A Blue Monday Morning Blooms

January 17, 2022 3 min read 44 Comments

A blue monday morning blooms
Welcome my fellow flower and blue lovers! Did you know that today is known as the "blue-est" day of the year? Officially called Blue Monday, it's the name given to the third Monday in January. I'm just ignoring that it's rumored to be the saddest day of the year, and making my own blue floral happiness together with you. Let's look at the bright side of blue - A Blue Monday Morning Blooms! A blue monday morning blooms WELCOME TO MONDAY MORNING BLOOMS. I hope you will enjoy this post, it's not like the other ones. Mr. FGH has just had a 2 day hospital stay for the removal of quite a large kidney stone. So instead of preparing a beautiful January blues floral arrangement, I've spent my time in the ER for a day, going to and from the hospital etc. Praise God he's home and recovering! I hope you forgive me, I've put together some blue inspiration for us to share instead of making the flowers I planned. And I'm cooking up a storm to get Mr. FGH's strength back, a lot of chicken soup, pasta and other things known to be comforting and healing! A Blue Monday Morning Blooms My sweet flower friends Pam, Mary and Shirley are sharing their January flowers as planned, I know you will want to visit them and see all the inspirational beauty they're sharing today! I'll put their links at the bottom of this post, and will see you there later. Blue Flowers Pansy It's a scientifically proven fact: flowers boost your mood, improve our mental health and make us happy! I know I've certainly seen the power of flowers here at FrenchGardenHouse. The living room just doesn't seem complete without flowers. Even when I came home alone late at night from the ER {and believe me, I am more than grateful that it wasn't anything super serious!} it was a joy to see a beautiful arrangement of hydrangeas on the table to greet me. A Blue Monday Morning Blooms blue hydrangeas in french canister I think the power of flowers is sometimes greatly underestimated. It only takes one small flower to bring joy to our hearts. When I was little, the first crocus pushing through the snow was something my grandparents celebrated. Often with an extra cookie and chocolate for me at tea time! Because spring was on it's way, and those first flowers were so cherished by us. scripture flowers I don't know about you, but I'm already anxious for sunny spring days. Our potting bench always looks so good with blue flowers early in the spring. I'm planning to buy some beautiful new plants for the garden in the back. Our winter storms have done some damage and there are some "holes" in Mr. FGH's garden plots that I can't wait to shop for. Do you make garden lists of plants you want to grow and or buy this far ahead? I find it's so encouraging to do this in January. blue hydrangeas potting bench in french country garden french country garden bench I hope you have enjoyed A Blue Monday Morning Blooms post, despite the fact that I wasn't able to create a beautiful floral arrangement this time. stack of antique French tureens Since today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I'm leaving you with his quote: Martin Luther King Jr Quote You can read about the POWER OF FLOWERS Here > the power of flowers antique french enamelware blue And see my last year's Beat the January Blues post here > blue and white on a mantel with pink peonies


stunning blue flowers

THANK YOU so much for visiting me today! Make sure to visit each one of my flower friends for some floral therapy, below.

blue and white bowl with flowers Pam at Everyday Living

Blue and white hydrangeas in sunroom Shirley at Housepitality Designs winter white flowers

Mary at HomeIsWhereTheBoatIs

A blue monday morning blooms and me Lidy at FrenchGardenHouse


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.com


Shop for the best in French Antiques, furniture with the patina of age, vintage accessories to delight you and your family & friends, and French Country utilitarian pieces. Treasures that make your home fresh, beautiful, inspirational and above all uniquely yours. Visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.com

44 Responses

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

January 28, 2022

First, I am praying for Mr FGH that he is ? soon! I’ve had experience with those little but painful stones!

Your blue and white theme was such a lovely and bright spot to my day. I, too, am planning for Spring! Thanks for the ‘breath of fresh air’!

Sharon Crigger-Stokan
Sharon Crigger-Stokan

January 28, 2022

First, I am praying for Mr FGH that he is ? soon! I’ve had experience with those little but painful stones!

Your blue and white theme was such a lovely and bright spot to my day. I, too, am planning for Spring! Thanks for the ‘breath of fresh air’!


January 20, 2022

Thank you so much, Darlene. Pansies and violas were my Mom’s favorites, too, and now they’re mine because they always remind me of her.


