Embrace the Heart of the Season

December 14, 2021 4 min read 19 Comments

Embrace the Heart of the Season
Hello! Many of you emailed to tell me that you've missed reading posts here at FrenchGardenHouse, for which I'm humbled and thank you so much. After our Thanksgiving trip of 10 days to our daughter's new home, we have been so busy shipping out holiday orders that at the end of each day, I haven't had anything left to create a blog post. So I've been playing hooky! As you get ready to gather around your tree, I thought I would share these tips with you again. Let's get our hearts ready for the miracle that is Christmas, and Embrace the Heart of the Season! Embrace the Heart of the Season Creating a lovely place to be and reclaiming peace at home is one of the most powerful tools we have. Keeping a joyful spirit through the holidays will support your well-being, and keep your spirit "bright" and not overwhelmed. Honoring simple moments and joys, and finding gratitude in it all will keep the peace and joy in this season!

Celebrate All the Beautiful Moments this Season.

Be intentional in seeking out all the small, little joys in life. I’m feeling gratitude for all the things we have, and the things we can do. Things it's easy to take for granted in the day to day. Drinking a warm cup of coffee in the morning as I read the day's first emails. Taking the time to sit by the Christmas tree and looking at the lights. {side note...sometimes a little teary eyed...remembering holidays past when some people I loved greatly were still here.} It's okay to acknowledge how you are feeling!} I’ve rewired my brain to be grateful for everything this year, seeking out silver linings to everything.

Cherish the Little Things This Holiday Season

Antique Clothing & Accessories >

Be Realistic About How You Feel.

I've come to realize that acknowledging how you feel is so important. Feeling overwhelmed and down can take the ho-ho-ho out of the holidays Most days? I'm a "cup overflowing" kind of person. But somedays, I'm just over this still not-back-to-normal-time. While I realize many people are doing things as usual, there are parts of the country, not to mention the world, where the pandemic is till impacting many, many lives. The silver lining? I've come to realize even more than ever before WHAT MATTERS MOST. It's the people we love. period. {and yes, I completely MISS hosting those wonderful, loud and crazy busy holiday parties! } We are entertaining here at FrenchGardenHouse, but with very very small groups.

the winter collection

Holiday Gift Collection >

Share Kindness with Neighbors and Community.

One thing Mr. FGH and I have truly been so grateful for is getting to know our neighbors on such a deeper level. We've come to know almost all of our neighbors on our whole block, and our neighborhood has become much much closer. More than ever before, we watch out for each other, and have long conversations when walking the dogs, or gardening {meaning Mr. FGH is gardening and I'm supervising} I'm encouraging all of us to open our hearts even more during this holiday time. The holidays are tender times for so many people, if we can send them some extra love or kindness, a small gift, a card, it means so much. We’re so extremely blessed at FrenchGardenHouse to have such an engaging community of clients, friends, followers and supporters, but many small family businesses may still be struggling this year, they need any extra love they can get! If you happen to go out to a restaurant, please consider giving an above and beyond tip to your server. They need it! Cherish the Little Things This Holiday Season

Antique Children's Toys >

Make Your Home A Holiday Haven.

Create a welcoming, peaceful environment at home and bring the magic of the holidays indoors. I'm constantly editing our Christmas decorations, bin by bin. As you know, I love adding seasonal flowers, plants and fruit to our home to celebrate the holidays more than anything. It doesn't take much, it's natural and there are no bins to lug from the garage back and forth! Whether this year makes you want to pull out all the stops, or just add a few touches, do what feels right to YOU. It doesn't take much to add a few festive moments to some areas of your home. Cherish the Little Things This Holiday Season

Decorative Antiques >

You can get some natural inspiration HERE:

FrenchCountry Mantel >

Monday Morning Blooms French Country White Holiday Arrangement White French Country Christmas Arrangement >

Light your beautiful candles and keep the energy in your home welcoming and up-lifting. I created this simple centerpiece with an antique French jardiniere, some greens, white hydrangeas and tapers. White Christmas Flowers French Country Style

