November 26, 2018 4 min read 45 Comments

Welcome to my Christmas home. I’ve been busy decorating our FrenchGardenHouse for this magical season. WELCOME.....and please come in! Today is the HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS TOUR. I'm excited to share our holiday inspirations, decorations and all things lovely to make your holiday home someplace you love to be. This Christmas Home Tour Post is my favorite post of the year! Today I'm sharing my living room, and other areas of FrenchGardenHouse will follow. I love decorating for the holidays, there is something magical about trimming the whole house in the spirit of Christmas, isn't there? When I was a little girl, nothing excited me as much as decorating the tree. My grandmother taught me to add little touches of the holidays all through the house, even if it was only a little bundle of fresh greens. She decorated all her mirrors and paintings with fresh greens, just adding them to the top of every one. Her house smelled wonderful! We lived with my grandparents in their large European home until Mom and I moved to the states when I was 8. I have such beautiful and sweet memories of being in my grandmother's home, being in her home made me happy and I've always strived to bring that happiness to our own home. Once we moved to the US, it was actually up to me to decorate. My Mom had many talents, and I loved her so much, but decorating wasn't something she put all that much thought into. So I became our no. 1 decorator at home! So let's start! I hope you feel inspired to add Christmas magic to your own home. If you can decorate only one room, or add a little touch in every room like my Grandmama did {and I usually do}, I hope the magic of Christmas fills your home this beautiful season! I placed an antique French horse in front of the fireplace mantel this year. First she was turned around, but I finally got her to face the right way, now she looks beautiful! Until she flies to her new home, she looks so great there, doesn't she?

Antique Toy Horse

This year, I wanted to create a more neutral holiday home in the living area. I chose white, gold and silver as the main colors. The mantel is dressed with evergreens and gilt antique candlesticks. I designed a simple floral arrangement in an antique tea box with white cabbage roses, and green fir clippings. Our roses are still blooming in the front and back gardens, it's been unseasonably warm here until this week. The berries are a fun different texture and size, I wish they were real but who can find those? Mine are faux. Our tree is always in front of the large picture windows in the living room. It looks beautiful there, and leaves us the most space for friends and family to gather in this room. {It is a devil to photograph there, though!} This is one of my favorite little areas in our living room. A little antique tea trolley that I bought on a whim many years ago. Again, inspired by my grandmama, who had a beautiful tea table in her home with her silver tea set on it, ready to serve tea every day at precisely 3:30. Later in the month I'll place planted white amaryllis in an antique urn on this little table, but for now I arranged some gold and silver faux "pick" in a large white urn. They really sparkle at night! Just on the other side of the tea table is my grandfather's chair. You might remember, if you've read me for awhile, that when I left Europe when I was 8, I tucked a little piece of paper underneath this chair that said "belongs to Lidy", and when my grandfather died, my sweet grandmother gave it to me. She thought it was so funny that I already had a favorite piece of furniture that I wanted to inherit one day. Our latest Les Belles Fleurs Holiday Collection will launch this week, and that's where the faux white amaryllis pot is from...it looks sweet on my nesting tables next to the sofa, bringing just a touch of holiday cheer. Just opposite of the tree, I've decked out my antique French commode with my santos, dressed very simply in greens and her ex voto heart. A fresh boxwood wreath dresses the gilt French mirror to perfection. I was fortunate enough to find some exceptional antique santos and madonnas to offer to our clients at FrenchGardenHouse. Honestly, they are all my favorites...but this gorgeous crowned head captures my very heart. Displayed inside a gilt edged glass case I set the glass case on an antique silver tray and added some silver and gold balls for sparkle. I hope you feel inspired to add some Christmas to your home. Thank you so much for your love, encouragement and comments, and for being the sweetest readers who turn into friends! We're right in the midst of such a busy, but beautiful season! If you’d like to purchase a gift for someone special {or yourself!} just pop over HERE to order.

45 Responses

Katie Mansfield
Katie Mansfield

December 07, 2018

That horse is amazing. It all looks lovely. Lovely stories as well.


