September 06, 2016 4 min read 18 Comments
ps. See if you can spot these FrenchGardenHouse antiques in Carol's watercolors....
1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Who am I? First a Mom, a Grandmother and when there is time, a painter. Always a cook and room mother! I've moved from Phoenix to San Diego to 40 acres of wilderness in Tennessee. I now live in the forest with raccoons, a herd of deer, coyotes, wild turkeys, wild flowers and a river that periodically floods our single-lane cement bridge. Yesterday's drama was rescuing a large box turtle from the pool. I paint or plant, mow or clear and weed everyday. I teach watercolor workshops and visit family ( and maybe shop) in San Francisco.6. A FrenchGardenHouse antique I adore:
All things French Country! Of the pieces I have already purchased from FGH it's difficult to chose a favorite: The tall white porcelain trowel..its The ironstone bakery pedestal for its
For sure the handmade linens ..for the way they reflect neutral light. Little clay pots??? I admit, each one is a beautiful remnant of the past, I love them all. Can't wait to see what you discover next!
September 27, 2016
Carol, I love your paintings…I"m Billie from Sigis in La Jolla and miss seeing you…Hope all is well…Billie Hakes
September 08, 2016
Carol, I love it. Thank you again for allowing me to share your gorgeous work. xo
September 08, 2016
Love your comments! Thanks for your energy. So much to paint… I’m back to it. A lot of new email friends. Thank you Lidy!!!
September 07, 2016
How fun to have you comment on Carol’s post, Betty! I am sure she will be thrilled.
September 07, 2016
What a thrill to get to “meet” this talented artist. I love the idea that she paints treasures from French Garden House, doubling their beauty for a lifetime. Thank you, Lidy for sharing Carol with us.
September 07, 2016
SO< I think she lives close to ME from her description and the FACT she shops in SAN FRANCISCO!!!!
SMALL WORLD…….I love that about this BLOGGING STUFF!
September 07, 2016
These watercolors are magnificent and how great that she has used some of the wonderful things from your shop as inspiration….such a lovely story and how great that she has landed in a great place such as Tennessee…I have 2 dear friends who are watercolor artists and will be sending this post to them!
September 07, 2016
Carol’s paintings take my breath away. Her two girls are special and I didn’t know she had an additional special talent.
Hi to Carol from an old Phoenix friend.
September 06, 2016
Lidy, her paintings are exquisite! I was drooling over the flowers. I can barely paint a piece of furniture, and even then I don’t do too good a job. I kind of lost track of you, my old friend! Well, gotcha now. We were bloggers “back in the day” weren’t we?
September 06, 2016
Ginger, I know, isn’t it so fun? I love seeing “my” {well, now they are Carol’s!!} antiques painted with such beauty.
September 06, 2016
I couldn’t agree more, Susan! Our children remain our greatest achievement…..{even if I only have two!}
September 06, 2016
Thanks for visiting, friend! xo
September 06, 2016
Thank you Jean. I agree, Carol’s work is warm and true to life, just gorgeous!
September 06, 2016
Hi, Lidy,
What nice paintings and colors so warm and true to life, so enjoy and the settings as well, love flowers that are painted. Thanks for sharing~~~~~~~Have a Happy Fall~~~~~~~~~~~
September 06, 2016
Oh my how beautiful! Off to visit now. :)
September 06, 2016
I so enjoyed meeting Carol, thank you, what a talented artist and I particularly loved her “work in progress.” I love that she feels her greatest achievement is her daughters, I know just what she means, no matter what I have done and what I have achieved, by far my biggest achievement is our five children.
September 06, 2016
Thanks to you for introducing us to Carol’s gorgeous artwork! How fun to see darling French vignettes in watercolor! I covet them all. Thanks for the post!
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September 28, 2016
Hi Billie! I miss you all too. It’s turning to Fall here and Beautiful… Hi to Diana at Girard Gourmet and Penny at the Athenaeum…. Miss you all!! Thank you for your comments!! Back to the easel… See you soon ….Carol