Mogul Mom

I am so excited and honored to be featured on The Mogul Mom’s Blog today! The Mogul Mom is a powerful small business resource providing educational information, inspiring tips & ideas to thousands of entrepreneurial women worldwide.



A huge thanks to the owner of The Mogul Mom, Melissa Bolton. I met Melissa when she flew in from upstate New York to speak at Launch Your Creativity,and we became instant friends. Melissa is a copywriting and branding expert, her specialty is neuromarketing and applying the tenets of behavioral psychology to the business world. She is the owner of a copywriting agency Melissa Bolton, Ink, as well as co-owner of RevolutionaryBranding, a small business branding agency. She currently works from her home office in Upstate New York where she serves clients and writes and edits content for The Mogul Mom.


Please stop by and leave me a comment…then check out some of the amazing resources on The Mogul Mom!



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7 thoughts on “Mogul Mom”

  1. Congratulations! This is a great article, and such a wonderful resource for entrepreneurs. I know it’s meant for women, but I have garnered a few tips too!

  2. Candice

    Lidy, what a lovely piece about you. It’s so interesting to read how you started your business, and what makes you tick. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Sandra Howell Smith

    I have enjoyed reading this piece about you and FrenchGardenHouse very much. You are an inspiration, as well as a lovely, cherished friend to so many of your clients.

  4. Betsy S.

    I loved it. So great to learn more about how you began your beautiful business.

  5. Nancy Pianfetti

    Congratulations Lidy…you deserve all of the accolades!!!!!!

  6. Thank you, everyone, it truly is an honor to be featured there! I appreciate your kind words.

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