Brilliant friends | Interior Decorator Eric Ross from Franklin, Tennessee

June 22, 2015 6 min read 25 Comments

Brilliant friends

Brilliant friends | Interior Decorator Eric Ross from Franklin, Tennessee

Brilliant friends | Interior Decorator Eric Ross from Franklin, Tennessee

Photo by Evin Smith Krehbiel

Eric Ross is the principal designer at Eric Ross Interiors, an interior design business he owns together with his wife, Ruthann. I am delighted to share our conversation with a few of his inspiring ideas about how he approaches his work. Specializing in residential interior design and interior decoration in Greater Nashville, Brentwood, and Franklin, Tennessee, Eric's list of grateful, ecstatic clients is long. He has a knack of blending traditional style with contemporary pieces for the way we live today, and his great sense of humor is often evident in the rooms he designs. As Eric states: "Anyone can sell you a sofa, a chair, a lamp… we are creating rooms in your home for your family and friends to enjoy. They are the backdrops to some of the most important moments in your life." Eric believes in delivering a personal interpretation of a client's vision that is elegant and distinctive, so that their home truly is a reflection of their personal taste. "What I want more than anything is to "wow" you by creating a room that truly represents you… only better. As a designer, I hope to create beauty in your world." I am so grateful that Eric agreed to have a chat with me, so that all of you can get to know him, and see some of the beautiful rooms he has designed. Brilliant friends | Interior Decorator Eric Ross from Franklin, Tennessee 1. Please tell us a little about yourself. I am a Southern designer, based in Franklin, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. Franklin is a historic town with notoriety as the site of the bloodiest battle of the civil war where 5 confederate generals died. It suits me and my design sensibilities perfectly in that Franklin is quietly elegant, grounded with deep roots in tradition and of course, charm—a quality hard to quantify but a trait that most people are quick to recognize.

My wife, Ruthann, and I are the owners of Eric Ross Interiors . I am the principal designer and she is the business manager. Really her title should be COO, because she is definitely the one who keeps the day to day operations running. We have one daughter, Julianne, who is 11. Our dog, Darby, is our company mascot! Eric's dog Darby sometimes writes blog posts of his own! You can read Darby's design tips here: Darby Does Design

