Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement

March 21, 2022 4 min read 30 Comments

Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement
Today I'm sharing a beautiful spring bouquet, filled with the delightful flowers and stunning colors we love in the spring. Spring is a fresh new beginning, and although I'm calling this a Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement, it will look spectacular for any very special occasion in the spring. Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement Welcome to Monday Morning Blooms. I'm so happy to have you join me, and later I hope to see you at my friend's posts, as they share their Spring floral therapy with you. Links at the very bottom! Monday Morning Blooms I love nothing more than to host family and friends here at FrenchGardenHouse. It's always a joy to host a gathering celebrating a baby in our home. Because, well....babies are so precious aren't they? There have been baby showers, baby christening or baptism parties and later, of course, children's celebrations. But the baby celebrations are so close to my heart. Especially an occasion to celebrate a baby's baptism or christening. Baby Baptism party A baptism or christening is such an important day in a baby’s life. It's a time that parents dedicate their little person to God. It’s also a very exciting and special day for the baby's parents, they're introducing their new baby to friends and family if they haven't met the new member of the family yet! Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement What better time to celebrate? Spring flowers On this occasion, I set a small round table in the living room and used a classic navy linen round cloth. Then I added flowers, pictures of grandparents and great-grandparents as babies in frames, and antique silver christening cups on an antique platter to drink champagne out of. The French paper favor cones are ready to be filled with white candy covered almonds and closed to be given to each guest. Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement

Shop all Children's Antiques: Cones, Books, Cups >

Thrilled to find such an array of pastel colored flowers at the flower market, I bought loads of my favorites. I just couldn't resist! Pink roses, pink tulips, pink alstroemeria, pink cabbages {!} and fragrant blue hyacinths. Arranged simply in an antique glass humidor, in honor of the baby's great grandpapa, who was famously known to enjoy a good cigar daily after dinner. Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement A celebration like this calls for champagne, of course! I nestled my bottle of bubbly in an antique silver plated bottle holder. It's on an antique platter along with antique silver baby cups to drink from! antique sterling baby cups

Antique Silver Syphon Stand | Silver Cups | Blue Wreath Frame | Blue Rose Frame

Both our girls were baptized in Europe, wearing my grandfather's family's long white gown that he, my mom, all her siblings, and I was baptized in too. It was beautiful, made in the mid 1800's in France, with all the lace, fine fabric and silk ribbons you can imagine. Oh, how I wished I could have inherited that gown, sadly, it went to the first boy with my grandfather's last name. {He never had any children, and I have no idea what became of the gown.} Not to be without a gown, I bought an antique beauty for my own girls to wear when they were baptized. And a few of our little people wore it when they were christened. antique christening gown I personally love gifting babies something antique at their Christening or Baptism. There are so many beautiful antique silver christening baby cups, little cutlery sets, antique baby clothes and bonnets that are so usable today. One of the things that I am most asked to find for grandmamas or moms are antique christening gowns, christening cups and flatware sets. Seconded by antique baby books! Sadly, the books aren't that easy to find in good condition, but once in awhile I'm really lucky! Other than using them as baby gifts, or for their own babies, many of our clients have an antique doll collection, and the baby things display so beautifully with it. Baby christening gowns look adorable hung on an armoire in a guest room that is for your grandchildren, too! Let's face it, all things baby that are pretty and sweet are fun. Antique Christening Gifts I am so happy I got to make this Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement for a baby's celebration purely because we haven't had the opportunity to do so over the past few years. It will work just as well for any other spring celebration, baby shower, birthday party or anything celebratory. Christening party in spring pink roses with hyacinths Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you get the opportunity to host a special celebration for a baby you love! And remember that a pastel flower arrangement like this works for any kind of celebration. Easter. Spring is here. Ladies spring luncheon. "Yippee...we're entertaining again!" "I need some flower therapy at home." Any time and every time. I think a lush, overflowing bouquet of flowers for spring is always right, don't you? Because whose heart and spirit doesn't brighten at the sight of all these luscious gorgeous blooms?! Pink blue spring flower centerpiece Be sure to get your Spring Floral Inspiration by visiting my fellow Blooms friends! I'll see you there!

