Antique Sterling Silver Crowned Lady's Letter Opener, with a beautiful embellished handle featuring a rose and all the Victorian feminine swirls and designs we love. This beauty is sturdy, and can open your letters {lovely ones, preferably, bills if you must} - it has, however been profesionally fixed quite a long time ago. No doubt my lady loved it so much that she asked James to take it to the jewelry shop and have it soldered back onto the middle steel inside the sterling covering.
Not for the perfectionist, she still has many decades left of posing prettily on your antique French desk, and working to open love letters. Please see the close up, I have greatly upped the contrast so you can see the 'fix' the jeweler made so long ago. It's practically not visible to the eye, but under the magnifying loupe you can see it. Priced accordingly.
Brand | frenchgardenhouse |