Collecting French Country Culinary Antiques

February 23, 2017 3 min read 31 Comments

Collecting French Country Culinary Antiques
CollectingFrenchCulinaryAntiquestitle Most of us have warm memories of cooking and baking, the kitchen is often our very favorite room in the house. Do you ever smell a pie baking, or a chicken roasting, and are right back in your Mom's kitchen? The kitchen really speaks to our hearts in so many ways; usually cozy, and warm, and filled with delicious smells. French Country Cuisine

Because of a renewed interest in cooking and entertaining at home, culinary antiques are becoming some of the most sought-after antiques collectors are searching for right now. They are some of the most popular antiques flying off the shelves at FrenchGardenHouse Antiques, and it's easy to see why!

Not only will they still be useful, they are so decorative, that even if they never serve another meal, they just look gorgeous displayed in any room.

French Country culinary antiques appeal to younger collectors in particular, who love how the 19th century cooking antiques compliment their farmhouse style kitchens.


Growing in popularity, the esteem for French cuisine has spurred on a new generation of avid collectors of French Country culinary antiques. These simple country antiques connect us to a time when we all allowed for leisurely food preparation, and dining was an event. Many collectors fill their homes with French Country kitchen antiques to remind them to sit and enjoy lovingly prepared meals with their family and friends, and treasuring their company.

If you love French Country antiques for the memories they stir, or for how useful they still are, or simply for how they look, here are some tips for starting a collection of French kitchen {or culinary} antiques. This post will also be a part of the April Romantic Homes Magazine French Issue, on sale 3-07-17.


FrenchCountryKitchenAntiquesFrenchGardenHouse.com2 There are French Country culinary antiques for the casual collector and the serious connoisseur. Whether they come from the "below stairs" kitchen of an elegant chateau or a quaint country village bistro, culinary antiques are the perfect complement to your grand pursuits of dining, cooking and entertaining.


There are many different types of French Country kitchen antiques, and collectors generally fall into three categories: 1. Collectors who collect only one thing, striving to find better and better, or more rare pieces. AntiqueFrenchEgouttoir 2. Collectors who collect a series of objects, such as everything made of copper.


3. Collectors who collect a little bit of everything, either to re-create a country kitchen from the late 1800’s or early 1900’s, or to decorate their home with the pottery, enamelware and other kitchen items from France.

b19thcenturytureensfrench French Country Cuisine

Basically, what you collect will depend on what you can’t resist! There is a such a wide range of French Country antiques: enamelware, pottery, dishes, baskets, copper pans and pots, all of them glorious in their own right.



As these were useful antiques, and collected for sentimental or decorative reasons, country culinary antiques don’t have to be pristine. Nothing evokes the Provençal countryside more than things that have lost some of their paint and polish. A little chip here and there, a crack, these show that country kitchen antiques have been used, you can virtually taste the heritage of these older pieces. Many collectors actually prefer pieces with well-worn patina and wear.

FrenchCountryAntiquesKitchenFrenchGardenHouse.comFrench Country Cuisine


Using French Country antiques in your home and kitchen creates a link from today to a culture when every item was created with care, by artisans who cared about each detail. Eye-catching, culinary antiques connect the dots of that past to the present. bfrench19thcenturyyellowtureeno French pottery from the Provence, and Alsace region makes every kitchen speak French, fluently. You can use these old treasures to brighten up your kitchen, but they look just as stunning displayed as a piece of art amid a collection of antique books {cooking or not} or holding a handful of flowers or herbs from your garden as a centerpiece.



A collection of antique kitchen or tableware is meant to be enjoyed, used and shared. They are precious, but were made to be hardworking and sturdy. They are not relics of the past, please don't be afraid to use them!


Collecting kitchen antiques is based partially on knowledge, but mostly on love. These are antiques that represent a time and lifestyle in the past that we long for. One that embraces time spent in warm kitchens, creating special foods to feed those we love, and taking the time to enjoy meals with treasured family and friends.


What one thing do you remember from your mother's or grandmother's kitchen that you love?

31 Responses

Christi from Charm & Grace Cottage
Christi from Charm & Grace Cottage

February 24, 2017

What a beautiful post. The photo of the olive bowls really tugs at my heart, as I am an olive lover… any of them, anytime… breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack! I love the onion boards, too. As always, your images transport me to a calm and beautiful place! And this time, with great food. ;)


February 24, 2017

My grandmother used to keep a old vintage green bottle of cold water in her refrigerator. No water ever tasted that good as the water from that bottle!

Julie Watson
Julie Watson

February 24, 2017

These amazing French Culinary antiques truly make my heart beat a little faster. I am always in awe that these useful yet beautiful items have stood the test of time, weathered much service, and are still ready to serve—either in their original purpose, or some creative new one. That they have outlived their original owner (maybe several owners) makes me respect them dearly for the history they hold.
Years ago I purchased a beautiful copper oblong vessel with sturdy handles which I love to use for displaying plants or flowers. Now I know it is a poissoniere. Now there’s a fish story. ;) Hope you did something fun on your Birthday! Blessings to you.

Ginger Valdes
Ginger Valdes

February 23, 2017

Lidy, I love EVERYTHING! Especially the vintage breadboards, but above all I want to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
X0, Ginger


February 23, 2017

The tureens have stolen my heart! They speak the history of long meals centered around something warm and bubbly and some good bread. True comfort food! I’m decorating with a little more pottery these days so I just love your collection.

