Where Women Create Business |

January 06, 2016 3 min read 23 Comments

Where Women Create Business |
WWCBFrenchGardenHouseGiveaway Honored. And I am so grateful to start 2016 off with a beautiful feature about me in Jo Packham's magazine Where Women Create Business. Are you as big a fan as I am of this magazine? Where Women Create Business is a magazine filled with inspiring women, each who started off with nothing bigger than a dream in her heart. Women who have grown their business and their brand. But it's not just inspiration, these entrepreneurs share solid, well thought out business advice. This is the perfect magazine for you if you are thinking of starting a business, have an existing business, are a blogger, artist, jewelry maker, film producer, and/or have a creative business dream you want to make reality. WWCB2016 WWCB is graciously allowing me to give away a copy of the magazine, to one of you! One lucky reader will win a copy of the Winter 2016 issue, USA residents only please. Just leave me a comment below about why you want to win and be inspired by the women in this issue. We have a winner! CONGRATULATIONS TO MARY ANN! WWCB2016WinterBaars It was a fun-filled afternoon watching photographer {really, her title is Divine Director at Large} Sunday Hendrickson and Madison, her assistant, take shots of my FrenchGardenHouse office and shipping area. A little scary too. Usually it's our garden or home in photos, the office is small, and filled with antiques waiting to be measured, and described, the shipping area, well, it's a shipping area! Not too much beautiful going on in there. Officeview But the story.....amazing! I love how it turned out. I'm giving you a peek into my personal office, sharing a few shots that weren't used in the article, and some that were. My desk is near a bay window, with the windows thrown open wide most of the year. I try to have flowers on my desk every week, to add a pop of color to my mostly grey, white and gold office. My antique mannequins keep me company in here, we use them for product shoots for jewelry and antique French clothing. {They are very good company, and always agree with every decision I make!} LidyBaarsOfficeview As you can see, my office is not glamorous. It's filled with antiques, filing cabinets, and storage. Keeping everything organized is a constant struggle, I'd much rather spend my time photographing and talking {writing} about the gorgeous antiques I sell! OfficeDreamBig My French silver leaf chair is the perfect desk height. A large French chandelier overhead is the light source, although the bay window gives me plenty of sunshine and beautiful light. LidyBaarsOffice The editors asked me to offer business advice to their readers, I chose blogging, and how it can grow your business. A blog for your business can give your readers and clients an idea of who you are, and what your brand stands for. Your website or Facebook and other social media can help people like you, but I want them to LOVE you and your brand, your blog is the place your readers will fall in love with you! Next time, I'll share the "shipping house" shots with you. No photos of my shipper, he was off that afternoon, but a glimpse of where we package your orders to send to you. antiquemannequin Thank you so much, Jo Packham, WWCB magazine, Sunday Hendrickson, Madison, and all the editorial staff for making me look so good in print! Don't forget to enter the give away by leaving a comment below, you can get extra entries by liking FrenchGardenHouse on FaceBook, or following us on FrenchGardenHouse Instagram and FrenchGardenHouse Pinterest. Just mention in the comments! You can also enter the giveaway on bHome:

23 Responses

Sarah Ann
Sarah Ann

February 07, 2016

I owned and operated an Antique Shop in. Natchez, Mississippi, next door to the Eola Hotel, crammed full of goodies, dolls, linens, dishes, quilts, etc. Hubby, transferred. Packed it up 15 years ago. Put in storage, life happened, moved to
Eastern Shore of Alabama, Fairhope, due to my husbands illness, never have unloaded the storage room. Due to my husband’s death recently, I now have time to uncover my treasures and share them with others. I dont want to
sell from brick and mortar store, Antique Gallery, one on every corner for mostly tourist. After much prayer and thought I decided to sell from “home” using a blog. I have a perfect setting in my “Gone with the Wind” home, right on the Bay, love your yard, hope to copy. I have looked at WWCBusiness before, nothing spoke to me.
BUT! . Last night I stopped by Barnes and Noble as they were announcing the store was closing in 15 minutes.
I grabbed the issue with your write up, I have spent my last 4 hours devouring, gobbling and swallowing alll your advice as well as subscribing to your blog and web site. Thanks for sharing your heart. Mine needed inspiring.
Stay tuned! I have taken the first step of many. Do you recommend any book or information on blogging?
Hopefully, it won’t take 9 months to be born,
but if it does it will be in the fulness of time. Proprietist Sarah Ann.


