Art of Gracious Entertaining | Summer Champagne Cocktail

Summer! For me, summer adds another place to entertain, in the garden! There is nothing more fun and relaxing than to gather your family and friends outside, in the garden, to enjoy each other’s company. Champagne, and other sparkling wines, really are the perfect summer drink.



One of our best selling gifts at FrenchGardenHouse is the vintage French Champagne Buckets we sell. They are the perfect host and hostess gift, especially when given with a bottle of fabulous Champagne.  I’ve shipped out some stellar vintage champagne buckets to clients over the years from famous Champagne makers in France…..hosts and hostesses all over the world are always thrilled to receive one of our buckets.




Chef Lisa Hatfield Torres made the stunning frozen ice bucket shown below. How gorgeous is that?!



Lisa created this stylish and pretty way to serve icy cold bottles of sparkling water, wine, or champagne outdoors. This beautiful ice bucket is so elegant to have at a garden party or celebration.



See the directions for the Garden Party Frozen Floral Ice Bucket on Lisa’s own blog Delicious Table.

Now for the cocktail recipe. This Summer Champagne Cocktail is a fresh and easy cocktail to serve in summer. You’re going to fall in love with it when you try this, whipped up in no time, this scrumptious cocktail is just about perfect for a brunch or a summer garden party.

BONUS: You know that bottle of champagne you received as a gift that’s not really stellar? That’s the one that’s perfect to turn into this drink!



1 can frozen Pink Lemonade
1 bottle Champagne

Make the pink lemonade in a beautiful pitcher. Place lemonade, ice bucket with champagne, a bowl of fruit {I used strawberries} and glasses on a lovely tray and bring outdoors. Pour a little of the lemonade in each flute, and top off with champagne. The lemonade is quite sweet, so judge how much you wish in each glass accordingly, or add a little bit of sparkling water if it’s still too sweet. Add a few berries to each glass. This makes for an easy and elegant summer drink. à votre santé!




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7 thoughts on “Art of Gracious Entertaining | Summer Champagne Cocktail”

  1. I couldn’t agree more there is nothing better than eating outside, it just makes everything taste better! One of our daughters has started freezing a couple of blueberries or half a strawberry in an ice cube and then popping them in our water, or indeed in a glass of champagne would be even better, it changes everything to a lovely pale pink colour and it looks so pretty and is so simple.

    1. Eating outside DOES make everything taste better, you are so right Susan. Hope you will have a beautiful weekend with lots of outdoor eating, sun and a little champagne over there in France.

  2. What a beautiful post! I love the floral ice bucket – and the ones from your shop, as well. I really began drinking champagne on my trip to France 4 years ago. It was there that I realized champagne goes well with EVERYTHING. Delicious. Once I began ordering it with dinner, it caught on with my friends. Fun! Now, I must try your champagne cocktail.
    Best & Bisous,
    Michelle from Simply Santa Barbara

    1. Michelle, YES! I couldn’t agree more, Champagne DOES go with everything. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, in Santa Barbara, I think every weekend, is gorgeous.

  3. Beautiful post Lidy, so many great ideas! Thank you for sharing my Floral Ice Bucket, hope people try to make one for their next garden party. Huge Hugs! XO

  4. You are too fabulous! Thank you so much for this lovely idea.

  5. Sandy C

    Love this recipe, it sounds delicious. thanks for all the goodness you share here, always.

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