Use What You Have Fall Centerpiece

November 02, 2020 4 min read 39 Comments

Use What You have centerpiece
Use What You Have Fall Centerpiece Happy Monday! This Monday, I am super excited to show you what you can do to create a beautiful fall centerpiece using what you have! We don't always have time and/or the desire to go out and buy flowers for a centerpiece. That doesn't mean you can't create a little beauty in your corner of the world. I'm sharing a fall centerpiece today that uses what you have. Use What You have centerpiece Welcome to Monday Morning Blooms! Pam, Mary, Shirley and I always look forward to sharing our flower therapy with all of you, and with each other. Monday Morning Blooms Fall My plan for today's floral arrangement was that I would go out and buy flowers, set up a table outside in the garden, really take my time with the flowers, and make it glorious! But my plans changed. This past Monday, we had almost hurricane force winds in our part of Southern California, and two huge fires began. We live between these two fires, 20 minutes drive each way. We were so blessed to be totally safe, 90,000 people had to evacuate in our area. Our gardens took a huge beating. Not only did the strong winds uproot trees, plants and bushes were shaken to their very core. Everything was covered with huge black ashes, as well as smaller grey ash. I put the beautiful outdoor setting on hold and we began working on cleaning up the mess and saving as much of our garden as we could. And I was grateful that our beach town is not in the fire zone. {by now, the fires are almost contained.} fall garden with a pumpkin I am also so grateful that most things in our garden are doing well. We were able to tie two trees to two sides of a fence {!!} to keep them from snapping and/or flying away in the worst part of the storm. The winds have gone, and our garden has been mostly set to rights. Our local farm stand is close by and I ran and picked up some local produce there and paired it with a few things I already had. Because Monday Morning Blooms is my favorite, and I was going to make it happen, even if it wasn't perfect or what I had planned on. I made a use what you have fall centerpiece. Use What You have centerpiece For this centerpiece, I used what I had, and added some produce. It began with a few little white pumpkins, and these beautiful juicy plums our farm stand had. I just added a few things from there. Use What You have centerpiece I don't know about you, but we have been carefully having our children and little people over for dinner outside. Social distancing in place, each little family sitting on one end of our very long outdoor table. For this table setting, I began with our Bronte Throws. There is something cozy and homey about a table layered with plaid wool, isn't there? fall table setting in garden table set for thanksgiving An antique French compote was the base for this centerpiece. Beginning with a few branches of eucalyptus layered on the bottom, then three mini pumpkins nestled in the center. Gorgeous wine colored grapes hang off one side, and a couple of large plums join the party. Pears are in season right now, and the d'anjou pears are a stunning chartreuse color and a good complement to the deep wine colors. centerpiece for fall Use What You have centerpiece A sunflower and a few little mums left over from last week's living room bouquet proved to be the last touch this centerpiece needed. Which proves that sometimes, you can use what you have and even a few flowers make everything lovely! Use What You have centerpiece I used one of our antique bread boards at each place setting. The flax napkins are really towels, they have the prettiest sheaf of wheat embroidered on the front. Use What You have centerpiece Use What You have centerpiece Late in the afternoon, the sun dappled over the garden and our table. Each place setting has vintage brass and bakelite appetizer forks and knives, the burnt orange of the handles couldn't be more perfect for this table. xUse What You have centerpiece Use What You have centerpiece As the afternoon sun began to set, I served soup and salad. The best of times, when my family's laughter rings around our table. I cherish these times in my heart, never more so than this year. Thank you so much for joining me today. Please be sure to visit my girlfriends - they never cease to amaze and inspire me with their talents, generosity of spirit and kindness.


On November 16th, we are partnering with a luxurious linen and tabletop company

to bring you beautiful tabletop inspiration to help you celebrate

and make your holidays special.

Our sponsors are offering a most gracious and luxurious giveaway to one lucky reader!

- Please stay tuned -

give away for the holidays fall flowers and pumpkins

MARY at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

fall floral centerpiece feathers PAM at Everyday Living

SHIRLEY at Housepitality Designs

and me, LIDY at FrenchGardenHouse.


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop

39 Responses


November 11, 2020

Thank you Jackie! I love your visits…and it does help to see something uplifting and beautiful, I agree. This is a difficult time, but we’ll get through it by encouraging each other. xo

Jackie Wild
Jackie Wild

November 10, 2020

Lidy, thank you for all the beautiful posts. They really help me. During this time, it helps to see something beautiful you can do yourself at home or close to anywhere. Thank you so much!


November 04, 2020

Jane, I can only imagine how frightening that was! Luckily his area missed the fires. Thank you for your visit, it’s always such a joy to see you here, friend. Wish that we could visit in real life! I’m hoping that next year things will mostly be “back to normal” and we can gather up every single person we love in a huge group, squeeze them a hundred times, and just be so beyond grateful for the opportunity!


November 04, 2020

Thank you so much Kitty. I love the way the sun comes in and out of this covered patio in our back garden too!


