July 15, 2019 2 min read 20 Comments


It's summer, and we're having beautiful, warm summer days

here at FrenchGardenHouse.

In our FrenchGardenHouse garden,

the beautiful peach Polka rose is sending out it's last blooms.

It's a beautiful time of year to


We've all put our favorite peach flowers together with

real summer peaches for some peachy inspiration!

Peach flowers are perfect for a lighter summer color palette at home.

Peach flowers come in such a beautiful range of shades,

from palest pink peach to deep peachy corals with apricot tones.

And who doesn't love summer peaches? Our farmer's market has the best ones!

On a side note, I'm really excited that our bathroom remodels are almost {!} done

and things are slowly getting back to normal here at home.

While out shopping for a petit armoire to hold our small television in the master bedroom

I spied a magnificent 18th century French Buffet duex Corps.

Way too grand and large for our bedroom. big. as in really big.

I walked away {it was a Friday.} And bought a small armoire for the master.

By very early Sunday morning I couldn't take it anymore and called the dealer

who opened his shop early for us so we could buy it!

And now it's in the living room. Still v e r y big.

But a large scale piece makes a statement in every interior, right??

I know, I know. This post is supposed to be about flowers.

So let's talk about this peach and apricot arrangement.

Using my clear floral tape, I made a big grid on the antique French wedding tureen.

The clippings from the bushes in the back garden went in first as a base to hold the flowers.

Then I inserted the apricot peach roses one by one.

And added the sweet light peach carnation sprays all around.

I placed the tureen on a peachy pink Florentine tray on the living room table.

Peaches in the glass bowl, on a stack of Charles Faudree design books.

I love it!

Thank you so much for joining me today for Monday Morning Blooms.

{And for humoring me about the new love I've found, the French Buffet Deux Corps.}

Don't forget to visit my floral inspirational friends:

SHIRLEY at Housepitality Designs

MARY at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

PAM at Everyday Living

and me LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse.


à bientôt

If you want to romance your Home and Garden with antique and vintage treasures to make you smile each time you come home, visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.

20 Responses


July 21, 2019

Dearest Mary, thank you. And yes, I’ll be blogging about the remodel in the future, it’s almost almost done! xo

Mary Coleman
Mary Coleman

July 21, 2019

Dear Lidy, So delighted for you getting the gorgeous armoire which fits so nicely in that space! you made a wonderful decision or you would still be pining for it! May we please see the remodel ?since we are going thru the same thing here…very noisy but the end is in sight?. Love and fleurs to you, xox,mary

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

July 17, 2019

Such a beautiful way to start the week with you and your friends! It is always a treat to see what you all have put together for our enjoyment! Thank you so much! Oh and your French Buffet Deux Corps is magnificent! No wonder you couldn’t resist. It looks perfect there, too!

heritage hall
heritage hall

July 16, 2019

Oh Lidy, just could not resist, right? I know the feeling…having a
large one here that I would have strapped upon my back to get it home..
lol….Be assured, it will be a part of your décor for years to come, so
strong was its appeal…Your flower arrangement is so soft and elegant
and set off so beautifully by the container and tray.

July 16, 2019

I don’t know which I adore more, the flowers are the armoire! I am drooling over both. And, the peaches have been delectable this year. Blessings

Jean Van
Jean Van

July 16, 2019

Hello, Lidy,
Just lovely, lovely, lovely, everything is just so sweet and inviting great idea’s and love the rose’s and color’s. Have a peach of a week~~~~~~~~~~
Bonjour, Jean~~~~~~~~~


July 15, 2019

Oh Lidy, your new armoire is so handsome and makes such a grand statement! You know a piece is right when you can’t let it go in your mind. Your peach and apricot arrangement is stunning too, served up in your tureen on your Florentine tray! I know you must be thrilled that your remodeling is almost complete. As always it’s a treat to join you and my flower loving friends for MMB. Happy Monday <3

