely and full of clever ideas. Happy Thanksgiving! Diana


November 04, 2016

Thank you Nanci. I hope that your husband is doing well! Please sign up to receive the blog in your email inbox…that way we can keep in touch!


November 04, 2016

Thank you Shannon, you are so sweet. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, friend. xo

Nanci Gray
Nanci Gray

November 04, 2016

I love this blog. Stumbled on it while waiting for my husband in short stay surgery waiting room. My favorite thing is the copper fish steamer or that sweet child’s wheelbarrow. So glad I found your blog!!

Shannon@ Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@ Belle Bleu Interiors

November 04, 2016

Lidy, I love your blog! I adore French Country design and love reading your posts! There are so many beautiful things in your store that it is hard to choose just one, but I love the rare French child’s wheel barrow. I fell in love with how you used it on your Thanksgiving table…so pretty! I hope that you have a great weekend!!!


November 04, 2016

Thank you for your visit! I love all the vintage and antique napkin rings too, they add such personality to a table.


November 04, 2016

Emilie, I agree, Amaryllis or paper whites would be amazing in that urn! Thank you for visiting…wishing you a gorgeous weekend.


November 04, 2016

Hi Janet! Thank you so much for leaving a comment….I hope you are enjoying the Thanksgiving inspiration!


November 04, 2016

Thank you Rita…I hope you have a beautiful weekend!

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

November 04, 2016

Lidy, I have so much fun visiting all these blogs, getting inspired with all the tables and elements in each. It also gives me more opportunities to go back to your shop. Although I’m consistent with the items I love, I’ll just keep looking, and enjoy the browser ‘window’ shopping! Goodness, your choices of napkin rings blows my mind! The boy with paddle!


November 04, 2016

Hi, Lidy. There are so many beautiful things to choose! I would select the sterling silver topped powder jar, with the “M” engraved on the top. It’s gorgeous!

Thank you, Lidy, for who you are and for what you do. And, thank you for sharing your many talents and gifts with us! I am grateful for you!

San Antonio, Texas


November 04, 2016

My favorite thing…the antique French Enameled Cast Iron Gris Chateau Urn.
I think it would be beautiful planted with 5 large Amaryllis or a large grouping of paperwhites for the Holidays.
Thank you for the chance to win the lovely Hostess set, Emilie


November 04, 2016

So love either of the wonderful vintage silver plate napkin rings…boy with paddle or girl with parasol. Difficult to find these treasures.

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