September 28, 2016 7 min read 63 Comments
Welcome to my French Country Fall Home! Today I'm joining 5 other creative bHome bloggers {there are 30 in total this week} to share ideas and inspiration for Fall decorating.
I am so happy to be part of the Why I love to bHome in the Fall Tour where 30 of the most creative bHome bloggers are sharing ideas and inspiration for Fall decorating!
I'm so excited you are joining me, I love it when you visit FrenchGardenHouse.
Please open the front gate and come in!
Fall, in all its splendor and glory, is my favorite season to decorate for. In southern California, we have cool, crisp mornings, warm sunny afternoons with a breeze, and early colder evenings.
Our local farmer's markets offer up glorious pumpkins in creamy whites, soft greens and the classic orange, they are the perfect natural addition to our garden and home.
For those of you who have never visited before, let's sit in the front garden and get to know each other. Right through our front gate is this enclosed garden, with a Provence feel {maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part} where we can sit and enjoy the morning sun, have a steaming cup of cafe au lait, and one of these petit pumpkin treats.
It doesn't take much to add some fall color to your garden, a wooly throw, mums, and a few leaves can set the scene.
I left the wood table bare, except for this cozy throw. The little tarts are on one of my favorite antique breadboards, it has "welcome" carved on one side.
Cafe au Lait bowls, an antique French enamelware pitcher for cream, and my favorite ruffled linen napkins serve us in simple French Country style.
I lit the candle in the lantern, I love candle light any time of day, not just when it's dark!
Please come in! I love being home in the fall because this is the season that pulls at our heart to cozy things up at home for the colder months.
I usually decorate with all natural elements, just add flowers, feathers and pumpkins to the antiques and call it done until Christmas decorating begins.
All these simple, natural decorating ideas are just as appropriate for Thanksgiving.
Through my front door, you step right into our living room.
The white mantel is decorated simply for the season with dried hydrangeas from our garden filling the antique English transferware tureen.
I bought the pottery pumpkins at a discount store, they are happily displayed with antique Wedgwood candlesticks and a bouquet of pheasant feathers in an ironstone creamer.
Underneath the mantel, my santos is holding a little wreath I made from my favorite faux miniature pumpkin garland I've had forever and adore.
It's just a small, very simple touch of fall.
This is the first year in a long time that I've chosen to decorate our neutral interior with the color pumpkin. Inspired by this woolen blanket with colors of ochre and pumpkin,
I was ready for a "warm up" this season. I love how the pillows and the throw make the living room sofa quite a cozy spot. The autumn pumpkin color plays off the neutrals, and compliments the framed antique French documents in the gold frames.
The black antique display case on the wall holds my collection of antique silver napkin rings.
Here is another shot of the living room. This time I cut some branches from the gingko tree for the table. I also added some more dried hydrangeas to the tureen on the mantel, because they were ready.
This Heirloom Needlepoint Pumpkin is the genius creation of my friend Sharon, she creates these from heirloom antique and vintage needlepoints.
On one side of our sofa, my favorite stack of nesting tables is topped with an Italian Florentine tray, another piece "for sale" that stuck around here. The nesting tables are antique, and the very top one lost it's glass insert. The tray makes it so that guests can easily set a cup of earl grey or a glass of merlot on it without damaging the leather top.
In front of the living room windows, I've thrown an antique paisley over the chair. This is the perfect place to snuggle in with a good book!
Our back garden has quite a large gathering of birds every day, listening to them makes me smile, and reminds me of Europe where we grew up. We don't live in the country, but those birds in our garden give the illusion that we do! {not that I get to spend much time here sitting around}
I love being in the living room, especially in the fall when there is a fire in the fireplace. But most of the time we live in our kitchen - family room.
My darling Mr. Cochon over the stove is wearing a swag of miniature pumpkin garland. {Buying good quality faux garland is an investment, but I've used this for over 8 years already, and still love it!}
My French Country kitchen has a large table right in the middle, surrounded by six antique chairs. We added the two new black chairs as our family grew. My fall display on the table is "at the ready" to serve dessert, I keep it set up like this unless we have guests over for dinner.
I piled pumpkins in different colors in the large antique French bowl. The pie? Well, you may have guessed that's not normally there, as it gets eaten once it's cooled down.
But the plates, the forks in the ironstone pitcher, the bowls and the plates remain at the ready for dessert service, handy for sharing a treat with coffee when a friend drops by.
Here is a close-up of my handsome pig!
I love my farm sink, it's so handy to fill with bunches of flowers from the garden. The high chair is from when our girls were small, now their children like to sit in it at the table for crafts and meals.