Your photography in this post is awesome!

Jane x


February 23, 2017

Sigh….my stomach is in a knot….I LOVE the photos. Thanks you!



February 23, 2017

Cooking is one of my hobbies. The French pottery will be great to have in my kitchen. Thank you for the inspiration.

Jean anderson
Jean anderson

February 23, 2017

Love these antiques!

Pam McCuan
Pam McCuan

February 23, 2017

Thanks Lidy! I just love the bread boards!


February 23, 2017

I’m totally loving your French pottery……so beautiful….
When I was a little girl I just loved helping my grandma in the kitchen, if I close my eyes tight I’m right back in her kitchen helping her strip the peas from the pods….:-)


Our French Oasis
Our French Oasis

February 23, 2017

I so totally agree, it is incredible, and the absolute best thing about blogging because we ‘meet’ so many fabulous, kind spirited people, we learn a vast amount too, but it is the new friendships that I value the most. Xx

alison ashton
alison ashton

February 23, 2017

Grandma made tomato gravy for rice for lunch every day. She started early, to brown roux, and cooked the rice so it would be completely dry by the time Grandpa was in for lunch after morning chores.


February 23, 2017

Genevieve, I love that memory! Isn’t it so funny how little things like a special spoon not only make us feel special, but create such heart warming memories, too? Thank you for sharing that.


February 23, 2017

Thank you Donna! What a special memory, and how fortunate you all were to have your grandmother so close by. And CREPES!!


February 23, 2017

Susan, it’s the wonder of the blog world and internet, isn’t it? I cherish the friendships we forge around the world….xo Lidy


February 23, 2017

Mary, how special that you have your grandmother’s farm table! And a wooden potato masher, aren’t these old utensils so wonderful!?

Our French Oasis
Our French Oasis

February 23, 2017

Lidy, I am learning from you! And that just makes me smile and makes me appreciate the power of the Internet and blogging. So here I am in France learning from you in the States, isn’t that perfect! I have still never seen an onion chopping board for sale here but I am on the lookout, it is on my wish list when Brocante season starts again just a few weeks from now and vintage chopping boards, along with all the usual things like ironstone etc!


February 23, 2017

When I was growing up, my mom’s mother lived 3 doors down from us. Every Sunday morning she would make the most delicious crepes with her cast iron crepe pan. My sister, brother and myself would walk down and enjoy a wonderful breakfast with her and my cousin Ronnie who lived with her.

Lidy, I love your posts which are so informative and inspiring.


February 23, 2017

A rectangular blue and white platter that was in the larder in Edinburgh, Scotland.


February 23, 2017

I treasure using my grandmother’s old farm table. Oh if it could only talk. And I must add
here wooden potato masher. Most who visit don’t have any idea what it is.


February 23, 2017

I am hooked on hand crafted wooden spoons. But my favorite is my brothers. He was a great caterer. My hand always seems to pull it out of the antique copper wine bucket I keep all my spoons for quick access. I know he is looking down and leading me another great meal.

Shannon@ Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@ Belle Bleu Interiors

February 23, 2017

Lidy, I love antiques, and I especially love French antiques. Your posts are always so informative. I am going on a trip next week and will be able to do some antique shopping. I am going to remember your great tips. Thanks for sharing! I hope that you have a beautiful day and a wonderful weekend!!!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Shirley@Housepitality Designs

February 23, 2017

Oh what a beautiful post Lidy!….I have scrolled up and down looking at all of the pretty details of the collections…the French pottery is breathtaking!!!…

Genevieve Miller
Genevieve Miller

February 23, 2017

When I was a child we spent summers at our grandmothers home. She had 1 spoon that had
a beautiful bone handle. We would run to get to the kitchen first in the morning so we could eat our breakfast with that spoon!

Lisa DeNunzio
Lisa DeNunzio

February 23, 2017

Collecting is a sort of benign disease – and one that I love. Would that I could find more antiques and collectibles in Italia. They do not seem to be as readily available here or perhaps I have not found the right spot in Umbria as yet. Still looking….


February 23, 2017

I do love the old cutting boards. I’ve been on one or two home tours where they had collections of them on the wall. They are beautiful!

Carole Shiles
Carole Shiles

February 23, 2017

I have a flour sifter that belonged to my mom. It isn’t french but I treasure it as if it were a rare french antique.

Marsha Melonakos
Marsha Melonakos

February 23, 2017

Love the culinary antiques. Would love a kitchen full of them! Thank you for this informative blog post!

Mae Draper
Mae Draper

February 23, 2017

I love the crock with all the wooden utensils.

Taste of France
Taste of France

February 23, 2017

You are really helping me develop an eye for French antiques. I see these pieces here in France, and mostly my husband turns up his nose and makes some comment about how it looks like something his grandmother used before the war (not that he was born then). But that’s exactly the point! I love having utensils that I actually use that were made by hand out of “true” materials like copper or clay vs. plastic. Built to last. And usually beautiful, too.


February 23, 2017

I love collecting vintage French kitchenalia, as it is more affordable! My favourite item from my maternal grandmother is a fat enamel ginger jar with lid that was filled with bonbons which their grocer presented to her mother on her birth. From my paternal grandmother, I have a heavy metal little iron that was heated on the coal stove to iron the family linens. I enjoyedthis trip down memory lane, have a super day!

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