pink spring floral bouquet Mary at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

Pam at Everyday Living

blue hyacinths for spring Shirley at Housepitality Designs

Baby Baptism Flower Arrangement and me, Lidy at FrenchGardenHouse


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

30 Responses


April 04, 2022

Barbara, thank you so much! It’s so funny, the choice of blue and pink wasn’t even something I consciously thought about, they were just the prettiest flowers available. But they are appropriate, aren’t they? And lovely. Wishing you a gorgeous week ahead!

Barbara at Mantel and Table
Barbara at Mantel and Table

April 01, 2022

SO beautiful – your flower colors are perfect for a christening! You always inspire me to try new things and this time, it’s to use some blues with my pinks – what a gorgeous combination! Thanks as always!


March 24, 2022

Oh how wonderful! I hope you enjoy every single second. xoxo

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

March 25, 2022

So lovely on every level, Lily! The pastel colors of the flowers were perfect for spring and a baby baptism. I especially love the touch of including baby pictures of the grandparents and great-grandparents… How special!

Glory P
Glory P

March 24, 2022

It’s like you read my mind. I leave Monday to visit our newest granddaughter for the first time. We will also see our three year old bundle of energy. Not sure If I am ready for him. We will buy flowers after we get there, so enjoyed your blog. Ready hit the heart.


March 22, 2022

There is nothing so precious as babies in gowns passed down
or the memories it beholds. What a special occasion to celebrate with flowers. Your choice of flowers, color selection and the perfect size arrangement truly sets the stage for a
Perfect day full of love!
Thank you so much for sharing a little history of your christening gown and a bit of your family’s History of gowns also.

Bridget martinelli
Bridget martinelli

March 22, 2022


Shirley @Housepitalty Designs
Shirley @Housepitalty Designs

March 22, 2022

Lidy….your amazing bouquet of all flowers pink is so beautiful…love the addition of the cabbage leaves…wish I could find some here! Your Baptismal display is exquisite, from the sweet Christening gown, to the Baptismal cones, and oh those silver baby cups have me giddy!!!….Yes, such special times for families. A bit late to visit you…a rather crazy day yesterday!…As always, it is so fabulous to share flower inspiration with you!!! Happy Spring Lidy!!!

Nancy Brantley
Nancy Brantley

March 22, 2022

This setting is sweet and gorgeous! You always do a great job using your antiques. Happy Spring!


March 21, 2022

Happy Spring Lidy! I’m sorry I’m late visiting, I was out the door this morning to take advantage of the sunshine after all our rain and to do some garden clean up and touch up painting around the Potting Shed before the rain returns on Wednesday…I’m pooped. :) I love your pretty arrangement which is perfect for any spring celebration! I especially love the pop of purple from the hyacinths, I know the fragrance must be heavenly! What a beautiful christening gown. My MIL used the gown her father was christened in for my hubby and his siblings…it was so beautiful and sweet. It was passed down to SIL who used it for her boys. Thank you for the beauty today, it’s always a treat to share blooms with you. <3


March 21, 2022

Thank you Rita! Happy Spring to you, too! I hope all your bulbs pop up and flowers reign around your neighborhood. xo


March 21, 2022

Anja, you are so fortunate to still have your own Christening gown. Happy Spring!


March 21, 2022

Thank you so much Ruthie. I love that you have the Christening gown that some of your grandchildren wore! That’s so special. I wish you a very blessed and happy Spring!


March 21, 2022

Thank you Kathleen! It’s kind of fun to toast to a new baby with champagne in little silver baby cups! Happy Spring!


March 21, 2022

Thank you Jenna. Spring is in all ways so lovely, isn’t it? And thank you for appreciating those cabbages, they are a great favorite of mine. Happy Spring!


March 21, 2022

Thank you so much, Denise. You are so blessed to have your Father’s baptismal gown, so special! Thank you for always being so kind and leaving a comment so I know you’ve visited.


