Breathe Deep, Repeat

March 19, 2020 5 min read 16 Comments

Breathe Deep, Repeat
Breathe deep. Repeat. {as often as needed.} This is such a time of the unknown, and anxiety is a normal reaction to a high level of uncertainty. During this time here are a few tips for decreasing your own and your family’s anxiety. 1. Stick to a predictable daily routine. Try to have as normal a schedule as possible. I’m European, in my family, small regular things like having coffee at 11:00am and a cup of tea at 3:30 are long standing generational habits. During uncertain times like this, these small habits can provide a continuity, a "touch point" in the day. Get up. Get in the shower. Get dressed. Sure, you can take a nap or have a "pajama day" once in a while, but it's better for all of our mental health to do the normal every day things most days. 2. Keep your home organized, and clean. Since we are all at home, create something beautiful to look at in your home. This is the time to organize, and tidy up those rooms and areas of home that could use a little help. Clean is always a good idea, but never more so than now. Try not to "over - do" though. It's tempting for some of us to be hyper vigilant, figure out what clean level works for you. Being in a lovely space, a haven, is always much more relaxing than having a messy, un-attractive space. 3. Add green and color. Today is the first official day of Spring. Something fresh and green indoors lifts our spirits. We always have some flowers on our coffee table. Something fresh and green. No flowers? Cut a few branches to add to a vase, even a green fern or an orchid works too. If getting fresh flowers is not a reality {which it most likely won't be for many of us} then a beautiful "faux" can work just as well. 4. Limit your media time. Of course you want to be informed, but I'm limiting myself to reading the news once a day in the morning. I figure if something earth-shattering occurs, I'll be told by my friends who are watching the news on the hour. For me, it's just not healthy to be glued to the latest, and I don't really think it's good for anyone, it just increases fearfulness. Replace media time with reading a great book, listening to music that makes you feel peaceful or happy, instead! This is the perfect time to look at all those French decor books you have been wanting to read and swoon over from cover to cover! 5. Reconnect with your faith. Praying instead of worrying is obviously much more helpful. Feeling connected to God gives us peace, and praying helps us to feel closer to God. Write down some of your favorite verses in the Bible and read them. During one particularly stressful time in my life I had a scripture on an index card stuck to the mirror in my bathroom. Reading that first thing in the morning was much more helpful than I ever imagined! So here at home, I've written down some of my favorite scriptures from the Bible and have posted one on the bathroom mirror, several others are next to my bed. 6. Be good to yourself. Eat healthy. Try to cook healthy meals at home, with what you have. There are so many delicious meals you can make. Ina Garten is my "go to" for good, easy meals during this time and any time! We are fortunate that we have an orange tree in our back garden, and it's filled with oranges that we are eating and sharing. Food is going to be available, so don't worry. Make healthy choices, this is always important but never more so than now. :) Take time to take care of you, especially now. Take a warm relaxing bath. We are seeing a surge in our Lavender and Rosemary bath salt orders, mostly being shipped from clients to friends and family as gifts. So you are already doing this, or "gifting" relaxing gifts to people you love. Allow yourself some down time to relax, read a book or watch a funny movie. Spend fun times with your family. Now is the time for game nights, cooking together, and being together with the people you love most and the people you can count on. 7. Meditate. Try it! Try meditation. Breathing exercises, yoga, practicing mindfulness. I use the Calm app once a day to relax and refocus, and I love it! It helps me to calm my racing thoughts down, and relax completely for a period of time. 8. Enjoy the outdoors. If you can, go outside for a walk, even a short one. Mr. FGH and I are walking our Bentley in the park across the street daily. It's cold here, but we bundle up and breathe deep. That fresh air and a little wind through our hair is just what we all need. Our back garden was just in the process of being completely re-done when the isolation recommendation began. This picture is from before the grass and gravel were totally removed. Right now it resembles a very muddy dirt lot back there since we've had rain. I'm hoping when the sun comes out on the daily we can move forward! I'm not sure when it will be able to be finished, {yikes !} but we still have the front garden! Luckily, there is always online inspiration for gardeners! 9. Live in the NOW. Focus your attention on what is happening today and at this moment. These are small things, but these small “normal” things can make a huge difference. Whether you are by yourself, with a partner, or your whole family, I hope that you try to make the most of these days. anxiety relief during uncertain times We are navigating uncertain times for the next few weeks or months. The more we can add certainty into this time, the more we will be able to cope with any challenges ahead. On a business note: We're shipping out orders daily to our cherished customers with the greatest care. I'd like to update you on what we are doing to keep everyone safe. *We've implemented additional precautionary procedures with our packing and shipping process by cleaning and sanitizing everything, and wearing gloves. *We personally {Mr. FGH and I} pack every single order and send it on it's way. *We are educating ourselves on being kind, staying calm, and purposely not buying too much food and supplies so to leave things for others.