November 03, 2020

Oh my gosh, I’m so very sorry! Thank goodness you weren’t there, but it is still beyond devastating. I am so happy that you have a new home where you can gather the people you love and make lovely memories.


November 02, 2020

I would love to have you dear Maristella! We could have tea. Thank you so much for always being so complimentary.


November 02, 2020

Thank you so much for your visit, Nancy. We are so fortunate, because the fires did so much damage in other areas. Wishing you a beautiful week!


November 02, 2020

Cheryl, do not be anxious, this is what our sweet Lord tells us. Our God does hear our prayers for mercy, and for bringing our country back together from this time, of that I am sure.


November 02, 2020

Thank you so much Sandra. I feel that our weather is completely out of the normal these days. Thank you always for your beautiful, kind and peaceful words. xo


November 02, 2020

Donna, thank you so much! I think if nothing else, we’re all much more grateful for so many things this year, I agree!


November 02, 2020

Sandi, what a sweet memory! You are right, sometimes the best arrangements are the ones we “gather” from here and there. : )


November 04, 2020

We’ve been keeping informed on the California fires and I pray quite a lot. It’s terrifying to me. My son lived in San Diego in 2007 when there were huge fires. He was trapped with no where to go except to head toward the ocean as per instructions. We called him every hour overnight to keep him awake. His area missed it thankfully.

I absolutely love your table and that beautiful centerpiece. It’s natural, organic, sweet, and fun! It is perfect for outdoor dining as you have here, but equally perfect indoors. I love the sunflowers which are quintessential for fall!

I know many of us who are older are strictly avoiding all family members during this pandemic. We began seeing our chidden after the initial quarantine was lifted in May, but carefully—-masks and staying far apart…no get togethers or parties, just coming to and fro to each others homes. And we hugged and kissed those grands! Right now my husband and I are staying completely away from friends and family as the numbers are spiking and flu season is upon us. We’ve also have some family members and friends who have tested positive so it reinforces us to stay put for now.

Be well, Lidy. Sending love and hugs!

Jane ?


November 04, 2020

How wonderful that you were spared from the devastating fires, and you were able to clean up your gardens. What a beautiful table with such a lovely arrangement you made with all that you had going on. Your sun dappled photos just draw me in, Lidy! I so appreciate you visiting my blog and your kind comment.


November 03, 2020

Beautiful setting and thank heavens you were safe and didn’t need to evacuate, I feel your anxiety, our house burned down Aug 17th in northern California mega fires, fortunately we weren’t there when it happened and had already purchased another home we were transitioning to retire to, but seeing 31 years there disappear will always leave a mark. With smoke and ash, not to mention those winds I too was terrified would start something new, you were a real trooper to feel creative! Your photos are gorgeous and sadly I am now leaving here hungry …


November 02, 2020

Your table is so inspiring and beautiful…How cheerful! Those napkins are precious…The centerpiece is amazing…I would love to join you there! Congratulations!

Nancy Brantley
Nancy Brantley

November 02, 2020

You wouldn’t know your garden had high winds. Thankful you are safe from storm and fire. The table setting is just lovely.

Sandra Magle
Sandra Magle

November 02, 2020

Before my boys were married, I was always hopeful that they would bring flowers for Thanksgiving dinner, well, it took until they had wives for them to show up with a plant or flowers. So, I would run around the yard (sometimes in snow) snipping this and that, ramming it all into a pumpkin or a mini-tureen to put something on the table. Surprisingly, some of these arrangements/centerpieces were amazing. Necessity is the mother of invention…great post and such a lovely cheese server…couldn’t help but notice that gorgeous transfer ware piece, Sandi


November 02, 2020

Donna, thank you for your visit. Honestly, the garden is minor, these fires have been so devastating to so many! I am grateful.


November 02, 2020

Dear, sweet Lidy! I am so concerned about tomorrow, and I know Jesus told us not to be. My anxiety threatens to overwhelm, but I keep clinging to the hope that God will hear our prayers for mercy. Sending love and hugs your way today!


November 02, 2020

Mary, I wish you could all join me here! {the ashes are almost all gone : ) } No, I want to be you when I grow up!! You never cease to inspire me with your creativity, friend. Wishing you a happy week ahead! xo


November 02, 2020

Lidy, Your setting and presentation are gorgeous, especially with ‘use what you have’ and battling flying ash and garden clean up. Your style is so elegant and effortless…I want to be you when I grow up :) Your Embroidered Towels / Napkins With Wheat are stunning and I adore your throw as a foundation for your table…what a cozy touch for fall or anytime there is a chill in the air. As always it’s a treat to share blooms with you on these Mondays. Happy November! <3

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

November 02, 2020

Lidy, your table is absolutely gorgeous. From your wonderful centerpiece to the beautiful wool covering – oh, the details. And, my friend, the details are your special talent.
We had strong winds and rain in our area yesterday. But, have not endured what your beloved California has endured.
Wishing you a lovely November, one of beauty and peace.


November 02, 2020

Your compote centerpiece is lovely and the whole table complete with beautiful china accents and napkins is dreamy. Thanks for sharing & with what your garden went through, we can all be a little bit more grateful.


