Gold & Pink Backyard Bridal Shower

November 04, 2014 2 min read 4 Comments

Gold & Pink Backyard Bridal Shower
WeddingShowertables This last Sunday afternoon, I had the privilege of lending my garden to a wedding shower my eldest daughter and her sister~in~law hosted for their sister~in~law~to~be. Despite the fact that it rained all day on Saturday, and it rained early on Sunday morning, the sun came out, and we were able to enjoy a fall afternoon in the garden celebrating this young beautiful bride. weddiingshowerchampagnefgh The décor ~ pink hues that glowed from the flower arrangements to the pink & white favors and place settings ~ was perfectly planned and executed down to the very last detail. Upon arriving, each guest had a choice of almond or blush pink champagne from the champagne bar. How sweet are these fun gold swizzle sticks? WeddingshowerflowersFGH The flowers were kept elegant and simple, masses of soft and bright pink carnations in glass containers sprayed gold on the inside. One large bouquet was arranged in a large can sprayed gold, it looked wonderful! weddingshowerchalkboard Luncheon was served buffet style, the table was set up inside, my daughter made these sparkling streamers using a purchased gold fringe, and sewing two colors of crepe paper on her sewing machine for the other streamers. Hung behind the chalkboard, they made a fitting back drop for a quote from Song of songs. WeddingshwoerFGHcake The cake, a deep dark luscious chocolate so rich it was almost sinful, was decorated with little pink dots, non pareils and this adorable I DO banner hung between two straws. So easy to make, my daughter cut the little flags from scrapbook paper and little letters, then glued them on string and glued the string end into gold striped straws. Weddingshwoercakeclosefgh The menu was kept fairly simple: Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwiches, a Kale Salad, fresh green and red Grapes, the cake, pink & white Macarons, a bowl of pink speckled chocolate nonpareil candy. That, together with marcona almonds, cashews, and a few special crackers were all we needed for this fresh, delicious luncheon in the garden. weddingshowerdetails Some of the details: a grouping of branches planted in a vase {with gravel to hold them in place} with photos of the bride and groom clipped on the branches with gold and pink little clips on the snack table. The favors, pink and white candy with a glittered heart clipped to the top. weddingshowerhelpersfgh The glowing bride and her two flower girls, little helpers who were as eager as she was to see what was in all those presents! weddingshowercol The two hostesses and their soon to be sister~in~law. The weather was beautiful, our bride was stunning, and our guests enjoyed spending time with her in the afternoon sunshine. Congratulations, Sarah, we wish you a lifetime of happiness and joy as you start this new chapter in your life as a MRS.~!

4 Responses


November 05, 2014

I love the colors. Congratulations to the bride, it looks like she is getting some awesome sisters in law!


November 04, 2014

Joni, the banners, the gold fringe curtain and the white tissue balls all come from Oriental Trading Co.

Sandy Sea
Sandy Sea

November 04, 2014

Pretty colors for a bridal shower, pink and gold, so feminine. I really like the carnations in two colors and the gold sprayed vases. Perfect!


November 04, 2014

Wow so beautiful. Where did you get the polka dot banners?

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