December 03, 2018

Nan, thank you so much. At this time of year, a florist would be my best guess for the larger cabbage style fresh roses. {There might be some stellar faux ones coming up in our winter collection.}

Nan, Odessa, DE
Nan, Odessa, DE

December 02, 2018

Lidy, Just beautiful. Love your stories.
Where would one find cut cabbage roses like you used in the arrangement?

Kristy Seibert
Kristy Seibert

November 30, 2018

Everything you do is just so beautiful…your holiday decor is simply elegant. So fun going on the tour this week, I feel so inspired.


November 30, 2018

Thanks so much, Becky. I can’t wait to visit you too! Merry Christmas season!

Becky Cunningham
Becky Cunningham

November 29, 2018

Lidy, your home is amazing at Christmas! I adore all your French antiques! That horse is a show stopper!
Enjoy the season!

So happy to be on this tour with you :)


November 28, 2018

Thank you Jamie, it’s a joy, always, to be on this tour with you!


November 28, 2018

Your home is so beautiful for the holidays, Lidy! I love all your French touches!
Hugs, Jamie


November 28, 2018

Sharon, you are so kind. You and I, we both love red! I sometimes feel like a split personality because I love the peaceful neutrals, but also adore that bright, lively r e d. Luckily, I can make it work in our home! It will be a little bit before the next tour, but it should have some ted, for certain.

Sharon CrigSt
Sharon CrigSt

November 28, 2018

Your home is just so beautiful! So festive and yet so peacefully serene.
The neutrals are so beautiful.

I love your grandfather’s chair and the story behind it. It is so sweet!
You had a marvelous eye at an early age! Thank you for sharing your home and therefore yoursekf with us. I look forward to the upcoming tours of your home. With my love of red, I’m anxious to see your kitchen! ??

Pam Richardson
Pam Richardson

November 27, 2018

Lidy, your home is amazingly beautiful! The gorgeous antiques and neutral palette make your details just sing! Thanks so much for inviting us in, it is always a pleasure to visit with you!


November 27, 2018

Anja, I love gold, silver and white for the holidays! {although on the kitchen side of our home- it’s all about red!} thank you for always taking the time to comment, friend! xo


November 27, 2018

What an amazing Christmas home have you created this year. Love the neutral palette,like a lot of people
I am not into the greens and reds for Christmas.

Janet Arden
Janet Arden

November 27, 2018

So lovely, Lidy, and a perfect mix of old and new. I too have my grandfather’s chair, which both my children claim some day. (They may have to work out a “custody agreement”!) But I must ask about the beautiful angel on your tea table. A recent acquisition or an heirloom? Just beautiful!

Rita C at Panoply
Rita C at Panoply

November 27, 2018

Lidy, I adore your neutral palette and all its details. If I didn’t have such a draw and collection of Christmas reds & greens, I would be so tempted to go in that direction. The antique horse is so handsome.
I enjoy seeing your decor with all the added antiques – it makes my heart sing!

Jean Van
Jean Van

November 27, 2018

Dear Lidy,
Your home tour was lovely and everything just having the right touch, loved all that you have and the head in the glass case is a delight. How lucky you are to live amoung all that beauty everyday. I am getting ready myself and so enjoy it. Happy Holiday’s~~~~~~~~~Jean~~~~~~~~


November 27, 2018

I just love visiting your blog, especially at Christmastime.
Your creative French Country style is just absolute perfection.
Everything from the rocking horse to your incredibly decorated Christmas tree. I love your talented ideas.
Thank you for sharing.


November 27, 2018

Thank you Kelly! Thanks for the visit, it’s always so fun to have you visit here. And right back at you. xo

kelly Wilkniss
kelly Wilkniss

November 27, 2018

Stunning!! Of course you started decorating at 8!! You had to start early to be THIS GREAT! xx

Susan Homeroad Stevenson
Susan Homeroad Stevenson

November 26, 2018

Very pretty! Everything is beautiful Lidy! Your home is amazing!


November 26, 2018

Thanks so much Shannon, that’s so sweet of you to say. I hope you have a wonderful week, too!


November 26, 2018

Thank you so much for your visit, Cindy! Yes, my grandmother was very dear to me, and I still miss her! But my heart is filled with so many beautiful memories of her.


November 26, 2018

Lidy your home looks wonderful dressed for Christmas. I love the story about your grandmother. She must have been something special and wonderful you have memories of your time with her. They must be dear to you.