November 02, 2020

I agree, Alice, without hope life is unbearable. I an glad that you are also safe, the fires have been so awful. Thank you for your visit and your sweet comment. I wish you a beautiful week ahead! xo Lidy


November 02, 2020

Rita, thank you! I love our special Mondays so much, and was so grateful that the air quality has improved to where I could do a table outside like planned. I hope you will enjoy our special MMB next time, I think it’s going to be spectacular! Wishing you a happy week, friend. xo Lidy


November 02, 2020

Jenna, I’m so happy to hear that your family is safe too! I agree, this time has been challenging, but it’s sparked the creative in all of us, hasn’t it? Hope you are having a happy Monday, friend.


November 02, 2020

Thank you Linda. It’s always a happy surprise when an “emergency make do” turns out nice. But then, pumpkins and autumn fruits are beautiful, so that helps! Happy week to you!


November 02, 2020

Good morning Pam! Thank you for your visit, and for your autumn inspiration today. Wishing you a happy week ahead, looking forward to our special holiday MMB soon!


November 02, 2020

Happy Monday Shirley! I am always so inpsired by the three of you on our Momday Morning Blooms. Wishing you a happy week ahead, and can’t wait what our next special MMB will look like at your house!


November 02, 2020

Thanks, Nancy. I am grateful for everything we have here, believe me, because this has been such a devastating year for so many people, hasn’t it? Thank you for joining us for our beloved Monday Morning Blooms.


November 02, 2020

Thank you Linda! I know, it’s crazy how many fires there have been, and I’m so grateful that you are okay too! Our gardens will grow again, you are right. Wishing you a happy week, Linda.


November 02, 2020

Beautiful! Sometimes I think the last minute use what you have table setting are the best. We experienced horrible fires and smoke here in Oregon for a couple of weeks and amongst many other things it really affected my garden. However I am so grateful I have my family and home. My garden will grow again. I just want to dive into those pastries on your table! Way to go Lidy….you put together a lovely table and you are an inspiration to me to use what I have more often.

Nancy Sharp
Nancy Sharp

November 02, 2020

I love your centerpiece. It shows what we’ve needed this year. In a bad situation you can still make things beautiful.
So happy your damage was not devastating.

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

November 02, 2020

Happy Monday Lidy! Speaking of happy….your table can make anyone smile as they sit to have a great meal with those lovely appetizers to start. As always, in awe of your beautiful antique pieces and they way you utilize them in the most exquisite way. Fruit and flowers….the best combination, especially in this season of celebrating the fruits of our bounty…..So glad that you were able to salvage your trees and such from those devastating winds…You have always shown us how you can mix the elegant and casual in your table decor…from the elegant compote, to the casual throw on the table…beautiful!!!
Happy, happy, happy to join you each Monday of Blooms! Have a beautiful day Lidy!

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

November 02, 2020

Good morning Lidy. I am so thankful your garden was spared from the brunt of the high winds. So good to know that the fires on either side of you are now contained. Like Rita said, we wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t disclosed it because you didn’t miss a beat with this gorgeous table. You always pull off effortless elegance and style, and this Monday Morning Blooms is no exception. The compote filled with what you had on hand is perfect!

It is always a great pleasure to sit at your table and enjoy Monday Morning Blooms with you! Wishing you a lovely day!


November 02, 2020

Lidy, your table is so pretty. I love all the china and glassware and silverware. The mix of fruit and flowers in just right!


November 02, 2020

You would certainly never guess that your beautiful yard and garden was in danger and recently covered in ash and threatened by winds…I have family that live in Foothill Ranch and Mission Viejo and was so concerned about yet again more fires in California. I grew up in Palos Verdes and remember the evacuation times well, so scary! So thankful you were spared. You have showed us with much grace how to create something beautiful from what we already have…I know that during this time of staying home, we have been forced to be more creative {a plus in my book!} and instead of running to the store to buy things, make and create, and shop our homes! Your table is beautiful, inviting, and I could linger there all afternoon, beautiful Lidy!

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

November 02, 2020

Lidy, thank goodness your home and garden were spared from the latest catastrophe California seems to be continually pounded with! I can only imagine the ash covering throughout your garden, and the threat to all the new landscape plantings you invested in this year! Nonetheless, without your disclosing, one would never even know by looking at the gorgeous table setting and sunlight streaming through the photos. Your arrangements and entertaining style are the epitome of CA and French style, timeless and classy.
The excitement of what you gals will be doing on the 16th has me completely giddy with the anticipation of the beauty I know I’m about to see. Cannot wait!
Happy November to you and your family! Genzlinger Genzlinger

November 02, 2020

Being resourceful is a good thing and you show us how. Use what you have saves the day, I’m so thankful that the fires didn’t get any nearer to you. California is a mess with the fires and so is Colorado where I live. The fires came within 5 miles of our home. Ashes are everywhere and mask are needed more than ever due to the smoke. Hope is always available to us and without Hope life would be unbearable. Thank you for a beautiful table to start the week. Stay safe.

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