French Country Citrus Flowers

February 21, 2022 4 min read 17 Comments

French Country Citrus Flowers
Happy Monday! This cheerful French Country citrus flower arrangement is the perfect way to bring a juicy light burst of color to your early spring! It takes its color cue from sunshine in the garden, fresh air, and bright oranges and lemons. These French Country Citrus Flowers are sure to enliven your entertaining and make your spirits bright. French Country Citrus Flowers This easy citrus flower arrangement isn't difficult to create and packs a big design punch. Flowers, lemons, oranges and a watering can is all you need!



Shirley, Mary and Pam and I are bringing out the sunshine for you today! Please see their citrus hued floral designs - I'll share their links at the bottom of this post. One of my favorite things about spring and summer is being able to walk outside in our garden and gather fresh lemons and oranges. It's one of the joys of living in Southern California! Mid to late February is actually the time our orange tree produces prolific amounts of oranges, so many that we can give away bags full of our naval oranges to the whole neighborhood. Citrus is sweet, tart, and bright. I chose flowers in citrus colors for this larger scale arrangement, orange, yellow, pink and white {for the flowers of the citrus trees.} French Country Citrus Flowers Since we just received some beautiful garden antiques, I thought I'd make an arrangement in one of the watering cans before it flies to its new owner. This painted watering can is actually a hot water carrier, used before plumbing was a regular thing in homes. After filling it with {cold} water, I can only imagine what those poor servant girls went through to carry this, filled with boiling water, up those narrow and bad staircases to the mistress or master so that they could have a bath or shave. It would have been so so heavy! French watering can floral bright srping flowers orange pink and yellow flowers These types of water cans only open in the back with a lid, so the flowers are only peeking out of this can there. I added some blood oranges to the other side to balance the arrangement out a little. table in the garden I layered our small metal table in the back garden with an antique French linen sheet, and set it up for dessert for four. {Truth - even though it looks sunny, there was a gale force wind blowing and it was c o l d - California cold at least! : ) } So dessert had to move inside. French country table I had a bottle of Martinelli's Blood Orange Sparkling Juice in the fridge, and it was a perfect drink for my outdoor dessert service. I love blood oranges, those I bought, they are so juicy! If you have never had one, next time you find them at the store buy them to try. French Country Citrus Flowers french country citrus flowers This arrangement is easy, and fast to put together. You can use any kind of watering can and different flowers. french country flowers Now the fun part; making the flower arrangement. Because this watering can is rather large, I inserted a glass deep into the water at the back to hold green branches clipped from the garden. You can see them sticking out, they give this larger scale arrangement height. They kept falling over, but tying them together with string on the bottom and inserting them into that glass kept them from misbehaving. country watering can country floral arrangment pink and bright orange flowers Cut the flower stems to the height you want your arrangement to be. I chose to have them be all different lengths, with the coral pink and yellow tulips added at the last minute to stick out here and there. Begin with inserting your filler flowers or greenery in a criss cross way. In my case, since I splurged on a lot of flowers, I cut green branches off bushes in the front and back garden for my filler. The filler or greenery will give all your other flowers a "place" to hold on to. Then arrange all your citrus colored beauties where you want them! As usual, I'm not a "do this - do that" type of floral arranger. You have what it takes to make a beautiful arrangement! Just play around with your arrangement until you are pleased. orange







Spring table setting with oranges Arte Italica Plates The table is set with these gorgeous Italian lace plates, they are wonderful for salads or in this case, dessert, antique silver forks, and linen napkins with green embroidery that I love so much. My own pressed glasses for the blood orange sparkling juice, an antique white ironstone tureen holds oranges and grapefruits {what else?!} A few antique hose nozzles and a sprinkler nozzle finalize the "decor" on this table. garden party table summer table with oranges Citrus fruit makes me happy. It has such a fresh scent, bright colors, and a sparkling taste! French floral arrangement Use oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruits for your sunny French Country citrus flowers – choose a color to enhance your flowers! And don't forget to make something delicious with them, too. garden table in France One Last Thing: I have been meaning to try Jamie Oliver's Blood Orange Polenta Cake! He makes such delicious food! I'm watching old episodes of his cooking shows, while cooking dinner. I'm so inspired to make our meals here at home fresher, cleaner and easier. Do you know about/watch him? How to make a citrus inspired floral arrangement



citrus with hydrangeas

MARY at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

orange tulips with citrus flowers

SHIRLEY at Housepitality Designs

PAM at Everyday Living

French Country Citrus Flowers and me LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

17 Responses


March 01, 2022

You are so kind to say that! I hope you are having a beautiful day today!