March 21, 2022

Thank you Pam. I know, what is better than babies?! {of any kind!} I hope gardening season happens soon in your part of the world. We have tentatively started by buying some new flowering plants, and believe it or not, I gardened last weekend. {don’t tell anyone…haha!} Hope your week ahead is blessed.

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

March 21, 2022

The floral arrangement is perfect for Spring and any special occasion! I am partial to the theme of baby baptism. I have been fortunate to have my Father’s baptismal gown, mine and a few others that I’ve picked up at Estate Sales so very precious, you did a fabulous job with this beautiful vignette. Thanks again-Love Monday Morning Blooms!

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

March 21, 2022

Lidy, this is the most precious post! When I think of sweet babies, God’s most wonderful gifts, I am a puddle of tears. Every detail is so beautiful. The chosen flowers that welcome a season of rebirth in creation, the exquisite silver cups, photos of loved ones as babies combine for a most lovely celebration. Of course, the flowers are perfect for any occasion. After our unusually cold and rainy weather, I am excited to welcome spring. I can’t wait to get into my garden and plant flowers and I know Mr. FGH will make yours a lovely place to enjoy.

It is always a pleasure to share blooms and flower therapy! Happy Spring!


March 21, 2022

Alice, I agree! There is nothing better than celebrating a new little one. Each is a celebration all by her or himself!


March 21, 2022

Thank you Shannon! It is always so special to celebrate a new little life, isn’t it? Hope your week is blessed. xo


March 21, 2022

Thank you Bonnie! Happy Spring to you, too!

bonnie morgan
bonnie morgan

March 21, 2022

Ooh La La! So elegant and beautiful!
I love your flowers and your sweet theme. Your antique baby cups and antique pictures and frames will delight your guests. How very special.
You never disappoint.
Happy Spring!

Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

March 21, 2022

Lidy, this is such a gorgeous arrangement for such a wonderful celebration. The entire display of flowers accompanied by the pretty antiques is just beautiful and what a happy time. I remember hosting my baby’s christening celebrations and how special they were. Wishing you a blessed and wonderful week ahead, sweet friend!

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

March 21, 2022

Oh I adore this post. I can imagine the beautiful long gown that your children wore for their baptism. How nice it would have been for the person that inherited the gown to have given it to you. I found a long gown for my daughter and only child to wear. She still has it but sadly there are no children that will carry on that tradition. The silver cups are beautiful. I’m looking for a gift for a new baby and a silver cup would be perfect.


March 21, 2022

So beautiful Lidy, and such a wonderful theme to celebrate Spring and new beginnings. The silver baby cups are beautiful as are the gown and framed photos. The flowers display the abundance of joy for the occasion! Your arrangement is gorgeous, I love the pink cabbages!

Kathleen Ellis
Kathleen Ellis

March 21, 2022

Oh, Lidy! This is so precious! The flowers are gorgeous and all the accoutrements… magnifique!!! I love the little baby cups and the amazing chritening gown!!!

xoxo~ Kathleen

Ruthie Miller
Ruthie Miller

March 21, 2022

A beautiful arrangement, lovely saying too. Most of all, that incredible collection of silver mugs had me pinning away and thinking of what I would look for the next time I antique shop. So lovely. I have a family antique christening gown that some of my grandchildren wore. Nearly threadbare but still treasures.
Again, what a sweet post and I love the photos as well-tying the baby through past generations. Remembering the past while looking forward to the future of this new little baby.


March 21, 2022

What a heartwarming display you made with the pastel-colored flowers and the antique silver.
I am in possession of my christening gown ,not antique one but vintage by now.

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

March 21, 2022

Lidy, this is so incredibly adorable! Your theme is carried out in such fine details, using your antiquities so each one shines. I collect baby cups, so those grabbed my attention right away, but the flowers themselves, and their display in the humidor was a brilliant way to connect the generational part of the theme. Beautiful! Happy Spring!

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