The Coupe | Celebrating Craft Cocktails

November 22, 2016 3 min read 15 Comments

The Coupe | Celebrating Craft Cocktails
thecoupeholidays If you are looking for a perfect gift book for the holidays, one size fits practically all....this is it! Written by Brian Hart Hoffman, the Coupe has the most delicious recipes of craft cocktails, to be served in coupes, naturellement! The coupe, a glass with a wide and shallow bowl, was the favored luxury champagne glass for special occasions up until the late 1900's. Also called "champagne saucers"...coupes were traditionally designed for the type of Champagne most in favor in the early 20th century, a bubbly dessert Champagne made sweet with extra syrup. french-75 Iconic chic Coupe glasses are both elegant, luxurious and aesthetically beautiful. They bring back memories of l'heure de cocktail, and the famous Stork Club in New York City where celebrities like Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart drank cocktails from coupe styled glasses. Author Brian Hart Hoffman shares his love for collecting antique and vintage coupe glasses, and celebrates the resurgence of craft cocktails in this beautiful book. Coupe glasses are a classic, and are back in favor in a big way! fallclassicthecoupe Beginning with inspiration for a home bar, The Coupe features tips on how to put together a stylish home bar. thecoupehome-bar How beautiful is this bar cart, above? Perfect to set up, especially now during the holidays. homebar2 The Coupe features signature recipes from the best mixologists and bars, all of them embrace the mood and magic that comes from drinking a craft cocktail from a storied coupe! Each one is photographed so beautifully, like the works of art they are. arugula-martini One of the most exciting cocktails in the book that I can't wait to try is this Arugula Martini, from Marcel's in Washington D.C. Doesn't this look so festive? boulevardier The Barrel-Aged Boulevardier was created by the Sidney Street Cafe, In St. Louis, Missouri. Another stellar cocktail that would delight your guests! There are so many interesting, fresh new cocktail recipes in this book, a primer on citrus garnishes, and simple syrup recipes that add depth and flavor to cocktails. But also....desserts! grand-marnier-mousse Every year, for our own FrenchGardenHouse holiday celebration, we end our Christmas dinner with a dessert served in my antique small coupe glasses. This is such an elegant way to serve dessert, even a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream is gracious and elegant when served in a coupe! There are 8 recipes for easy and elegant entertaining, and each one sounds just about perfect in every way. The one above? Grand Marnier Mouse with Candied Orange Slices and Carmelized Hazelnuts. Now tell me THAT doesn't spell elegant, chic and holidays to you? I am honored to partner with Brain Hart Hoffman on this post. We are sharing one of the recipes out of the book with you, I hope you will love it! brianharthoffman The Bermudian Rum Swizzle was created by Brian himself. So, so beautiful and delicious. This would make a gorgeous signature drink for your annual holiday party, it has pineapple juice, blood orange juice and rum, among other delights. Yum! bermudian-rum-swizzle THE BERMUDIAN RUM SWIZZLE Created by Brian Hart Hoffman Makes 1 serving: 2 ounces pineapple juice 2 ounces fresh blood orange juice 1-1/2 ounces Gosling's Black Seal Rum 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice 1/2 ounce grenadine 1 dash blood orange bitters Garnish: sliced blood orange
  1. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add pineapple juice, orange juice, rum, lemon juice, lime juice, grenadine and bitters.
  2. Shake to combine, and strain into a coupe glass.
  3. Garnish with a slice of blood orange.
Cheers! thecoupecoverfgh This truly is the gift of the season, order multiples and gift this to just about everyone! Buy The Coupe. Need a few interesting vintage or antique bar essentials to make your bar cart a stand out? thecoupecocktails1. Crystal Coupes 2. Glass French Ice Bucket. 3.Vintage Baccarat Decanter 4.Art Deco Cocktail Shaker 5. Art Deco Ice Bucket 6. French Champagne Bucket 7. Small Reproduction Drinks Tray

Don't forget!

segretogiveaway Pin this to your Pinterest board to remember! à votre santé!

15 Responses

diane trahan
diane trahan

December 05, 2016

Sounds delicious!
The perfect stocked bar looks amazing.


December 02, 2016

I have had my Coupe glasses for 40 years. I never parted with them and now I am back in style. I did use them over the years for desserts.


November 28, 2016

Brenda, I love that! You are so fortunate, use them! They will be gorgeous, and that they are part of your family’s history makes them even more special.

Brenda Balmer
Brenda Balmer

November 28, 2016

What a wonderful inspiration for using some antique crystal inherited from my mother-in-law!


November 28, 2016

Barbara, I would try any of the drinks that have juices, actually I think Brian’s Jamaican Swizzle will probably be great minus the rum. You could maybe try a little drop of rum extract? You will have to play around with it…let me know if you make some alcohol free!

ps. We often serve sparkling cider at holiday time in our antique and vintage coupes!


November 26, 2016

Love, love, love your post on Le Coupe…what recipe would you suggest for us non-drinkers? The glass looks pretty with the creamy looking filling!

Maria Brittis
Maria Brittis

November 23, 2016

You know how to entertain pure class act!Love the celebrating.


November 22, 2016

Cindy, every recipe sounds delicious! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


November 22, 2016

What a fabulous book! I will have to pick one up, and I’m definitely trying that cocktail recipe!


November 22, 2016

Noreen, each one of the recipes sound delicious…there is something for everyone. This is a must buy book for yourself, and/or gifts. I can think of at least six people this is perfect for on my own list.


November 22, 2016

The recipes sound amazing! I love the way vanilla icecream is elevated to ambrosial level when served in a crystal coupe!


November 22, 2016

The photography in this book is reason alone to want it. I think it would make an elegant gift! The drinks look delicious, especially the grand Marnier Mousse that you serve after dessert…perfect for winter!



November 22, 2016

You are so right, Susan! The recipes all sound delicious…this truly is a gorgeous book filled with inspiration.

Susan Dunkin
Susan Dunkin

November 22, 2016

I always thought I was born in the wrong era; the Jazz Age alla the Great Gatsby is just my style. “The Coupe” would be the perfect for the ultimate New Year’s Eve Party—-just add a bejeweled cigarette holder.

Lisa DeNunzio
Lisa DeNunzio

November 22, 2016

I well remember Fernet-Branca from the 1960’s and 70’s. It was the drink of choice when you had had a bit too much to drink and were not feeling up to snuff. Hair of the dog??

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