January 07, 2013 2 min read 4 Comments
Hurray! You've made it through another year. This next year is the year I challenge you to admire yourself. Yes, you read that right. Yourself.
admire {ad'mi(a)r} (verb) 1. regard with wonder, delight and pleased approval. 2. marvel at 3. treasure. 4. be in awe of. 5. respect. 6. have a high opinion of. 7. think the world of. 8. look up to.I think we are all quite good at admiring other people. I know I have a long list of women I admire. But me? I don't really think of myself that way...I bet few of us do.
But I know that in order to have a happy life, to really love your life, you have to love yourself. Unconditionally. period. Now I'm not talking about thinking you are better than everyone else. Or about being so enamored with your looks, your house or your (fill in whatever here) that it's unhealthy. But truly, you know what I mean. It's about refusing to hear that little voice inside, that little girl {or boy} voice, who still says "I'm really not good enough!" Trust me, I hear her lots of times, especially when I am online "comparing" myself to others. {a bad habit I'm committing to break this new year}
Here are some ways to help you admire yourself: *Write a list of a few people you admire, and really think about the virtues you admire about them. (kind, loving, smart, strong, independent, creative, generous etc.) * Now write a list about YOU....and write down four of your strongest attributes. Don't be shy, this is your own personal list, about you and for you. * Say these out loud. I know it may seem silly. But the spoken word has power. * Write down the four attributes that really speak most to you about YOU. And then read them daily, out loud.That's it! You are on your way to being kinder to you. I so desire that 2013 is a year for all of us to talk to ourselves in a way that we talk to our very best friend. With love, tenderness and encouragingly. I am not there yet, but I am enjoying the journey of discovering that God created me to be ME...not someone else. He has gifted me with gifts and talents, especially for my purpose, and the same is true of you.
I may not get there all at once (often my little voice still says mean things to myself) but I am enjoying the journey, and am embracing the joy of discovering the woman I am becoming. Please share what few kind words you have decided to say to yourself about yourself in the comments with all of us.
xo Lidy
If you want to romance your Home and Garden with antique and vintage treasures to make you smile each time you come home, visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.January 08, 2013
Thank you for reading this post. I agree, we need to be just as nice to ourselves as we are to our friends.
January 08, 2013
This is so meaningful. I don’t think we think about this, but you are right, negative talking to ourselves is so harmful. I’m sure you will give a great talk at your event, in the meantime I am looking forward to reading more in this series. Once a week? Once a month? What can I expect to see?
January 08, 2013
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is just what I need. Not only do you help my home look better (on the way to great) now you are making me think about how I can be better. I agree, we all say mean nasty things in our head to ourselves that we would never say to someone else. Beth
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January 08, 2013
Kathy, thanks for visiting again! I am hoping to do this once a week, at the most once every 2 weeks.