It holds our French bottle carrier, which is one of the most hard working antiques you can ever own! I use it to transport bottles from the storage to the kitchen, to tote bottles of Lillet and glasses out to the garden, and as a centerpiece on the table with bottles filled with flowers. It's truly a workhorse!
Here is the other side of the kitchen, the family room part. The large armoire is filled with ironstone right now, and some of the antique French Madonnas I sell in my shop.
I keep this tray set with cups, honey straws and my special Hazelnut Crunch Tea. It makes entertaining so much easier, to have something set up and ready to go for when friends stop in.
The large green tea canisters are from Betjeman & Barton, the French tea shop in Paris. As soon as I can bear to part with them, they'll be in the shop. All I need is to do is boil water, put some tea in the antique tea strainer and I'm ready to share a cup of warm, delicious autumn tea with my guests. Smell that delicious scent of our Current Verte candle? It fills our whole kitchen with the scent of Provence, with the scent of apples, pear and currant berries.
Here is my favorite French Country table setting for fall. I layered these linen runners over our farm table, and filled an antique copper French fish steamer with more dried hydrangeas from the garden and several different sizes of pumpkins.
For the place setting I mixed antique French plates with my favorite {and yours, too!} blue gingham plates, set those on gold chargers to mix in a metallic touch and anchor everything. Antique French flatware, French glasses for wine and water, and our new napkins in black linen complete each setting.
Here it is without the gold chargers, much as I love metallic gold, I almost like it like this better, do you? Those antique French ink pots are perfect to add more French Country charm to the table.
Before you leave, I'll give you a peek into our master bedroom. We bought this antique bed years ago to sell, but decided to keep it, I still love it. My linens are simple, the pure linen duvet, the soft velvet comforter and the linen Bonne Nuit pillow all come from our shop.
The colors are soft muted greys, beiges, white and gold. The restful colors makes it easier to add a seasonal color. I love the linen pillow.
My French antique vanity is right in front of the window. The elegant legs and the hand carved detailing make this a special piece I will never get rid of.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit. Before you leave, let's have a quick peek in the back garden.
Our garden doesn't look amazing in the fall, so I make sure there are small pretty spots to look at. Like this fall vignette on the potting table out back.
The colors of autumn go so well with the antique French zinc body pitcher. One huge bonus of being an antique dealer is that I get to play with the antiques until they sell and get sent to their new homes!
I love to be home in the fall. I am going away on a buying trip in October to Europe for 10 days, and I am so looking forward to that. To walk down the boulevards with the wind blowing {hopefully softly!} and people dressed in their chic fall clothing.
Meeting with some of my good antique dealer friends. And catching up with family. But really? Especially in the fall, my heart is at home.
How about you? Why do you love to be home in the fall?
September 28, 2016
What a beautiful home! Every little detail is stunning
September 28, 2016
I love the kitchen and the Quail dishes!
September 28, 2016
I love the white pumpkins used as decor! So pretty for fall!
September 28, 2016
Lidy, your home could not be more beautiful. I love the way you mix and match the finest things with down to earth things. Your home is welcoming and wonderful.
September 28, 2016
Loved visiting your home! Thanks for your gracious hospitality! Happ Autumn!
September 28, 2016
Absolutely gorgeous!! I can’t even start telling you what I love without writing a book! :) But that front garden… LOVE! Thank you for sharing and for all your work on this tour Lidy. Happy fall! ~julie
September 28, 2016
It’s just as dreamy as ever. I’m grateful to have been a guest in your home many times.
September 28, 2016
I so enjoyed your tour of your amazing home! So many beautiful details!! Thanks for sharing! XO
September 28, 2016
Welcome Vel! I hope that you enjoy the tour and get inspired.
September 28, 2016
Hi Lidy! I am new to your blog with the intro from Jane at Blondie’s journal! WOW! I am blown away by your shop and all the lovely and exquisite things in them!!!!!! So hard to resist! Following you as well, your home is as gorgeous as everything in your store!
September 28, 2016
Lidy, your home is stunning. So so beautiful. You have managed to create an elegant home without looking too stuffy. It is easy, warm and very cozy.
I so love all the attention to detail. I can’t pick a favorite room. They are all equally beautiful.
I must go back for a second look.
September 28, 2016
I love all the great ideas and inspiration you give me thanks!
September 28, 2016
Bhome is great for some artistic inspiration around my boring house, especially from you!
September 28, 2016
Home is the coziest place to be when the seasons change from summer to fall. There is a large tree outside my living room window that is fun to watch as the leaves turn colors and drop.
September 28, 2016
I love everything but I’m totally obsessed by your kitchen! Thanks for inspiring us.
September 28, 2016
Oh, how lovely! You’ve transformed me to a French cottage lover right from my computer!
