9 Ways to Change Your Life

December 30, 2015 5 min read 12 Comments

9 Ways to Change Your Life
changeyourlife Can you believe 2015 is winding down? As I look back on the year I can't believe it flew by as quickly as it did. But fly it did, and as I look over my shoulder, one thought comes to my mind. That I am grateful. Grateful for all of you, my friends and readers, for supporting, reading and inspiring me each and every day. FrenchPressed In the upcoming New Year, you will see more of what you've asked me for: More of me sharing my enthusiasm for antiques; more interviews with nationally renowned designers, with their tips and tricks for designing wonderful spaces, as well as their own insights; more elegant but easy entertaining ideas with gorgeous easy to copy table settings; more recipes developed by my favorite Chef Lisa Hatfield Torres. More. Hopefully more of exactly what you are looking for to enrich your lives. ParisApttflowers While I was thinking about 2015 this morning, I wondered what 2016 will hold for all of us. Do you make goals for the new year? Some people choose one word or scripture for the coming year, I came up with this list to give all of us a fresh start. For changing our lives for the better. GIVE. Generously. Not just of your money, but your time. Be generous with what you have. There are so many who are struggling. I love sharing as part of my small Giving Circle, where we gift families in our community with groceries, cash, gift cards or whatever else they need anonymously. Invest in your friendships, your family, spend time with people you care about, who care about you. Time passes so quickly, we all want to spend time with those we love to build lasting memories. CARE. About others, of course, but also about YOU. All of us are doers, and every day seems to be filled to the brim with things to do. Be sure to take time to connect with God, to pray, to reflect and to be grateful. Give yourself time to read a book you love, to listen to music, to read a scripture at first daylight, cup of coffee in hand. Just ten to twenty minutes a day is usually what I have, but it fills my soul. OPEN. Open yourself up to new possibilities. Just because something, a holiday, what you wear, what you eat, has always been done a certain way, doesn't mean it always has to be that way in this coming year. Open yourself up to doing something new, something different. Always wear black? Try a bright color just once, it may change your whole wardrobe and how you feel! Always in charge? Let others be in charge of an event or holiday instead of always doing it yourself. By trusting others to be capable, you are allowing them to use their gifts and talents in a whole new way, and you might enjoy "just attending" for once. goals CREATE. Create beauty in your world, all around you. Each of us has the power to create a beautiful place, in your home. You can de-clutter, and tidy up, arrange things in a pleasing manner. Serve dinner at the table, with real napkins. Refresh your interior, take the time to light a candle, or cut some flowers or branches from the garden to display nature's beauty. Make a thoughtful purchase of an antique you love, then display it for all to enjoy. PUSH. {I know this isn't a word you expected to see here} Push your envelope. Instead of making a New Year's resolution, I believe in making a New Year's Push. Last year, I took a bold step, and pushed my own envelope wide open by writing more articles about antiques for several nationally published magazines. This year, I am sure to push my envelope in other ways, I think it's what keeps us growing and interesting. What do you want to do that you are a little scared of? DO it! CONNECT. Take the time to say "hello" to strangers and share your smile. Talk to your neighbors, your children and your friends. If they don't call you, you call them. My Mom used to say "my family from Europe never calls me, so I stopped calling them." To which I replied "Mom, that's so sad, so now you just don't talk to them anymore?" I have friends that I love dearly. I know they love me, but they are not ones who call or come over, so I just accept that, and reach out to them. I don't get hung up on who calls who, or "if they really loved me they would....." My life is richer because of it. Cheers MENTOR. You have knowledge that others need. Each year I am honored to speak to entrepreneurs at Launch Your Creativity, a conference that connects women who want to start a business with seasoned business women. Amazing things happen at this conference, women encourage and inspire each other to live their dreams, and glean information on how to make that happen! DO. Do something you are passionate about. I am passionate about antiques, and I am blessed beyond belief with my FrenchGardenHouse. The last few years have exceeded my wildest dreams as far as my business goes, but there are more passions that I haven't done anything with in a long time. This year, my goal is to start painting. I have an art degree, since starting a family and FrenchGardenHouse I haven't really created much art. This year? Changing that. I'm making a promise to myself to get out pencils, chalks, paint and brushes and paper, and just starting. As daunting as that sounds to me right now, as I have no idea if I can paint, or not. But the delight will be in the doing. estatee SPARKLE. You were created to shine. God has given you gifts that are specific to YOU. He expects you to use them, to bless the world, and all of us, with your creativity, your way of seeing things, your voice. Share your gifts and talents, and surprise yourself! NewYearQuoteFGH I will end this last post of the year with my thanks. Thank you. All of you. And this quote by Mark Twain, which is one of my all time favorites. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do…Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."– Mark Twain Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.com.

12 Responses

Nancy Pianfetti
Nancy Pianfetti

January 04, 2016

Happy New Year to you Lidy and family!!!! Thank you for your inspiration and beauty that you bring to so many people through your beautiful website and blog! You always make it so personal and give everything so much thought, it shows in all you do!
You have inspired me to allow myself time to let my creativity shine, sing in the rain and dance as if no one is watching!!!!
I wish you many happy and wonderful times in 2016.
Love and Best Wishes,

Yvonne @ StoneGable
Yvonne @ StoneGable

January 03, 2016

Beautiful post… and so inspiring! I love what you have to say and it really struck a cord. God bless you in this new year!
Hugs, Yvonne

deb kennedy
deb kennedy

January 01, 2016

Well said, Miss Lidy! I agree on all counts and am looking forward to a JOYful year ahead…. Blessings to you and all that you do <3


January 01, 2016

Wonderful and beautiful site,love it
Love ya, Maria cottage feel


January 01, 2016

Beautifully written. Thank you. Yvonne at Stonegable shared your post.
Have a Blessed New Year.


January 01, 2016

Your ideas for 2016 sound great. However, with social security not giving a raise and the stock market going down, we have had to reduce the amount we take from our retirement each month. We have to watch every bit we spend and everything is increasing in price. I can only trust God to keep us going,


December 31, 2015

Thank you for your fresh ideas. Thank you for encouraging, inspiring and sharing!
Sharing our light is a gift to all…Happy 2016! Merci….

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

December 31, 2015

How I love this! Very touching on many of the points (and inspiring on others), and so pleased you were able to spread your wings this past year. I look forward to seeing you on the national circuit through more published articles. Best wishes with exploring your artistic endeavors in painting.


December 31, 2015

Beautiful advise that I shared with my children. Peace and a safe New Year.


December 31, 2015

What a beautiful and inspiring post. Your words are sincere and ones that I will live by in 2016.

Thank you for all the wonderful ideas.

May you have a happy, creative and blessed 2016. I look forward to all your beautiful work


Anne Marie
Anne Marie

December 30, 2015

Beautiful, thought-provoking ideas! This year…I plan to SPARKLE!


December 30, 2015

Great great post. Wonderful ways to impact life in the new year. Looking forward to spending some of it here, with you.

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