Romantic Homes Magazine April 2011

I am excited and honored to share that our home is the featured story and cover of the April 2011 issue of Romantic Homes Magazine.  Editor Jacqueline de Montravel, Photographer Mark Tanner and Writer Justine Lopez were so wonderful to work with.


Thanks so much to the editor, Jacqueline de Montravel and the photographer, Mark Tanner for coming to our home and being an absolute dream to work with.  It was actually so much fun, they came, they took lots of shots, and before I noticed {because we were talking so much}, they were done!  The 14~page story features photos of lots of our rooms, my office, bedroom, and kitchen {which is really where we live} and where Mr. FgH rules the stove these days!

It was a gorgeous day, the birds were singing, the sun was shining, and the garden was behaving very nicely. {Mr. FgH was worried the roses would suddenly be all bloomed out, or the foxgloves would wilt and droop like they sometimes do.}  After arranging the rose bouquets for the living room, and hoping Beau, our Lab would be a good boy, I was ready.  It was an absolutely delightful day.

The magazine is available at Borders, Barnes & Noble and supermarkets.  It is  a beautiful issue filled with great homes in French Style, our very favorite!  I hope you will enjoy this little peek into our home and garden.  I love that the editor Jacqueline didn’t re arrange much, this is how we live.  I will admit that the office doesn’t often look quite as organized, usually I have stacks of antique linens on my desk, or a few antique French Bottles, or whatever has just arrived and needs to be photographed.

Thanks so very much, Romantic Homes Magazine.

43 thoughts on “Romantic Homes Magazine April 2011”

  1. Oh, Lidy!! I am so happy for you! Your home is so lovely and deserves a 14 page spread! I have to get out and snap up a copy of the magazine, one of my favorites! Hooray for you!! 🙂


    1. Jane, YOU are one of my favorites.:) {but you will love this issue, I know it!!}

    1. Thank you Ricki Jill. I hope you have a happy weekend! xo

  2. Lidy, congratulations! I’m excited for you! I will make a point of picking up this issue…can’t wait. Happy weekend, Connie

    1. Hope you have a happy weekend, too, Connie! I will stop in and visit your great blog this weekend and see what wonderful things you are up to.

  3. Lidy, my issue finally arrived today. One look at the cover and I KNEW it was yours! Lovely! Tomorrow I will have time to sit with a little pot of tea and crack the cover! I am so looking forward to tea with Lidy and FGH! {hug}

  4. Yeh!! And so well deserved! Your home is stunning!!! Now I need to get a copy… it’s just not the same… but then again.. you have the real deal!;)

  5. Dear Lidy, Congrats on having your lovely home featured ~ 14 pgs, WOW, I’ll be in heaven!! Can’t wait to drool over it!! Couldn’t happen to a nicer lady!

    Big TX Hugs,

  6. Congrats! Your home is so gorgeous and I can’t wait to pick up a copy of the magazine.

  7. I just received my issue, and absolutely LOVE your feature! I’ve enjoyed your blog for quite some time, and am so thrilled for you. Especially love your outdoor shots, since our snow here isn’t 100% melted. It gets me in the mood for upcoming spring!

  8. Oh Lidy…congratulations!! This is so special and I can’t wait to get the issue, which I will do tomorrow! I love how Mr. FGH was so involved….and I hope that Beau was a good boy, I bet he was.
    All looks beautiful…
    xo J~

    1. Thanks, Jessica. Beau was a good boy that day, and every day!! We miss him so, hopefully we will have a new puppy soon.

  9. Thankyou for visiting me and leaving a comment, so kind of you. I have just visited your shop….ooooo lots of lovely things! Goodnight, Linda x

  10. WOW! How wonderfully exciting to be featured in a real live magazine! Congratulations!!! {I would say having a magazine editor and photographer pop over is indeed great motivation for deep cleaning the home!} Enjoy the blessing! xoxo

  11. Thanks so much for all your sweet congratulations and emails. {and you are so right, Cathy, having that happen IS a great motivator for cleaning!}

  12. Hi Lidy,

    Oh my goodness – I just received my new Romanti Homes and there your beautiful living room was on the COVER- not only the cover, but a beautiful article about you and your family home and garden- what a lovely article. The photographs are fabulous and I loved seeing your charming home and garden.
    Congratulations and Best Wishes,
    P.S. One of these days I hope to run into you again shopping for vintage treasures.

    1. Thanks, Erin. It’s always so nice to see you…I think I missed you at the last sale. Hope to see you soon, too! xoxo

  13. Congratulations – it must be so thrilling to see your home in such a lovely magazine. I received my copy, and the feature on your home and garden is truly beautiful. I love your garden basket, and have been searching for one like it ever since I saw a photo of Martha Stewart with one. Can you please let me know where you purchased it? Thank you, and congrats again!

    1. Liz, if you mean the basket with the cane, we used to sell these at but sadly don’t, anymore. sorry!

  14. hi lidy,

    fourteen pages of fabulousness! warmest congrats! (come see me on page 14!)


    1. Elyse, I love your bottle project! It’s such a pretty piece….a great “how to”!

  15. Lidy, I got my issue last week in the mail. I was all over it! You know how much I love your place and all your things. A wonderful article featuring French Garden House. And you of course!

    1. Brenda, thanks so much, I love your place and all your things, too! You truly DO have such a cozy home, filled with happy colors. xo

  16. Congratulations on the fabulous magazine article! I picked the magazine up today, and it was such a pleasure looking at your beautiful home and garden. ::Jill

  17. I just finished reading the article…just loved it. It is so nice to know you just a little better.

  18. Hi Lidy

    Hello from Singapore! I bought the Romantic Homes magazine from Borders and am absolutely in love with your home! Hope mine can be as pretty as yours! 🙂

  19. Oh Lidy!
    Your home is gorgeous! Thank you for allowing us a sneak peek into your private world. You have given me alot of inspiration for my own home and garden.
    xo, Amber

  20. You are amazing!! I love your style. I’m in the mood to redo so I think I’ll be visiting your (new) site often for inspiration. Miss you!!

  21. I just read about your article via the magazine in the bookstore and had to write down your blog to stop!…your home pictures made my sure put a smile on my face seeing your guest bath, the soap in the candy jar, your peaceful home…lovely..keep it up..I was :=)

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