darbydoesdesign 2. When did you realize you wanted to design beautiful interiors? Well, this one is easy. I always knew I wanted to design beautiful interiors, because, well, who wants to design ugly ones?! Seriously, I have been designing interiors really all of my life. As a young boy I would help my sister, who is 14 years older than me, decorate her house. My aunt loves to tell the story of how I would tell her that her candles needed to match her curtains! Brilliant friends | Interior Decorator Eric Ross from Franklin, Tennessee 3. How would you describe your design style? I would describe my design style as casual elegance, which, of course, isn’t a new term, but it does describe what I try to achieve in the rooms I create. I try not to create rooms that reflect me, but rather my clients’ tastes. One of my beliefs is that your home should represent who you are on your best day—like you are going to the Academy Awards. Oscar de la Renta said, “Elegance is a discipline.” This is so true. Elegance doesn’t just happen in our homes. It has to be cultivated and prepared everyday. But wow, what a difference our homes make to us and to those who we invite into them when we practice elegance. ericrossinteriorsbedroom 4. What inspires you? My main inspiration for rooms comes from fabrics and innovative color schemes. I’m obsessed with Spearmint and Navy right now. I’ve presented a couple of projects using this and it’s been well received as an update to the seaside palette of aqua and gray. Brilliant friends | Interior Decorator Eric Ross from Franklin, Tennessee 5. If your interior spaces had a message, what would you like them to say? I want all of my spaces to talk! I want them to say, “Hello, gorgeous!” I want people to be inspired by the rooms I create. I try to create what I call little moments for the visitor that they discover over time. One of my gimmicks in every room I do is candy. I love to put matching candy in the room. It’s a little thing, but client’s notice it and appreciate it. Chocolate is an essential luxury, especially in the bathroom. EricRossInteriors1 6. What’s your favorite antique find, and where did you use it? Oh, gosh. I have lots of favorites. It would have to be my Great Room rug. It’s a Sultanabad that has all my favorite colors in it. It’s a real show-stopper. It’s also special because a dear friend and client gave it to me as a house warming gift. 7. How do you incorporate antiques and vintage pieces into your designs for clients? I personally love antiques, so when clients want to use antiques in their interior design, it's fun. I try to layer old and new in all my rooms. I feel it makes rooms more livable and relatable, not just to the homeowner, but to their guests, who may not be comfortable around antiques. It's about the mix, not the match. I like mixing patterns, bringing in antiques, a collected look so things appear to have been collected over time. Some people like vintage, but that can be a little “Junktique” if you know what I mean. I am very discerning when it comes to vintage. I prefer antiques. They don’t have to be fine, but they can’t look like they came out of a barn. ericrossinteriorsantiqueironstone 8. Who is your design muse? Charles Faudree. I admired him as well as his decorating style very much, he had such a gift for "the mix", layering pattern and colors that resulted in beautiful, amazing rooms. He's always been an inspiration to me. I've read all his books, kept every article ever written about him in magazines, visited all his show house rooms, and heard him speak. My wife Ruthann and I were fortunate to meet Charles and were able to speak with him not long before he passed away. I was thrilled when asked by a long time client to design her sunroom in typical Faudree style, with a collected, Continental look. ericrossinteriorsdliving Eric's beautiful work has been lauded and published in shelter magazines, see his work featured in Southern Lady Magazine HERE. TraditionalHomeCover 9.What is one thing we could all change or add to our homes that would add elegance? Beautiful lamps. I often tell my clients to change out their lamps. Lighting is like jewelry for your home. Don't settle for lamps that you can buy everywhere, either. You can have anything made into a unique, elegant lamp, an antique figurine, an unusual urn, something you truly cherish. This will add a one of a kind lamp to your decorating scheme, further telling your own personal story in your interiors. LOVES & INSPIRATION: 1. My favorite colors are: Blue, blue and blue! I do love blue. My favorite color combination is blue and green. I have a bulter’s pantry and it’s apple green wallpaper with all my blue and white dishes. It’s one of my favorite spaces. ericrossinteriorskitchenbluegreen 2. If I could have one wish, I would wish for: I love clients who allow me to do what I love without their own restraints. So, when I start a new project my wish is always for the client to allow me to create the most beautiful room for them, with an unlimited budget too, of course! ericrossinteriorsunporch

One of my personal favorites, Eric transformed this sunroom from tired to exceptional!

{Note the urn and plinth next to the green chair}

3. Right now I am reading: The 15 Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell. I’m always looking to improve. 4. My favorite place is: Old Edwards Inn, Highlands, NC —no question! It’s my idea of heaven. 5. I can’t live without: My amazing assistant, Christine Barker. She brings serenity to my design madness. ericrossbedroomnoir 6. A FrenchGardenHouse antique I adore: The Antique Bohemian Turquoise Blue Hand Blown Glass Enameled Pitcher and Glass Set. This would be perfect on a dressing table in a guest room with fresh flowers and votive candles. And of course, the color is amazing! AntiqueMaryGregoryPitcher ericrossinteriorsdarbykitchen Love Eric's style? Contact him here, visit his blog, Facebook, and Twitter for more inspiration! Design your own well-collected and personal interiors with antiques and decor from FrenchGardenHouse.

ericrossinteriorspicks Shop French & English Antiques >

Do you have a favorite room that Eric designed? Share which one it is below…we all want to know which is your favorite.

Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop

25 Responses

Julee Pierson- Montgomery
Julee Pierson- Montgomery

February 02, 2016

I simply love every single little thing Eric has done here! And I’ll be watching out for all the new antique things from FrenchGardenHouse fromnow until eternity. Can’t wait to see what’s next !


June 29, 2015

Thank you Rue. The butler’s pantry, oh, what I wouldn’t give for one of those, Rue!


June 29, 2015

That last bedroom and his butler’s pantry… they’re gorgeous! And of course, Darby is so cute :)

I love these features of yours, Lidy.