September 28, 2016
Love to open doors and windows after a hot summer in South Carolina. Do a Fall mantle and table top with leaves, pumpkins, etc. Love to be home in the Fall!.
September 28, 2016
Rosie, thank you for leaving a comment! I am touched by your comment. I am blessed to know you, too, and I am sure that your home is just as warm, loving and beautiful as you are.
September 28, 2016
Thank you my friend. I feel the same way about wherever you live, cosseted by the welcoming arms of you and the home you created.
September 28, 2016
Lidy, having enjoyed your beautiful home in person, these photos capture the warmth and personality of a home and person who welcomes me with open arms and an open heart. Having being orphaned and shuttled about when I was young, I longed for a warm, inviting home and I have grown to love the art and joy of making my home an inviting and welcome place to others. Your loving heart and bright, welcoming smile is evident in every touch of your superb style. These photos help me to create for myself the warm, inviting, relaxing and restoring home I lost as a child. Now through your beautiful, artistry, have I started on my journey to create such a home for myself and those I dearly love! Every photo is breathtaking with your attention to detail and style. How blessed I am to know you and French Garden House!
September 28, 2016
I can say personally, that this is one of my favorite places to be! When I come to SOCAL, I look forward to just sitting with you in this beautiful space and enjoy your company! You have made a true HOME. Love you, friend.
September 28, 2016
Love all these fall decorating ideas!
September 28, 2016
Thank you Lori. I bet your home is wonderful, you have such an artist’s eye. Mostly going to Europe to take care of some family things, but I’ll hopefully squeeze in some buying too. xo
September 28, 2016
Love the Quail china, and everything in your home.
So nice to welcome autumn again.
September 28, 2016
Lidy, you seriously want to make me redecorate! Your sense of style is so inviting and welcoming, just like you.
For me fall brings great smells amoras, I love fall!
Thanks for the tour and enjoy your shopping trip.
September 28, 2016
Paula, thank you! Hope you are having a beautiful fall too. xoxo
September 28, 2016
The ??? were supposed to be !!! ??
September 28, 2016
Lidy love it all. I am especially fond of your white fireplace and I love the table with the black lamp – love the contrast.
September 28, 2016
Absolutely beautiful Lidy! Loved the tour! Thanks for inviting us into your lovely home. (Aldrik loved the tour too)
September 28, 2016
Dear Ms. Lidy!
I pinned the image My Paint Saint to my board I Did It My Way. :) Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
September 28, 2016
I have been blessed on many occasions to enjoy your hospitality,each time I feel so welcomed. Your incredible style sense and ability to make people feel as if they were there, is so evident in these photos. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us and making us feel so very welcome.
Loving fall. . .
September 28, 2016
Pinned. Thanks so much for this opportunity!!
September 28, 2016
Fall is my favorite season! I love the cooler temperatures and the changing colors and I love to bring those colors into my home and my yard! <3
September 28, 2016
I love the decorating and recipe ideas; great graphics makes it fun to visit blogs.
my pin:
thanks for the chance!
September 28, 2016
Hi Michelle, thank you for visiting today and leaving a comment. I love to connect with all of you here. I agree, our homes are our safe, cozy and happy place where we love to be with those we love. I fixed the ??. xo
September 28, 2016
Oops! I don’t know how all those question marks ended up in my comment!?
September 28, 2016
Hi Theresa, WELCOME! So happy you could join us today, and I hope on many days. Wishing you a beautiful fall day today. You will LOVE the pumpkin…
September 28, 2016
Your home looks so beautiful and cozy decorated for fall! I love being home in fall because I always love being home! It is my safe, cozy, happy place where my family and I love being together.
September 28, 2016
I am a first time visitor to your blog but I’ll be back. Your home is fabulous and I can only echo the above compliments. Wowzers! I jumped over to Woll Works – mid-read – and ordered a pumpkin. I only have to find the perfect place in my home to show it off. OK, back to re-reading and viewing your blog!!!
September 28, 2016
Vicki, thank you so much for leaving a comment, I love to connect with all of you, my darling friends. “Fall’s big coloring book of amazing hues” What a beautiful sentence!!!
September 28, 2016
Tina, you have such gorgeous colors in AZ…and you are right, fun none the less to bring the splendor of the season to your home! Thank you for your visit and for leaving a comment.
September 28, 2016
Stacey, thanks so much for your visit. I bet you will make your home just perfect for fall…hope to see you again soon!
September 28, 2016
Maria, I’m so glad you joined us, and are inspired! I hope you love being at home in the fall!!
September 28, 2016
Thank you Kate for your visit. I love when leaves turn colors, wish we had more of that in my part of California!
September 28, 2016
Enjoy your site so much, especially of autumn in Paris!
To decorate I bring pumpkins,and leaves turning such beautiful colors into my home. That’s what I love about autumn.