Jackie Wild
Jackie Wild

March 01, 2022

All post are so beautiful and each one makes me smile!


February 22, 2022

Oh my goodness! This is amazing. The color combination is perfection. Hugs to you.


February 22, 2022

Dear Lidy, I feel like I am a guest in your beautiful garden.I made Jamie Oliver’s blood orange cake primarily because I love blood oranges but the taste is amazing,love his style of cooking .

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

February 22, 2022

I’m in love with your watering can! It is so beautiful! And your table design with the citrus is perfection – those antique brass house nozzles are just the fun surprise to set it all off!

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

February 22, 2022

What a unique and beautiful flower arrangement. I love the colors and flower choices and the citrus and watering can just put it over the top! The table setting is beautiful as well. So much fun, gives us hope for spring as the snow swirls outside our window. Thanks again Monday Morning Bloom gal’s


February 21, 2022

Lidy, I’m a citrus loving girl, and this is making me reach for a little citrus snack. I’m in love with the watering can with its stripes and wonderful patina. Pretty flowers, too! Your tablescape inspires!

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

February 21, 2022

What a beautiful and unusual arrangement. I do not like flowers that are bunched together with no thought of arranging. In nature flowers flow freely and thats what I think is beautiful. The hot water can is beautiful. Praise to the One that allowed us to have hot water heaters.

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

February 21, 2022

Lidy, it’s all so beautiful and love seeing you set a table in your wonderful garden. You always make us feel like you are transporting us to far away places with such history of so many items on your table. Love learning about the hot water carrier. Yes, can’t imagine someone having to carry it up winding stairs! Thank goodness for indoor plumbing!! Now you can use those vessels for beautiful flower arrangements!
Always thrilled to join you for Monday Morning Blooms!!!


February 21, 2022

I feel like I am sitting in your garden Lidy, while I am enjoying this post and all the beautiful photos! Your arrangement is very creative, I love the vintage watering can and the different heights of the stems, mixed in with the fresh citrus~ I lived in Southern CA for 10 years, and often long for the bountiful days of endless oranges and lemons. Your dessert table is so welcoming and bright, just beautiful!

Linda Hovgaard
Linda Hovgaard

February 21, 2022

Such a beautiful composition of colors! Love everything about your gorgeous bouquet in the magnificent vintage hot water can! This table setting with the citrus is just divine! Thank you Lidy, you are amazing!

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

February 21, 2022

Lidy, Your post is delightful as usual. Oh, to be able to walk out in your garden and pick oranges and lemons!
Your antique painted watering can/water carrier is so pretty and charming. I can imagine the thrill of finding this treasure. I’ve never seen anything like it. Do you know how old it is? It is perfection for MMB today!
I love your selection of flowers and fruit. I can taste the blood orange. I do not get to have it often. My first experience was in a hotel in Sorrento and they had pitchers filled! I was impressed at the quantity and it was delicious.
Your vignette is lovely.

Rebecca Payne
Rebecca Payne

February 21, 2022

Simply Gorgeous Bouquet. I love the beautiful photo’s in this post. Very inspiring.

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

February 21, 2022

That is consistent So Cal right there, Lidy. Beautiful! Love the antique watering can and it’s original purpose story beyond the garden.


February 21, 2022

Beautiful, pure happiness!

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

February 21, 2022

Lidy, the watering can is amazing. I have never seen one that even slightly resembles this one. The flowers are gorgeous and I have a fondness for ranunculus. I am also a fan of blood oranges. The dessert table set within your garden is so perfect. I agree with Mary, you would never know that you had gale force winds. It is always a treat to join you for floral inspiration and Monday Morning Blooms. Wishing you a beautiful Monday!


February 21, 2022

Watering can love Lidy! I love how you married the paint colors with your colorful bouquet and blend of citrus! I’m swooning over that big arrangement and your garden setting! You and Shirley both used those gorgeous two-tone tulips this week. You would never know that it was blustery in your garden from your photos. We had 40 mph wind gusts last week and freezing temps but are warming up this week which has me dreaming of spring and gardening season. As always, it’s a treat to join you for some flower therapy and share blooms with you. Happy Monday <3

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