June 25, 2015

Wow, Wow and Wow!Eric is so talented, I really enjoyed this interview. Im completely in love with the butler’s pantry and pops of apple green. Thank you for sharing.

Karen Smallbone Petit
Karen Smallbone Petit

June 25, 2015

Thank you for this beautiful post. Mr. Petit and I are enchanted with the picture you painted of Mr. Ross. Southern? Check! Understands Gracious Living? Check! Great sense of color and style? Check! Put his name in our Rolodex ( well, don’t use that anymore but you know what I mean) if we ever need a designer again.

Hoping you have a lovely summer, take your family out on the boat in the harbor again, that’s where we will be spending our summer days. Can’t wait for my 19th century French angel to arrive, I will place her, or is it him?, in pride of place at the Taos house.


June 24, 2015

Thank you Marion! I knew you would love his design style, and especially the beautiful patterns in his designs.

Marion Hartwich
Marion Hartwich

June 24, 2015

I am blown away by this beautiful, inspiring blog interview with Eric.
He is an amazing designer. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures and the interview with us.
Looking forward to many more.


June 24, 2015

Congratulations to Eric! And awesome that you featured him. His work is amazing!


June 24, 2015

What a lovely interview. He sounds very gracious and friendly too. Beautiful designs as well! Looking forward to the next one….and creating new lamps!


June 23, 2015

I’ve never been, Pat, but I’m putting it on “wish” list!


June 23, 2015

Thank you Ellen! Eric’s rooms are so beautiful, I could move right in!

Pat@Back Porch Musings
Pat@Back Porch Musings

June 23, 2015

What a gorgeous post, Lidy. Beautiful interiors. Franklin is on our list of favorite places and I lived in Nashville in the early 60’s. Beautiful area. Love visiting there.

Ellen Zimmerman
Ellen Zimmerman

June 23, 2015

Delightful interview and beautiful, beautiful images! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.


June 23, 2015

Cate, so happy you enjoyed the post about Eric. He’s a talent, a southern talent!


June 23, 2015

I agree Amber, I love painted ceilings, I think light blue will look splendid at your house. Hopefully you will post pictures?


June 23, 2015

What a great interview, Lidy. I love the painted ceilings in some of the photos you shared. Since we are working on our bedroom, I think a light blue will look fabulous in our vaulted ceiling.

cate tuten
cate tuten

June 23, 2015

Lidy, thank you for sharing Eric with us! I loved not only his designs, but the little snippets of his life. And being a southerner, I love reading about other southern designers. Blessings to you and your beautiful blog!! Cate


June 23, 2015

Thanks for your visit, Melissa, that is exactly what Eric Ross Interiors does, makes the world a more beautiful place!


June 23, 2015

I agree, Jeffrey, Eric’s interior spaces have inspired color combinations!


June 23, 2015

Thank you Jan, Eric has such a gracious style, doesn’t he?

Melissa Bolton
Melissa Bolton

June 23, 2015

Great interview, Lidy. I love learning more about talented individuals and their contributions to making the world a more beautiful place.

Jeffrey Chancelor Baines
Jeffrey Chancelor Baines

June 23, 2015

Fantastic interview. We love Eric’s color use, he truly understands nuances and what makes color work in a space. Thank you for sharing this, always a treat to read your blog when it arrives.

Jan Alger Chomyn
Jan Alger Chomyn

June 23, 2015

Lovely interview and photos. I could really get a sense of both him and his taste and design style….I love the idea of asking your interviewees what their favorite FGH item is….instant insight!

Sandra Rheemes Barton
Sandra Rheemes Barton

June 23, 2015

Great feature, and a great decorator/designer. Wanted to let you know my sideboard arrived, and is the perfect piece to finish our dining room. I am looking forward to receiving my antique blue & white plates from FrenchGardenHouse to display on it. Merci, mon amie.


June 23, 2015

I have started looking forward to your monthly features on Interior Designers and Decorators so much! Thank you for introducting us to Mr. Ross, he does outstanding work, just beautiful. We have quite a few friends in the area where he works, our country weekend home is not too far from Franklin.

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