May 01, 2018 4 min read 18 Comments
Arles French Country Garden Carrier
French Country Digne Zinc Garden Carrier
Antique French Metal Garden Tote
May 02, 2018
Lovely garden photos… My sister misses her California garden filled with flowers and vegetables. How wonderful to gather a bower of Cecille Brunner roses to bring inside.
May 02, 2018
Congrats Jean Van! I hope you enjoy The Secret To Southern Charm & One Hope wine!
May 02, 2018
Oh Lidy what an amazing backyard you have! That is how I dream of our backyard looking some day but I have no idea where to even begin.
May 02, 2018
I am so envious of your garden and pretty roses! It would be heavenly to walk out thievery morning.
All of your garden items are perfect for gifts, and maybe the occasional reader (!!!). I love the caddy and the apron.
Its almost that time here in the Midwest to get out the garden gloves. Happy May, Lidy!
May 02, 2018
Thank you Shirley, I do cherish the view! Our garden is tiny compared to yours, and it’s planted to within an inch of its life, it’s a constant source of natural beauty for us.
May 02, 2018
Be still my heart the zinc carriers are so wonderful!…I love your gardens as I know that they are truly beautiful and a pleasure to be in. The climbing rose is magnificent…cannot imagine how wonderful it is see this beauty first thing in the morning!….Love your potting bench so perfectly styled with your garden pretties! Enjoy your gorgeous weather!!
May 02, 2018
Your garden is just beautiful. My problem with gardening is simple: the reality is always less than my “vision” of what will happen this summer! Thank goodness the roses perform like champs and the hydrangeas will look spectacular! And the spring bulbs never let me down.
May 01, 2018
I so enjoyed this post! Gardening is a passion of mine and I so loved these beautiful pictures! I am particularly enamored with your Cecille Brunner climbing rose and your potting table with that magnificent rose next to it! Thank you! Now if only we could smell all those delightful fragrances! Oh,
and congratulations to Jean Van for winning the contest!
May 01, 2018
Janet, your Scotland summer home sounds just so beautiful! How fortunate you are to be able to go every year! Happy gardening friend.
May 01, 2018
Alice, I’ve watched P Allen Smith on PBS too. It’s on Saturday on our local station, during the day, so I’m not often able to catch it. But it’s a good show too, thanks for adding it.
May 01, 2018
Sandra, I so love peonies, how lucky you are to be able to grow them. I too hope the frost didn’t visit your Jasmine, jasmine is so heavenly once it’s blooming, isn’t it?
May 01, 2018
So now I’m envious of your garden too. Waking to that view would be a dream come true for sure. Just want to add that garden lovers can tune in to P Allen Smith’s show on PBS to get lessons on gardening and he cooks sometimes.
May 01, 2018
Lidy, a lovely post. I am a bit crazy for the garden. It is so rewarding to gaze upon your hard work and enjoy fabulous blooms. It is amazing to see all your beautiful things in bloom. I love your Cecille Brunner climbing into your gingko. The gingko is my favorite tree.
Here in North Central West Virginia, spring is still trying to arrive. Although, we have the promise of her arrival this week. All the peonies are still in tight bud and I am praying the frost didn’t visit my Jasmine.
Happy Gardening Lidy!
May 01, 2018
I see we love all the same plant Lidy, especially Cecile Brunner. I’ve had one for years and years. Sadly my arbor fell apart and haven’t been able to afford a new one but I was lucky to be able to save the roses. Nothing smells like a Cecile Brunner rose. Also I see an abundance of Japanese Anemone, hydrangea etc. All looks beautiful. My garden is “stuffed” but as I get full sun mostly,by June it will be pretty dried up.If all goes well I’ll be in UK by then enjoying the summer of amazing gardens. We have a caravan in Scotland with lots of pots that will need filling again – I doubt if much survived the hefty snow they had right up until last month. But…there is a very old house dating back to 1600s where the community gardeners sell their plants. Can’t wait to walk through orchards of 400 year old pear and apple trees. TMI as you say in US…..Stay well. Love Janet
May 01, 2018
Yes, I love May, and your garden is so lush and lovely. Of course, you know how to accessorize a garden int he best ways with your finds!
May 01, 2018
Your garden is very inspiring! Now I can’t wait to finish my coffee and get outside in mine.
May 01, 2018
Lidy, your garden is so beautiful! You are so fortunate to be in Southern California where the light and temperature seems to be so perfect.
Sharing and pinning your pretty post. :)
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May 03, 2018
Stunning! What a sight as I read this on a very rainy cold Michigan morning. Thank you Lidy!!