Sunday Best

October 26, 2015 2 min read 4 Comments

Sunday Best
SundayBest Do you have fond memories of Sunday dinners? As a little girl growing up in Europe some of my happiest memories are those when my family would gather around my grandparent's huge dinner table. I used to think my grandmother was magic, she had live~in maids, but the cooking was something she always insisted on doing herself. Often in a dress, heels and her pearls, she would stand in the kitchen and make sure everything was just so. SundayBestplates This week we have the luxury of having our three little people over by themselves for four days, and this Sunday, we are making another Sunday dinner memory with them. sundayBestLeaves We went to a large park in our neighborhood yesterday, and collected leaves. Aside from making art with the leaves, I'm asking the children to decorate the table with them. They love to get things ready for a party, or a family dinner. Maybe they will remember how much care I took in setting the table, to make it special for those who gather around it for meals. Maybe one, or more of them, will inherit my love for antiques, and for creating a beautiful environment, I hope so. AutumnSundaySupper We'll be having a fairly simple meal, they have not broadened their palate and tend to look at most food they haven't seen before as "to be avoided! So we are having carrots and dip for the first course, my Soupe de Poulet Blanc, some pumpkin muffins we all made together with maple syrup butter, and little pumpkin pies for dessert, and sliced apples. {Linden decorated each muffin with a pumpkin} LindensMuffins I'm hoping we'll be laughing. a lot. and telling funny stories around the table, the kind of laughter and stories that cement our hearts together. No meal at our house should end without a game with everyone joining in. Can I just tell you that these are the best days? Better than pretty much anything else I do. SundayBestpears What do you love to do with the little people in your life to make memories with them? I collected some great ideas on my Pinterest Board for children's crafts. You can see the sort of things we will be doing in the remaining days. Be sure to follow my Pinterest boards for daily inspiration! xo Lidy Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop

4 Responses


November 11, 2015

I loved reading about your memory of your grandmother cooking so elegantly. Obviously you love making wonderful memories for your own grandchildren. I will use your link to the crafts for children because for the first time my three year old granddaughter and her parents will be coming home for Thanksgiving instead of for Christmas. She loves to make crafts with her mother so I know they will love it if I have something here for them to make.


October 27, 2015

Thank you Cate and Nancy. It is such a joy to have little people in our lives, isn’t it?

cate tuen
cate tuen

October 26, 2015

Lidy, what a delightful and inspiring post! Loved it because we have nine grandchildren and one more on the way. Having them to our house for baking, and crafting and enjoying meals together are my happiest hours also!! And I love how you set the table in a special way just for them. You gave me lots of great ideas. Blessings as you enjoy this fall season with them!! :)) Cate

Nancy Pianfetti
Nancy Pianfetti

October 26, 2015

Hi Lidy, I am so glad that you got to spend time with your “little people”. We are blessed to live with 2 of our little people and they have grown accustomed to sitting down to a table fully set with flowers and candles every night they are here. When they were little, we would have to sing Happy Birthday and let them blow out the candles before we could continue with our meal!!! I am sure your grandchildren will grow up to appreciate all of the things that you do, even if they won’t admit it for a while. It will pay beautiful dividends even with their grandchildren some day!
Blessings and thank you for your beautiful work! Nancy

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