How to Cook Like a French Woman

March 11, 2020 2 min read 6 Comments

How to cook like a French Woman
How to cook like a French Woman French women are not only endlessly chic, most of them can cook. They have a knack for turning even a simple every night meal into something special. Today I'm sharing How to Cook Like A French Woman by using one of their simple secrets to delicious food: The Bouquet Garni. A French woman cooks with bouquet garni A bouquet garni is a home made bundle of mixed fresh herbs, tied with kitchen string, that you add to your pot and let simmer. In France, cooks add it to all of their soups, stews, sauces and ragouts. cook like a french woman with herbs The most simple pasta sauce becomes magical when you let that little bouquet of herbs simmer in the pan. INGREDIENTS: The most typical herbs used in a bouquet garni are thyme, rosemary and bay leaves. You simply snip a few stems of each, add a bay leaf or two, and voila! You are on your way to better cooking, like a French woman. : ) I usually also add flat parsley, dragon, chives and sage. But anything goes. Just tie them all together with some butchers twine and drop in the pot. make a bouquet garni . Some chefs tie the bundle in a cheesecloth square and tie that up, but I find the little "bouquet" to be just as practical. It's easily removed once you have simmered it along with your dish. t's still a little chilly here, so simmering a huge pot of pasta sauce with the addition of a bouquet garni makes the whole house smell so good. This week I'm adding more of the gorgeous French Country antique kitchen wares that has arrived from France. That, and the colder weather, makes me want to cook up a storm. {Besides, Mr. FGH is European, and he doesn't really do take-out!!} French stoneware to collect French kitchen with antique stoneware Not only do French women know how to cook up a storm - they have kitchens filled with beautiful, usable tools and antique bowls, rolling pins, and a wooden spoon or two from Grand-maman.

Shop for the best French kitchen antiquesSHOP ANTIQUE KITCHEN >

Do you make your own version of Bouquet Garni? What different herbs do you add to it?


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop

6 Responses

Jackie Wild
Jackie Wild

August 18, 2020

Love these posts!


March 11, 2020

I love your use of antique French utensils! I usually grow rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, oregano, parsley, basil and dill in my garden, but in Chicago I have to buy fresh bundles for several months during the winter. Typically then I buy parsley, thyme and rosemary. However, I think my cooking really benefit from the fresh herbs. I’ve taken the day-long class at the Cooks Atelier in Beaune twice and tried to incorporate many of Marjorie and Kendall’s techniques into my kitchen.

Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

March 11, 2020

Lidy, I am swooning over your beautiful French Country collection. You have so many pretty things! Happy Wednesday, sweet friend! I hope you are having a wonderful week!!!


March 11, 2020

It depends on what I’m making as to what I put in my bouquet garni, but for the most part, if I have the herbs I add it (especially soups and stews!) I might drop the sage at times, but usually, it all works!

Lovely things here, Lidy!


March 11, 2020

So lovely and so chic! I’m off to cook like a French Gal!

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

March 11, 2020

You make me want to go to the kitchen and cook. I grow thyme, tarragon, bay, and rosemary and parsley so they are available for a quick bouquet garni. It’s always fun to step outside and clip from those small treasures.

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