September 28, 2016
WOW,WOW Ms.Lidy Iam lost for words. All these beautill and fabulous pages take my breath away. Its such pleasure looking at all this beauty! Thank you for making my day and the rest of the fall season. I am inspired to the max. Thank you for sharing your awesome talent.
September 28, 2016
Lidy your home and garden decor sums up all I love about fall as it is my favorite time of year. Love working in the gardens putting my flowers to bed for winter with the promise of seeing them again in Spring. Love all the wonderful desserts made from apples, pumpkins etc with my favorite coffee or hot tea when there is a chill in the air. Love the turning of the leaves in fall’s big coloring book of amazing hues. Love my fall foliage trip to take in the views and pick up my maple syrup, honey and maple pecan pies to have for the up coming holidays. Nothing I don’t love about fall even racking all those leaves.
September 28, 2016
Wow! Your home is so beautiful and it offers me a since of peacefulness and calm that I would like to have in my home. I think the neutral background with the splash of pumpkin color adds just the right amount of Awe…..Thank you for sharing. I love the fall because it is a time to cozy up and enjoy the indoors. Your posting has encouraged me to change things up a bit, all though I live in a mid century modern home, my heart is with your design.
September 28, 2016
Absolutely gorgeous Lidy! No fall in AZ, but fun none the less to bring the splendor of the season into our homes.
September 28, 2016
Thank you Ann. I am glad of your visit, please be sure to visit all my friends and enjoy their beautiful fall homes and inspiration too!
September 28, 2016
Every thing is so beautiful and I want my house to look like the pictures. I do see a FEW things I have!!!
September 28, 2016
Yvonne, thank you for your visit and your kind words. I love your home, we have our sibling pigs in our kitchens, I could wake up and be in your beautiful farmhouse and feel right at home. I am so glad we are doing this tour together, so that I can get to know you a little bit better, friend. Wishing you a gorgeous fall day! xo Lidy
September 28, 2016
Oh, Lidy! I don’t know where to start! Your home is like a dream!!!!! What beauty and elegance and richness and ohhhhhh! Your french style is so spot on and welcoming and enveloping! I LOVE that needlepoint pumpkin and the way to casually mix natural elements into your wonderfully appointed home! You are one special lady with a talent for making everything you touch beautiful! Thanks for letting us into your home and making us feel so special!
September 28, 2016
So inviting! And great decorating ideas! Thank you!
September 28, 2016
Thank you Rita! I think your own home is beautiful, and I know anyone who comes to visit will feel welcome and surrounded by beauty! xo
September 28, 2016
I so love your home, Lidy, and how you keep your cherished, collected items within your decor until someone else adopts them. Your sterling napkin ring display box is thoroughly inspiring (I collect those too), and Sharon’s needlepoint pumpkin is adorable. I’ve purchased a couple of her reworked pillows and they are on permanent display/use in my home. From your living room to your dual purpose kitchen and tablescape, your bedroom, your garden, it’s all so inviting. Your naturally French style is one many strive to emulate, and even though I enjoy my own home, I can only hope it feels as welcoming and comfortable as your looks when visitors come.
September 28, 2016
Kim, thank you. I love your home too, as you know, as I said I’d be moving IN! I’m so happy to be part of this tour with you.
September 28, 2016
Shirley, thank you for your visit! I think the same about your home. We must be kindred spirits, I’m so glad we are friends. I am so happy to be touring with YOU today, too. xo
September 28, 2016
Julie, thank you so much! It’s so much fun to visit each other’s homes, isn’t it? I’m so happy to be touring with you today, too!
September 28, 2016
Oh my goodness, Lidy! Your home is stunning, beautiful, cozy, inviting…I could go on with the adjectives. I love every little detail — just fabulous! I love it all and that little needlepoint pumpkin stole my heart. So happy to be touring with you today! Thank you for getting us all together to share our fall inspiration! :)
September 28, 2016
Lidy, I could go on and on about how beautiful everything is, but I’m just going to say WOW! Have fun in Europe!!
September 28, 2016
Oh Lidy….Be still my heart!! There are no words to describe your most magnificent home, every inch of it … that is so exquisitely adorned with your amazing antiques. Your styling is perfection. There are so many things that you have that I could just reach into the screen in hopes that they will travel through cyberspace into my hands! :) I will be visiting your friend Sharon….that needlepoint pumpkin is beyond gorgeous!…A tour through your home is like being in France. And yes, your front courtyard does look like a courtyard in France…I so loved this beautiful tour of yours and happy to be touring with your today Lidy!! Thanks for all of your efforts in coordinating this fabulous tour!
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Beautiful home, impeccable taste and fabulous antiques. Makes me want to go directly to your wonderful website and buy something