Cherish the Little Things

May 18, 2020 4 min read 28 Comments

cherish the little things
cherish the little things HAPPY MONDAY!! It's always a happy Monday when it's MONDAY MORNING BLOOMS. There is nothing like the beauty of flowers to encourage us - at least that is true for me. And you won't believe the gorgeous flower therapy my inspiring and talented friends have for you today. I'm taking time this week to think small - to Cherish the Little Things. Monday Morning Blooms for spring It doesn't really take much to make me happy. A beautiful sun peeking around the clouds in the early morning. A bird singing in the garden. A butterfly darting from bush to bush in our front garden. Listening to my little people laugh. Talking to a good friend. Reading a beautiful story. Lately, I've been in heaven. Oh, I know. I KNOW. We are in the midst of a pandemic. Our lives have been turned upside down. But there is "something" about this time, isn't there? Something that makes all those little nuggets of beautiful moments that we've talked about here so often, stand out even more. cherish the little things I don't know about you, but those little moments, those little blasts of beauty, are what makes our life one worth living. Time used to seem to fly by, before this all happened, at the speed of light for me. It was filled with work, buying trips, meetings, gatherings with family and friends. I DO miss all those things, I do. This time at home has slowed down the pace, but it's also slowed ME down. I have come to take more time and sit back to appreciate and enjoy the blessings of our life, much more! You, too? cherish the little things Around here we have been home at FrenchGardenHouse for 8+ weeks. And as I've been home, I've realized even more so that our lives are filled with simple little pleasures. Beautiful gifts, little moments to enjoy something simple that takes a regular, maybe monotonous day to an extraordinary one! I've always wanted to make pretty little areas at home, but now, it seems that I SEE them even more than before. Cherish the Little Things My offering for today's Monday Morning Blooms is a very simple one. I haven't been out to buy flowers, nor created a big, showy floral arrangement for us to share this time. Our Eden is filled with the most gorgeous blooms, but I'll be honest, since our garden update, it's one of the few things blooming, and I am loathe to cut many of them for flower arrangements inside right now. cherish the little things My arrangement in our kitchen consists of just three roses, two sprigs of ivy, and two alstroemeria clusters from the garden. I inserted a water glass in the antique French enamelware canister, popped in the flowers, and was amazed at how truly beautiful it is! cherish the little things Little things - they provide the seasoning of life. Often my Monday Morning Blooms focuses on the big things, a large table setting, or a large floral arrangement. But more often than not, a little nosegay {don't you love that old-fashioned word?} can bring just as much joy to your heart and the heart of those who live with you. Especially during this time, I hope you take time to surround yourself with beauty. To focus on the little things. Those little things, be they a little vase of flowers, an organized office {note to self!} or a pretty table-setting for dinner with your family, those are the things that will fill your memories years down the line of this time. And of course the smiles you exchanged with your neighbors walking by your front garden and stopping to chat across the fence. The sweet face-times you have with people you love and miss. The little things that keep you motivated and grateful on the daily. cherish the little things It takes little effort, but it may make a world of difference to you or someone in your family seeing a few flowers, even a few branches if nothing is blooming at your house, lovingly displayed. I know it does for me - even something as small and seemingly trivial as rose signals hope in these trying times. cherish the little things I want to challenge all of us to think about how these tiny beauty moments are the ones that can help bless our day. Beauty always blesses our soul. Once we focus on the beauty and blessings in our world, the uncertainty and chaos will fade and leave us with a happier day, and that will make for a happier day for the people we love, too! cherish the little things Thank you so much for joining me today. Please visit my cherished friends, all of them are inspiring and will give out some lovely flower therapy. Just click on their names below.

SHIRLEY at Housepitality Designs

PAM at Everyday Living

MARY at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

cherish the little things

and me, LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse



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28 Responses

Linda Hovgaard
Linda Hovgaard

May 26, 2020

Love this post! It is the little things! You couldn’t say it better Lidy – thank you!!!

jean van
jean van

May 19, 2020

Bonjour, Lidy,
All above at your home is lovely and your word’s are all so true, I feel thing’s happen for a reason and we have to slow down and smell the rose’s as the saying go’s I use that a lot with my family, have a nice Memorial Day weekend and stay safe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aloha, Jean~~~~~~~~~~~~


May 19, 2020

Jane, thanks so much for your sweet visit. No, Bentley is eight years old! He thinks he is still a puppy, and acts like it too. I think labs stay young at heart for a super long time.


May 19, 2020

Your flowers and arrangements truly picked me up! I also love the various ways you’ve displayed them with your finds—you are genius!

Bentley is precious! Is he a puppy? Love!!!!


Nancy Brantley
Nancy Brantley

May 19, 2020

Yes…cherish the little things! Be thankful…love your message today!! Look for sunshine in the clouds…they are both heaven sent!


May 18, 2020

How adorable your post is…Balm to the soul! Beautiful vignettes too. Blessings!

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

May 18, 2020

What a beautiful display! And I particularly love how you included your sweet and handsome guy, Bentley!


May 18, 2020

Embracing the little things, and looking for the silver lining, that is a joy that has come out of adversity, isn’t it? I am always filled with joy to join you and our two other friends on our special Monday Morning Blooms Mondays.