January 23, 2022

Thank you so much, Diane! He’s almost all better now! Wishing good health and normality for all of us, too. xo

Diane Brooke
Diane Brooke

January 23, 2022

I hope that Mr. FGH is home now and you’re able to spoil him a bit. So glad it was not more serious. I’m sure by now you know how much I enjoy your posts and shopping in your “store”. Wishing good health and a more normal year to all of us!


January 22, 2022

Fresh flowers are golden to the eye. If you do not have them in a garden then the grocer’s garden will do. A simple vase of flowers lasts a week and what more could one ask.


January 20, 2022

Blue is so pleasing to the eyes, your design pieces and choice of florals brought it all together beautifully.
Pansies and violas are among my favorites.
Your poor husband hope his recovery is short and he’s back to normal soon.


January 17, 2022

Thank you Diane. I love my amaryllis too, she is almost done but I’ve so enjoyed that spectacular bloom! Hope you have a beautiful week ahead.


January 17, 2022

Thank you Anja. A little bit of flowers goes a long way! When we lived in Holland flowers always brightened my winter days!


January 17, 2022

Rita, thank you friend. I don’t care for this month all that much either, but flowers definitely help!!


January 17, 2022

Shirley, it’s such a joy to spend this blue Monday Morning Blooms with you! Have a happy week! Hoping for some sun in your sunroom.


January 17, 2022

Happy Blooms, Mary! Wishing you a happy non-blue and sunny week, dear friend.xo


January 17, 2022

Thank you Pam! It’s always a treat to join you for our sweet Monday Morning Blooms. Wishing you a week ahead with sunny days!! xo


January 17, 2022

Thanks so much Diana! So nice to see you here. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, friend. xo


January 19, 2022

Oh my goodness Jane, I can’t imagine your poor girl with a stone and pregnant. Happy it dissolved! Wishing you a happy week, dear friend.


January 19, 2022

Thanks Nancy! That’s what friends are for, to share beauty and chase the blues. Have a happy week!


January 19, 2022

Denise, thank you. I’m glad we chased away those mean blues….. and replaced them with happy ones!


January 19, 2022

Thank you so much! Flowers DO always brighten the day {and your greenhouse!!} xo Lidy


January 19, 2022

So many GORGEOUS photos! I adore blue in the garden, so serene and inviting, and of course flowers ALWAYS brighten my day, no winter blues here! Glad your husband is home in your loving care.

Denise Carlson
Denise Carlson

January 19, 2022

So sorry to hear about Mr FGH best wishes for a speedy recovery! You can always just throw up a few photos and it’s all good! Beauty captured and enjoyed, loved this edition of Monday Morning Blooms you gals have chased away the January blues for all your friends! Thanks!


January 19, 2022

I am happy to hear your husband is home and recovering.
I enjoyed your Beautiful quotes that were lovingly presented.
Thank you for sharing all the Blue Therapy!


January 19, 2022

You photos are proof positive that blue is one of the prettiest colors in flowers and home decor. I particularly love crocus and hyacinth, I’d force them so I’d have a bit of spring before May!

I’m sorry for the experience you and Mr. FGH had. I know the stones are painful. My daughter gets them once in awhile and she had one rear it’s ugly head when she was pregnant last time. That was quite nerve wracking but it managed to dissolve on its own. Love and wishes for good health.



January 18, 2022

Thank you dear Shannon! Wishing you a blessed week ahead, too. xo


January 18, 2022

Thank you so much, Elaine! It is so kind of you to leave such a sweet comment. We’re doing well! I’m making him
take it easy and rest, which, short of tying him down, isn’t an easy task. : )

Elaine Hodge
Elaine Hodge

January 18, 2022

Sending you and Mr. FGH all best wishes for health, happiness, and well-being in the days to come. Please know you bring so much beauty and joy into my life and others through your inspired home and garden offerings, handsome photographs, and stories and quotes that move the heart. Merci, Merci, dear Lidy!.

Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

January 18, 2022

Lidy, I am so glad to hear that Mr. FGH is home and doing better. I wish him a speedy recovery. Chicken soup and pasta sound like the perfect comfort foods. You quotes were so lovely, and you have shared some beautiful blue inspiration with us. The opening vignette with the sweet pansies is so pretty. Wishing you a blessed week, dear friend! Take care!


January 17, 2022

Thank you so much for your visit, Barbara. Pansies are so sweet, and bloom so beautifully. You’re right, even one in a little cup or vase is beautiful, isn’t it?


