Paperwhite Magic | Plant for a Beautiful January NOW

December 23, 2016 3 min read 2 Comments

Paperwhite Magic | Plant for a Beautiful January NOW
plantpaperwhites I know it's Holiday time, and you are all probably getting ready to celebrate with those you love. There is something so magical about this time of year, the holidays, and all the decorating, gift giving, celebrating with family and friends, culminating with the end of the year! I love it all. I love all the planning, the anticipation, and the laughter around my table. This is a tip for those of you who, like me, feel a tiny little bit "let down" after all the festivities are over. Something you can do for YOU....right now, to make your January home seem special in its own way. holidayplannerfrenchgardenhouse I also love when the last box of holiday decorations is finally put away again, and the house is peaceful, but still has the afterglow of days spent with my most favorite people in the world. It is....though....a little bitter sweet, and a little well, "empty", sometimes. plantingbulbs2 Do you feel that way? That your rooms are a little naked in January? Planting bulbs now is the perfect answer to that problem! paperwhites1 Before Christmas, John and I visited one of our favorite and always beautiful shops in Summerland, California, BOTANIK. paperwhitebulbs While there, we were so taken by their beautiful display of flowering bulbs, that we selected a bunch to take home and plant. orchidspaperwhites If you plant paper white bulbs NOW...{and yes, I KNOW you're busy!} you should have a gorgeous display of paperwhites to fill your rooms with fragrance, and their ethereal beauty by mid January. paperwhitebulbglass If you've never done this, don't worry! It's easy, and I know you can do this. You can either buy special glass containers to plant a bulb in, or just plant a bunch in shallow pots. bulbbasket HOW TO PLANT PAPERWHITES FOR INDOOR DISPLAYS
  1. Choose a shallow container with a drainage hole. Fill with high quality soil, any commercially available potting soil will work well.
container 2. Plant your bulbs about 2-3 inches deep, pointy end up, into the soil close together for a beautiful display. You should cover the bulbs until just the top inch or inch and a half is above the soil. plantclosetogether 3. Cover with moss. {optional, but I like how this looks, and it keeps your soil moist.} Water but don't soak. Keep an eye on the watering, the soil should not be dry, but not soaking wet either, bulbs rot under too wet conditions. addmoss 4. Place the pot in a bright, sunny spot. I put mine on my kitchen counter by the farm sink, right next to the window. Lots of light will prevent the stalks from growing too tall and floppy. Roots will appear in a week or two. These grow quickly, and it's great fun to watch their daily progress. You'll be enjoying the pristine white flowers and fragrance in a few short weeks, just when the January "our home looks so empty now" might come around! I hope you love them! pinthis forcingbulbsindoorspinit WHAT DO YOU DECORATE YOUR HOME WITH AFTER THE HOLIDAYS? Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop

2 Responses


December 23, 2016

Ginger, that sounds so beautiful! Peaceful, and just right for January…Happy Holidays! Xo Lidy

Ginger Valdes
Ginger Valdes

December 23, 2016

Great idea Lidy! I usually decorate with crystal canglesticks and pillar holders, white, white and then a little touch of white! It’s like ice and snow. The paperwhites would be a perfect addition. Thanks for the tip!
X0 Ginger

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