January 12, 2016

I am so IN LOVE with “Where Women Create” and all the fascinating women & their creations, ideas and businesses! I allow this magazine to influence both my dreams hopes so that one day maybe I will be able to be a similar influence in womens’ creative lifestyles!!!


January 09, 2016

I would love to win this issue of Women in Business!


January 09, 2016

I would love to win this issue of Women in Business. I get it often at my local JoAnn Craft & Fabric. In need of giving our business a boost.
Thank you!


January 09, 2016

Thank you for introducing us to the magazine, I’ve never heard of it before, but will go get a copy. As an artist, it sounds perfect for me. I would love to win the magazine, I’m starting my own business after years I. The corporate world.


January 08, 2016

Congratulations on being featured here. My love of France and antiques makes me a very happy follower of you.


January 08, 2016

Love this! I’m always inspired by you and FrenchGardenHouse. Gracious living and everything your brand helps us be.

Dorothy Swift
Dorothy Swift

January 08, 2016

The magazine looks inspirational. I have a small home-based business just started recently.

Denise Altman
Denise Altman

January 08, 2016

Would love this magazine! I have seen where women cook, and create but didn’t know there was a business issue! I am a micro business owner myself but also mentor others in my field. I would love this resource for ideas and creative inspiration.


January 07, 2016

I only recently discovered this magazine and I LOVE it! Everything about it is so inspiring. I would love to win this latest issue and continue to be inspired by you. Even if I don’t win I will go and buy this issue!

Doré @ Burlap Luxe
Doré @ Burlap Luxe

January 07, 2016

Congratulations I have loved this magazine with its first addition to the magazine stands of Barns and Noble.
I place myself as a business women, a creator of arts, and a gatherer of words on each and every page. I feel a special rhym with the ladies who are featured and relate to the goals they have achieved.
It’s a great magazine that empowers like dreamers to reach for ones goals and keep dreaming.

A gazing beautiful year to you.


Catherine Tatum
Catherine Tatum

January 07, 2016

What a lovely article! Congratulations on this article. It is such fun to see your organized and beautiful office. I love the antique mannequins!

Darla B.
Darla B.

January 07, 2016

Lidy, you are a thoughtful inspiration for me.

Cindy White
Cindy White

January 07, 2016

I would love a copy of this magazine! I have owned my business for 17 years and am always looking for new inspiration at this point in my career. Have been following for some time on Instagram and just started on FB and Pinterest!


January 07, 2016

Hello Lidy,

Congratulations. I loved reading your post. Lost of valuable information for those of us with a dream. I find your office beautiful and very elegant. Everything neatly placed and organized.

I love the added antiques and pretty accessories around your office. Especially the pillow and antique mannequins. It makes it extra special. I am very happy for your success and the recognition.

Thank you for the inspiration. I am looking forward to getting a copy.

I already follow in FB, Instagram and Pinterest.



January 07, 2016

Hi Lidy, I can’t wait to see this issue, because YOU are in it! It will be so great to see where you work so hard and must spend a huge amount of time.

I do follow you on IG, FB, Pinterest, and your blog. And if there was anywhere else I could follow you (and not get arrested for stalking), I would!

Congratulations my dear on being included in this issue.

Mary Ann
Mary Ann

January 07, 2016

I would love to win this magazine to help me expand my very tiny faux floral business to include antiques,
handmade items and home accessories.
I think reading about ideas from women who grew businesses from just one product or a small
seed is just what I need to take me to the next step. I have been so afraid to take the leap.

Thank you for your inspiration.

Mary Ann


January 07, 2016

Thank you my talented friend. I feel the same way about you, and your amazing talent to paint.

Sandy McTier
Sandy McTier

January 07, 2016

You are amazing Lidy!!! Always love seeing your beautiful living spaces!!! Oh….and that necklace you have on – gorgeous!!


January 06, 2016

Thank you Anita! Make yourself a sign that speaks to you like the “Dream Big” and hang it where you can see it!


January 06, 2016

Thank you Pam! Same to you, may 2016 be an amazing year for you and Pam Kelley & Associates!


January 06, 2016

Need serious inspiration to get back on the path to living my dream. WWCB would do me a world of good. Just seeing your gorgeous office with the “dream big” pillow is a good kick in the pants. Happy New Year Lidy, all the best in 2016!

Pam Kelley
Pam Kelley

January 06, 2016

Great article! loved seeing your pretty office, of course it did not surprise me that you are so organized and it is done so beautifully! Cheers to you Lidy and to the new year. All the best, Pam

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