January 17, 2022

Thank you so much Jenna! I believe flowers have magical powers too! xo


January 17, 2022

So happy you love the blue and white Lois! xo


January 17, 2022

Thank you Sarah, he’s doing much better. Let’s hope for a beautiful year filled with flowers!


January 17, 2022

Thank you Alice! You are right, it feels good to think I’m helping in the healing process.

Alice Genzlinger
Alice Genzlinger

January 17, 2022

Praise the Lord that Mr. FGH. Is home recovering from a very painful stone. Sounds like you know the way to his heart and stomach by being in the kitchen cooking up a storm. I’ll guess that it helps you to de-stress too. Doing what you can to help him on his way to good health.


January 17, 2022

Lidy, I hope your husband feels much better soon. My dad suffered from kidney stones, and I’ll always remember the terrific pain he suffered and the hospital stays.
Your post is sheer delight. I will be pinning away! Love the photos and the quotes.
Take care! I find joy through flowers too.

Diana Lucas
Diana Lucas

January 17, 2022

What a beautiful post! So sorry for the trouble Mr. FGH is having and hope he recovers quickly. You two take care!

Lois Scott
Lois Scott

January 17, 2022

I found these flower arrangements featuring a blue and white theme particularly lovely. Thank you.


January 17, 2022

Beautiful flowers, quotes and thoughts Lidy! Prayers for your husband and a speedy recovery… I am a firm believer that flowers do have magical powers, and always have them in my house…right now I am enjoying an incredible amaryllis blooming and brightening these cold January days and it makes me smile…Happy Blue Monday!

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

January 17, 2022

Lidy, I am so glad Mr. FGH is home and improving with your loving care. Your beautiful review of blue flowers is so lovely. Your wonderful quotes. so artfully presented, are heartwarming! Those sweet pansies are perfect!

We didn’t receive snow, but is a cold and gray day. But thanks to my flower friends, it is a lovely and bright day! Happy Blue Monday!

Barbara Potter
Barbara Potter

January 17, 2022

Hello Lidy,
No apologies necessary, so happy that you have your husband home from the hospital! Your Monday Flower Post is always superb and sets the tone for a wonderful beginning of the week. Sometimes one small bloom can have the same impact as a full arrangement. The details of a single pansy are striking and stunningly beautiful; the color, texture and layering of the petals give the impression of a little face that is a joy to study. These details could be lost in the competition with other blooms. You have reminded me to cut some of these blooms and put them where I can look at them while doing chores; what a wonderful way to spend that time!

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

January 17, 2022

PS…..I wish Mr. FGH a most quick and successful recovery! I know he is in good hands!!!


January 17, 2022

Good Morning Lidy! I know you are happy to have Mr. FGH home from the hospital recuperating! So glad it wasn’t more serious and he was in good hands with the nursing staff. I didn’t know that the third Monday in January is known as “Blue Monday”! Your blue flower therapy is especially appreciated on this cold, winter morning here. Happy Monday and wishing Mr. FGH a speedy recovery. <3

Shirley @Housepitality Designs
Shirley @Housepitality Designs

January 17, 2022

Lidy…thank you for taking us on the your everything blue journey…such great flower inspiration and beautiful quotes!….I don’t mind January….(I do mind the sometimes wintery weather)….as it is my birthday month ?and I find it a great month to relax, reflect and re-arrange ? My heart always skips a beat when I see your flower arrangements paired with your gorgeous collection of antiques. Also, oh that potting bench…always so beautifully adorned with wonderful garden pretties!….So happy to join you today for another great Monday Morning Blooms definitely showing how we all can beat the January Blues with more Blues!

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

January 17, 2022

I’m really sorry for Mr FGH’s kidney stone. My husband is plagued with those pretty regularly, so I know the drill. To have to be in the ER during Covid, though, adds another layer of stress. Get well soon, Mr FGH! Lady, I really enjoyed your take on this blue & white MMB. I didn’t realize there was such a thing as Blue Monday but I was sure feeling it yesterday. I don’t care for this month much, and this morning I am looking at about 6" of snow atop a thin layer of ice out my window. I hope all my transplanted bushes will make it beneath the weight and wind today. Thanks for the inspiration of what the crocus promises. I am so looking forward to it!


January 17, 2022

Love your post and the lovely quotes. January is the month to chill…no pun intended. Just one stem of something can cheer you up. I have an Amaryllis getting ready to bloom can’t wait for her to open!
Thank you for your always beautiful posts??


January 17, 2022

Dear Lidy, adore your interpretation of Blue Monday, so much better.

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