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and uniquely yours. Visit our shop

16 Responses


April 03, 2020

Thank you Lidy. I love the picture of your pretty bathroom – tres chic! I find I am enjoying little bits of “mindfulness” like cleaning electric plug points and wall switches with a little more care and focus, that seems to help me switch off completely, and then I enjoy the sparkling results! Reading my Bible more often, and enjoying quiet prayer has brought me peace and contentment.


March 23, 2020

Jeanne, yes, you are right, beauty will wait for us, it is all around us still! May you be blessed and well.


March 27, 2020

Thank you Pam, that is so kind of you to say. We all need to encourage each other during this time. Stay well, and God bless you!


March 25, 2020

You are precious Lidy xo :) with a kind & beautiful heart! Of all the things I’ve read ~ this is the most dear & ever so beautifully calming & soothing for the heart. Thank you for instilling peace in my & all of our hearts, & for spreading love & beauty in the world! May you & all you love be blessed & loved from God xo & all the stars above :) Most Sincerely & with love ~ Pam:) Howie xo :) & precious lil Heather Joy xo :) ~from the countryside of CT ~but always ~always dreaming of living in France!


March 23, 2020

Thank you for this beautiful post Lidy. It really is helpful to have this reminder.
Beauty will wait for us. We must have fortitude.

Be safe <3

Dianne Sharpe
Dianne Sharpe

March 21, 2020

Lidy, this meant so much to me. Beautiful photos and beautiful suggestions.


March 20, 2020

Thank you Denise! Thankful for our community of online friends! xo

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

March 20, 2020

I would like to personally thank you and the other blogs that I read for posting about how to navigate through the times ahead. Take time take care and be kind!

Linda Chapin
Linda Chapin

March 19, 2020

A lovely and helpful message. Thank you!

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

March 19, 2020

What a beautifully well-written and timely post. Such excellent advice as well. And P.S. your home is so lovely. I love those cheetah print chairs!

Theresa R Keller
Theresa R Keller

March 19, 2020

Thank you Liddy for the calming and wise words….. i work in a small office and we are still in the office daily. Not sure what will happen in the next week or so but i appreciate your suggestions and i am looking forward to the upcoming weekend to chill a bit.

Take care and stay well

Linda Hovgaard
Linda Hovgaard

March 19, 2020

Thank you Liddy….your thoughts are a list to live by. God bless…..

Lisa Denunzio
Lisa Denunzio

March 19, 2020

Thanks Liddy for the calming thoughts. I feel it is normal to have good days and not so good days mentally. But if we can bolster each other up it really helps. Not sure when we can visit our beloved Italy again. Tragic. But we take solace in family and friends even if only on FaceTime

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

March 19, 2020

Dear Liddy, wonderful suggestions. Blessings to you and yours. Be well.

Kathy Hughes
Kathy Hughes

March 19, 2020

Wonderful suggestions; prayer is at the top of my list. I always look forward to your blog with its beautiful flowers, gorgeous furnishings, and lovely table settings. Stay safe and healthy. ?

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

March 19, 2020

Lidy, this is a very important and timely post. We must find a way to turn away the outside world and pay attention to our health, mentally and spiritually. This self quarantine is not all bad. It gives me time to stop rushing from one thing to the other. Time to spend with God and loved ones. I love what I heard , we don’t know what’s in the future but we know WHO HOLDS THE FUTURE.

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