Shop Candles >

Focus on spending time with your family - sending love via actual letters in the mail {remember those?} phone calls or zoom visits. And focus on keeping your own sanity. It's why I am not blogging as much as I usually do during this very busy time. instead you'll find me sitting by the fire, gazing at the tree, and getting my heart ready for the coming of Christmas and the true gift we received. Or setting small delightful tables to share tea with a friend, my little people, or even just by myself or with Mr.FGH if he's not out in the garden babying his flowers. antique gilt encrusted plates roses

Shop Antique Porcelain >

I hope this encourages you to Embrace the Heart of the Season. shop gift collection



Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.com

19 Responses

jean Van
jean Van

December 16, 2021

Bonjour, Lidy,
Just love all the pretty and lovely Christmas thing’s in your home a pretty and warm Christmas tree and that special French little boy what a love. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alway’s, Jean, CA


December 15, 2021

In turn, your words are so extremely well said, Alice. I love this: “Hope is well placed when we show love.” Love to you and wishing you a blessed Christmas!

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

December 15, 2021

Well said Lidy. Family is everything. And without love we would be part of a society that will go down in History not worthy of being remembered. Hope is well placed when we show love.
And I hope your Christmas is one of peace and reassurance.


December 15, 2021

Gloria, Merry Christmas to you and the people you love. It is especially at Christmas that I too feel the presence of my Mom, and other family no longer here.
I am warmed by the memories of them too, and all the cherished traditions we shared. sending you love, dear Gloria.


December 15, 2021

Thank you Anja…I love all your kind comments. Prettige Kerstdagen! xo


December 15, 2021

Merry, merry Christmas Bonnie! xo


December 15, 2021

Thank you friend. Merry Christmas, Sunday! xo


December 15, 2021

Thank you Vienette. Wishing you a beautiful Christmas season!

Gloria P
Gloria P

December 15, 2021

Bless you for sharing your thoughts with us on the true meaning of the holidays. My parents and brothers are gone. But I have wonderful memories of our time together. Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the blog followers.


December 15, 2021

Despite the fact that our home is ready for the holidays I am again pleasantly surprised by your ideas.
As you may know I’ve been following your blog for quite some time but you still manage to create a great atmosphere with new and somewhat older ideas Happy Holidays xxx


December 15, 2021

Thank you for all the beauty and peace you provide. And Merry Christmas!


December 15, 2021

Love it all, Sweet Lidy!


December 15, 2021

Thank you for bringing beauty to the people around you. You are so right about taking time to connect to the people around us, neighbors, friends, family… offering comfort and care; finding beauty and joy in the everyday that surrounds us!


December 15, 2021

Nancy, I’m glad you are doing better! And you are so right, what matters is being with the people you love.

I’m so sorry for your niece, and all the people affected by those horrible tornadoes. Thank God she and her family were safe.


Nancy Sharp
Nancy Sharp

December 14, 2021

What a lovely post. I’ve been forced to slow down this season by a recent stay in the hospital. I’ve also realized that just being with my daughters and their families is enough. Last weekend one of my nieces in Western Kentucky lost her home, cars, everything in that horrible tornado. That sure does show you what matters. And what mattered was they were all safe, thank the Lord!
Merry Christmas to you. I’m joining you in sitting by the tree even though we live in different states.?


December 14, 2021

Thank you Darlene. I know, those Copeland plates are such a treat, I’ve never found anything quite as spectacular! Merry Christmas to you too. xo


December 14, 2021

Thank you Sandi. That’s a great tip, I left it as is so that we can enjoy the antique wear, tear and patina. Merry Christmas!


December 14, 2021

Simply charming and perfectly appointed.
I had to pause at the Copeland dessert plate.
I’ve never seen anything close to this beauty!
I love the crocheted cloth napkins, they were my grandmother’s passion.
Merry Merry Christmas!


December 14, 2021

Thank you for sharing. Made me think about all that is good and appreciate my time more. Love all you holiday decor. Just a hint, if you paint the back of the frame hanging on the mirror white it won’t deflect brown in the mirror. Thanks again.

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