Reflections from a Summer Garden

June 27, 2015 3 min read 17 Comments

Reflections from a Summer Garden
reflectionsfromasummergarden Are the temperatures telling you summer is here? Here in southern California, it's been pretty perfect weather, and our back garden is displaying every flower to its best advantage. Do you love spending time out in your garden? garden626 I am trying to get my "Little FrenchGardenHouse" aka our shipping house in order, because next week a photographer and stylist are coming over to try to capture whatever charm can be found there {!!} for a magazine feature. Luckily, they will be shooting me in my office too, there is only so much "French charm" you can give cardboard boxes, tissue paper and tape! summergardenfgh This is a photo I shared on my FaceBook page today, our Bentley, ever faithful, he just always wants to get in the photo…he's a publicity hound! {sorry, couldn't help myself} Fridaygardenhappiness So many of you have emailed or messaged that you wanted to see a little bit more of the back garden, so I'm sharing a few shots today. herbgarden This is a small area where we have herbs mixed in with flowers, we received the angel birdbath more than 20 years ago as a housewarming gift from an aunt, it's very special to us since she is no longer with us. The birds take baths here, and come to drink in the hot summer days. pottingbenchfgh My potting bench, with my two antique swans, one is a planter, but I love both of these. The planter is usually on our patio table, this shot was taken before a garden party when she had to be out of the way. The antique watering cans are from France, we do sometimes sell them, although I admit {guiltily} that many of them just stay in my gardens here at home. wakefieldpotsblog2 Beautiful, decorative pots make so much difference in how your garden plants look, don't you think? We have new garden pots available, they are wonderful even when empty, and completely hand thrown on a wheel and finished by hand. The first one is the Provence Pot. wakefieldpotblog I met Peter Wakefield Jackson, master potter, last year. Peter is from Wisconsin, and has more than 30 years experience making pottery by hand. For years, Peter worked hand-in-hand with renowned master potter and friend Guy Wolff training potters worldwide in the revival of 18th- and 19th-century garden wares. These pots are made under his direction in Atuto, Honduras, by artisan potters and craftsmen, Peter also produced Guy's pots for Williams Sonoma there. There are a few different models available in the shop. Use them outdoors until the frost comes. These also look gorgeous inside, just make sure that you place them on a saucer when watering as they have drainage holes. Here is Peter's Pedestal Pot. pedestalpotblog This finish is a warm combination of warm ivory tones, highlighted with moss green, and just enough terra cotta clay showing through to let you see its authenticity. Everything we sell for the garden can be found HERE, we sell out quickly, our garden antiques are especially avidly collected. I hope that you have a beautiful weekend, filled with sunshine, lots of laughter, and a few quiet hours in the garden, or your city's park. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog, and to take the time to leave comments, I cherish each one! What is your favorite part of your garden? Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop

17 Responses


July 03, 2015

Thank you Gigi! It is happy to sit out there, or eat a quick lunch or a relaxing dinner.

Gigi Harlan
Gigi Harlan

July 01, 2015

Your garden is absolutely gorgeous and oozes French charm! It must be so relaxing to sit among such beauty. I wouldn’t be able to part with those watering cans either, no guilt!


June 30, 2015

Jackie, thank you for visiting me today! I love your darling B & B, it looks so beautiful. Your first cup of coffee in the garden sounds wonderful, there is nothing like enjoying those first few moments outdoors, you are right, when the dew is still on the leaves and flowers. Bentley says “hi” to your English Springer Spaniel.


June 29, 2015

I love all your pictures reflecting your beautiful garden! My favorite time to sit in the garden is right before the sun comes out every morning. I take my first cup of coffee outdoors while my husband is getting his last few minutes of sleep. My faithful English Springer Spaniel sits with me. I love the dew on all the leaves and flowers. I am in Natchez, MS and it is somewhat hot now but everything is still very green. Thank you for all your lovely posts. jw


June 28, 2015

So happy to visit your beautiful blog, Celestina.


June 29, 2015

Congratulations on your magazine feature! Well deserved :)


Southern DayDreams from Celestina Marie Design
Southern DayDreams from Celestina Marie Design

June 28, 2015

Love this beautiful and inspiring garden post Lidy. Just stunning in every photo. Thank you also for stopping by and your kind comment.
Have a great week ahead.

Jean Van
Jean Van

June 28, 2015

Just love all the pretty photos and everything is so inviting and a welcome as well, mine is a lot like yours makes you feel good and calm and love it in the evenings as well, love all that you do, Thank You ~~~~~~~~~~~Jean Van Ca~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


June 27, 2015

I am new to your site but love it. I’ve only just recently posted on my own blog, on one of my favourite garden and homeware shops called The Conservatory and how it has inspired my verandah setting and my indoor plant placements. I live in Adelaide, Australia. I will definitely be following you from now on.
Kind regards,


Candice Howard
Candice Howard

June 27, 2015

Your garden is so beautiful. I can see why you, your friends and family love to be out there. I think you live near the ocean, so your weather is probably quite a bit less hot than ours here in Texas. Our ranch is so hot, that we rarely go outdoors during the day, preferring the temperatures of early, early morning and late at night. Just checking In wIth you, Lidy, and letting you know the antique tole tray from FGH is stunning above our great room mantel. Thank you again. Anxiously awaiting my sterling bracelets I ordered, to give to both our daughters for my birthday. Candice


June 27, 2015

Lidy, I adore your gardening areas and the historic based pots are amazing, I love the pedestal pot especially!!

The Arts by Karena


June 27, 2015

Gorgeous garden! So inspiring, lovely post

Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Shirley@Housepitality Designs

June 27, 2015

Oh my gosh this garden is exquisite!…Can’t keep my eyes off these photos…..Good luck on the photo shoot!!!


June 27, 2015

I admire your beautiful garden, Lidy! I have discovered that herbs do best in containers like you have done. I experimented this year with herbs both in ground and raised and the ones planted in an Antique iron pedestal sink have fared way better. No little creatures to eat holes in things! I will start collecting unique containers and baskets for next year.


June 27, 2015

Beautiful Lidy! Your husband, whom I know is the real gardener, is a gem. Everything looks healthy, and colorful and ready for summer time entertaining. The pots are great, going to look at them.


June 27, 2015

Thank you Jemma. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and spend some time relaxing and planning your beautiful French Country Home! So looking forward to seeing what it will become.


June 27, 2015

I so enjoyed this post and the peek into your beloved and beautiful garden! This is such a treat and also inspires me.
As you know we are anxiously waiting for our French Country Style Home to be built! You and your pretties are definitely helping me with some choices- heading over to the shop now!
Beautiful everything!

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