Your tree and wreaths are beautiful.


Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

November 26, 2018

Lidy, your home is breathtaking adorned for the Christmas season. Every little touch looks just beautiful! I hope that you have a wonderful week!


November 26, 2018

Thanks so much for your visit, Julie. Happy decorating!

Julie Briones
Julie Briones

November 26, 2018

Gorgeous, Lidy! So elegant and lovely! Thanks for sharing!


November 26, 2018

Pat, thank you! I’m so thankful for my “stories”, it’s what makes some of the things in my home so very precious to me. I smile each time I look at my little tea table, knowing my Grandmama would love it, too. Have a beautiful holiday season with the people you love, Pat!


November 26, 2018

Thanks so much, Sandra, I wish the same for you!

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

November 26, 2018

Lidy, everything is so beautiful. I really have no words other than, I love it all. Wishing you and yours great joy during this most special season.

Sandra at Maison De Jardin
Sandra at Maison De Jardin

November 26, 2018

Lidy, everything is so beautiful. No words really, other than I love it all. Wishing you great joy during this most special season.


November 26, 2018

Dear Lidy, Everything is so breathtaking I’ll just say well-done my friend. Love the tea table display and all the stories. Have a wonderful holiday season. Hugs, Pat

Lynn Jackson
Lynn Jackson

November 26, 2018

Tres magnifique!!!


November 26, 2018

I loved the story about your Grandmother. Family is so precious and there are so many memories there. The way you have decorated has brought your Grandmother into our presence. Your display is beautiful and heart felt. May I be one of many to wish you a glorious Christmas.


November 26, 2018

Thanks so much Sheila. We can be smitten about each other’s homes together, yours always captures my heart, you have such a talent for adding charm to your rooms. Merry Christmas, friend! xo


November 26, 2018

Lidy your home is absolute French Country Christmas perfection! I love it all, but I have to say that your mantel is my favorite part! Between the gorgeous mirror and that HORSE!! I am so smitten!! Your home is so warm and inviting!

Merry Christmas to you!



November 26, 2018

Thank you Connie! You don’t need help decorating, at all….everything you do is beautiful. I hope that you are enjoying getting your new Arizona home ready for your family too!


November 26, 2018

Shirley, isn’t it true that the things we love best, no matter what they look like, are the things that have memories attached to them? Thank you for your visit and your sweet words, friend. xo


November 26, 2018

Beautiful as ever Lidy! Can you come to Arizona to help me decorate? Enjoy this season with your cherished family.


November 26, 2018

Penny, thank you so much. It’s always a joy to have you visit me. I hope your holiday season is a beautiful and very special one.


November 26, 2018

Thank you so much, Cynthia! I wish you and everyone you love {including horses, dogs and other animals you have!} a lovely holiday season too. xo

Penny at Enjoying The Simple Things
Penny at Enjoying The Simple Things

November 26, 2018

Lidy your living room is beautiful any time of the year but at Christmas it is a little magical too! Love the horse, Santos and beautiful tree!


November 26, 2018

Thanks Kim! This is such a magical time of year, isn’t it? I’m looking forward to visiting your beautiful home to see it all decorated for the holidays.


November 26, 2018

Beautiful Christmas living room, Lidy and oh, my heart skips a beat for that horse. I just need a smaller version some day. I bought some real tallow berries on ebay that look like your faux ones, but yours look quite real.
Looking forward to more of your beautiful Christmas designs.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Shirley@Housepitality Designs

November 26, 2018

Oh Lidy…the tree, the Santos, the horse the everything is so joyfully exquisite. i love that this room, like all the rooms in your home has a most beautiful story…whether it is about an antique treasure that you have found and brought into your home or the stories of family…I am in awe of all the gorgeous details in the room…however, I must say, that the chair and the story stole my heart….I am sure that your grandfather was gazing down from above, so very pleased that his chair has a very special place in your home and in your heart…..Merry Christmas Lidy!!!….I look forward to seeing more of your elegant Christmas home!

Cynthia Weber
Cynthia Weber

November 26, 2018

What a perfectly inspiring holiday tour!! Your home and your decorating make me swoon!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Festive Season!!

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