May Day

The First of May! The outbreak into beauty which Mother Nature makes at the beginning of May excites in all of us joyful celebration. After a long winter’s sleep, nature awakes and showers its beauty on the earth, with a profusion of flowers and blossoms. It’s no wonder that we humans have wanted to celebrate, sing and dance for centuries. Earth, so long dead and cold, lives and smiles again!

Of all the pleasures of May, I love the garden Roses best. I’m sure all of you have a favorite, below are one of mine, our Eden Roses.  Nothing as glorious as when they are in full bloom, their flowers so heavy the branches can barely hold them up.

Then, of course, there are Hydrangeas, which do so well in our California coastal garden. And scented geraniums.  I admit, pretty much every flower and green plant we grow from herbs to orchids to pansies to salvias , all of them are my favorite at one time in their blooming life.  I hope you are all enjoying the pleasures of the outdoors, the glory of Mother Nature!

The May Queen

She wears sunlight in her hair
And violets in her eyes
And her cheeks are the petals of a rose.
She bears Love on her arm
And lilies are her feet,
And they carry Life wherever she goes.
There are graces on her lips
And rainbows on her robes
And her wreath is the coronet of May.
She is Fairy Queen of earth-
The wand at her heart
Is a Bud from the Triune Bouquet.
She is Mother, Queen, and Maid,
And God is her Child,
And her Courts are the meadows where They play
And her Courts
Forever and for aye.
She is Mary full of grace.
She is Queen of Eternal May. Marie Fischer

If you want to romance your Home and Garden with antique and vintage treasures to make you smile each time you come home, visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.

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