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

July 15, 2019

Another beautiful edition of Monday Morning Blooms ladies! It never disappoints, thanks

Carolyn Yingling
Carolyn Yingling

July 15, 2019

Oh my goodness, the French Buffet Deux Corps shouted “fantastic” to me. Years ago I purchased an 18th century French buffet which looks similar to the bottom of your buffet, but is much longer (and doesn’t have a top). It sits in our living room and makes such an elegant statement…..congratulations to you for going back and purchasing something sooooo wonderful, that you fell in love with! When something so magnificent speaks to me I know that it belongs in our home. I was so taken by your recent purchase that I almost forgot the exquisite peach floral arrangement you shared, lovely as well.


July 15, 2019

Lidy I love your beautiful floral arrangement . I tend to love soft colors such as peach and light yellows planted in my summer garden. I also have another garden that I plant bright corals and whites together. I love when summer peaches are in season, they make such lovely decorator look when placed in a lovely bowl of blue and white. I have a room in the B&B that I I have decorated in Peach and Green tones, it is one of my guests favorite rooms.

Your French Buffet duex Corps.was a lovely find. It looks beautiful with your White French Chair next to it for contrast. You have such excellent taste in decorating. Enjoy the rest of the summer season.

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

July 15, 2019

Lidy, your Buffet is fabulous. So happy that you brought it home. You would have most likely been very upset in the long run if you hadn’t purchased it. Your arrangement is lovely. Happy day and week to you.

Donna Milazzo
Donna Milazzo

July 15, 2019

Such a pretty arrangement! I used to have Polka roses but they outgrew their spot – I need to find a new spot and plant some again. Nice wardrobe too!

laura janning
laura janning

July 15, 2019

Lidy, i love the nod to peaches this month and all the beautiful arrangements. thanks for sharing!

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

July 15, 2019

Lidy, you made a wise choice to buy that magnificent Buffet Deux Corps…it is perfect in its new home! Your peach flowers are so lovely in the beautiful antique urn. I agree with Jenna, I am a little distracted with your statement piece adorning your gorgeous room. Happy Monday, and it is always a joy to share MMB with my friends!


July 15, 2019

Thanks so much Dianne! Oh yes, go to your farmers market or a shop an get some peaches, this year’s peaches are so delicious! Happy Monday! Xo


July 15, 2019

Your peach summer arrangement is just gorgeous Lidy, especially sitting on that incredible antique tray…but I must admit I was distracted by your new furniture purchase…it may be very large, but it looks like it was made for your room! Beautiful!!!

Dianne Sharpe
Dianne Sharpe

July 15, 2019

Lidy, I am using Bonnie’s words “your new French buffet is magnificent.” You had to have that. Your arrangement is so beautiful…perfect mix of color to go with bowl of peaches. I need to make a trip to the Farmer’s Market. Beautiful post Lidy. Happy Monday.

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

July 15, 2019

Lidy, your new antique French buffet is magnificent and I could not have resisted it either! It makes a wonderful statement in your room.
I love your arrangement of peach roses, light peach carnations and greenery from your garden in your lovely antique urn. How lovely on your peachy Florentine tray!

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

July 15, 2019

Ooooh-la-la…that French Buffet Deux Corps is magnificent….yes, it makes a most exquisite statement in the room…glad you went back and got that beauty!!!…Your beautiful “peachy” arrangement is just the thing to celebrate the new addition to your already beautiful room. You always choose the most exquisite antique pieces to use as your containers. Enjoy your new buffet and Lidy!….So happy to celebrate every 1st and 3rd Monday with you and our bloom friends…happy Mondays indeed! Have a fabulous week Lidy!!!


July 15, 2019

Your floral arrangement is breathtaking Lidy. Asking me what my favorite summer flower colour is… well.. like asking me what my favorite summer flower colour is lol. If I go by the colour I always gravitate to at the garden center it has got to be peachy blush shades. Have a beautiful day Lidy and thank you for sharing your new and old treasures.?

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