May 18, 2020

That is how it should be Alice, every place our eye lands it should give us joy and beauty in our home. Wishing you a beautiful Monday, Alice. xo


May 18, 2020

Diane, now more than ever before we are enjoying all our blessings, aren’t we? It seems like everything is more beautiful, the flowers, the bird song, the smiles on the faces of our beloved people! Hope you have a gorgeous and blessed day!


May 18, 2020

Good morning Pam! It’s always a joy to meet you here, dear friend. Our flowers are what brought us together but it’s our hearts that makes us friends. This time, more than any other, is the time we all have grateful hearts!

Dianne Sharpe
Dianne Sharpe

May 18, 2020

Lidy, this is such a timely message. My mother had a plaque with this exact message. Your Eden is simply that! Your nosegay against your beautiful blue is strikingly beautiful. I enjoyed your post so very much. I am enjoying my garden, listening to the sweet song of the birds and all the little things that are really the great things.


May 18, 2020

Bobbi, I agree, adversity makes all of us cherish every single little thing! I am happy that you and the people you love are well, too. Have a happy Monday!!


May 18, 2020

Thank you so much Pam, I wish you the same! The little things have never meant as much as they do these days. My bouquet this week might be small, but they are still a miracle of nature.


May 18, 2020

Mary, these Mondays are my favorites too! : ) I love sharing them with all of you. Slowing down and being in the garden {notice I didn’t say working-haha- I am not the gardener here!} has many rewards. I’ve noticed more butterflies than any other year outside, and the birds are singing extra loudly….I think they are loving the less car emissions and cleaner air! xo


May 18, 2020

Such a beautiful message to match your pretty nosegay in your canister and your beautiful backdrop of monogrammed dinnerware Lidy! Love seeing Bentley’s sweet face and your gorgeous Eden roses too. Staying at home, slowing down and working more in the garden has had its rewards and helps us appreciate the little things. So happy to share blooms with you on these Mondays, my favorite days of the month. <3


May 18, 2020

Jenna, it has always been those small things that add up to big things, hasn’t it? Thank you for visiting me today, hoping you are having a beautiful Monday.


May 18, 2020

Thank you so much Bonnie, beauty does bless our souls, doesn’t it? And a little spot of beauty blesses everyone who sees it too. Hope your Monday is a lovely one, friend.


May 18, 2020

I love that, Sandra! I think this is a blessing to all our hearts, to cherish the little things. Especially now. I know you always have, this time just makes it even more clear, doesn’t it? xo

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

May 18, 2020

Lidy, you wrote this post for me. I know you did. Your flowers in your canisters are so pretty. But, it is your words that are beyond beautiful. Every line touches my heart and reveals the beauty in yours. Blessings and stay well, my friend.

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

May 18, 2020

Crazy, I put three emojis at the end of my comment and I saw them before I pressed publish. Then it showed three question marks.

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

May 18, 2020

Lidy, Your post is lovely. I love the antique french canisters in your kitchen. How beautiful to place roses and alstroemeria and a sprig of ivy in your farine canister. Your thoughts are also beautiful today. I have also cherished the little things during this slower time at home.
Beauty does bless my soul and I love how you expressed this.
Have a wonderful day!


May 18, 2020

So lovely Lidy, and you’re right, it is the little things that are important…you’re simple arrangement makes a very large statement set among your blue and white pretties on your sideboard, and I shall remember your beautiful words and thoughts…

Bobbi Duncan
Bobbi Duncan

May 18, 2020

Lidy, your message rings so true…adversity makes us cherish even more the beauty of everything. Even the simplest of arrangements—a little bud vase —holds the same cheerfulness for me as the elaborate ones. I don’t know of anyone that doesn’t love flowers. Glad you and yours are doing well. Hugs!

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

May 18, 2020

Good morning Lidy. Simple pleasures and taking notice of small things will make for a life well lived, a life of a thankful and grateful heart that God has taken care of our needs. Your lovely roses and alstroemeria shine in your gorgeous French enamel canister. Walking into your kitchen and seeing that nosegay would make my heart sing. Thank you for your beautiful sentiments this morning and for the lovely floral inspiration. What a joy to share Monday Morning Blooms with you! xoxo

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

May 18, 2020

Oh Lidy, I throughly agree with you, little things mean a lot. My idea of decorating my home is that every place my eye lands, I will see only beautiful things. Not over done, but simply beautiful. Small floral arrangements is a tea pot or julep cup by the bed are a nice way to greet a guest in their bedroom. Or just by your favorite chair to lift your spirits. Can’t wait to see your garden in full bloom.

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

May 18, 2020

I have come to the conclusion that I am blessed that going through an adversity this past year has gained me more of an attitude to embracing the little things and always look for the silver lining of what we are presented with. As always, your message and beautiful flowers from your garden are so beautiful today. Seeing your exquisite collections embellished by your flowers are always a joy…and speaking of joy, it is always a joy to be a part of MMB with you! Have a most joyous day Lidy!

Pam Kelley
Pam Kelley

May 18, 2020

Wishing you a lovely week… and oh how much the little things mean so much more to most of us these days… A bouquet of flowers in particular! Thank you for sharing yours, they are beautiful! xo Pam

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