Antique French Miniature Silk Sedan Chair Vitrine

Antique French Miniature Silk Sedan Chair Vitrine meant to display your best jewels. The sedan chair was used in the 1600's and was the preferred method of transport for the wealthy of Europe. Lifted up by strong servants, the sedan chair {with their rich occupants} was carried through the dirty city streets so that the occupants wouldn't soil their shoes and clothing. This charming late 18th century sedan chair, or 'chaise a porteur', was made with great detail as a small display vitrine or table top jewelry case. It has a bombe shaped booth with brocade upholstery and metallic ribbon trim.

The exterior is textured silk, the windows are beveled glass glazed panels, there is a hinged door. Inside, there is a shaped glass display shelf. At one time the music box played, after more than a century this is no longer so. Sweet little rosettes decorate the bottom front. The door knob is brass. Often these have been 're-upholstered' but we prefer the original state - the fabric has shredded after more than a century, showing the striped inner lining. For jewelry, or to display with your antique dolls. Please only purchase this beauty if you fall for the grace of time like I did when I spotted this at my favorite brocante market.

  • Measures 11-1/2" h x 6" x 5".


Brand frenchgardenhouse