Tastemaker at Hooker Furniture

February 11, 2015 2 min read 5 Comments

Tastemaker at Hooker Furniture
romanticlivinghowto I am thrilled to be featured as a "tastemaker" on the Hooker Furniture's Blog today. I was interviewed by top Interior Designer Wanda Suite Horton, owner of Wanda S. Horton Interior Design in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was so much fun speaking with her about what truly makes a life "romantic", and I love the article she wrote. Wanda+S.+Horton+Interior+Designer Wanda is a designer who creates beauty and style for her clients, her interiors work spans not only across generations, but design styles, as well. "Creating the balance between beauty and organization brought me to my early passion of interior design. Tagging along with my mother, as she made her way through antique stalls in search of furnishings and accents, ignited the spark about digging deeper into the history of design. My grandmothers influenced me with their abilities to layer investment pieces and special finds, illustrating that everyone can live well, whether in a cottage or a castle; with a place for everything and everything in its place. " {you can see why we would get along so well!} If you are in need of an exceptional Interior Designer and you live in her area of the states, she will make magic happen!WandaS HortonDesign Please click over to Hooker Furniture's Blog and read the feature, and leave a comment, Wanda and I would love to hear from you! You can read the blog post here: Romantic Living.

Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours.Visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.com.

5 Responses


February 15, 2015

I enjoyed our chat immensely too, Wanda. We are kindred spirits, and I am thankful for your friendship! Thanks again.

Wanda Suitt-Horton
Wanda Suitt-Horton

February 12, 2015

Lidy, What a nice surprise to have you share the post and to be mentioned on your blog! I so enjoyed catching up with you to learn more about how you were inspired to create a company, which promotes living well and enjoying the place we call “home”. I do feel we’re kindred spirits and how fortunate it was, for me, to be able to share a chat. I look forward to keeping in touch and hearing all about your latest ventures. Thank you, sweet friend! – All my best, Wanda

Marion Hartwich
Marion Hartwich

February 11, 2015


Sally Anne
Sally Anne

February 11, 2015

Great article! I love your blog, always filled with inspiring ideas, and the most beautiful antiques. I collect Old Paris porcelain, and am looking for a stunning set of plates in blue.


February 11, 2015

Congratulations! I seem to see you or FrenchGardenHouse everywhere. Do you speak? I am in NYC and would love to see you.

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