Grill It! Pizza Party

Just as soon as the sun peeks out, I whip the cover off the BBQ and declare that Barbeque Season is OPEN! Not only is BBQ-ing healthy and delicious, Mr. FgH is in charge of that, so that makes spring and summer dinners a breeze. Something on the BBQ, a salad, maybe another side dish & Dinner=Done!

A while back, Better Homes & Gardens asked to shoot our French Country Checked Napkins, and the article they used the napkins for is just exactly the kind of cooking I love to do here in the summer evenings with our family our friends. What could be better than a pizza party on the grill?

Their recipe includes a home made pizza crust, but you could just as easily use those premade crusts. Let each person layer on their favorite toppings, and you have a delicious feast in the making. Here is one of my favorites from their Pizza recipes:

Napa Valley Pizza:

1 recipe homemade pizza crusts or pre-made individual pizza crusts

1 1/2 cups sauteed sliced kale

1/4 cup thinly sliced shallots (about 6)

2 cups grilled grapes, halved **

1 1/2 cups crumbled blue cheese and/or shredded Swiss cheese (6 oz)

2 tablespoons snipped fresh thyme

6 tablespoons toasted hazelnuts or walnuts, chopped

Freshly ground pepper


1. Place one pizza crust on rack of the grill over med. heat. Close cover and grill 1-2 minutes until dough puffs up. For frozen crusts, grill 2-3 minutes.

Use tongs and carefully turn over, and place on back of inverted baking sheet. Brush with olive oil.

2. Sprinkle crust with 1/4 cup kale and 2 tablespoons shallots, drizzle with olive oil. Transfer pizza from baking sheet back onto grill. Cover & grill

3-5 minutes for crisp crusts, watch for burning. Top with 1/3 cup grapes, 1/4 cup cheese and 1 teaspoon thyme. COver and grill 1 minute more to melt cheese,

remove from grill and top with nuts, pepper and a drizzle of honey.

**To grill grapes, coat a cluster of grapes with olive oil, grill over med. heat on rack of BBQ. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat….don’t these sound delicious?

Be sure to pick up a copy of this great issue, it has 135 pages of delicious grilling recipes and lots of entertaining ideas! My heartfelt thanks to Meredith Publications for including our towels in their great story.

{images from Meredith Corp.}
If you want to romance your Home and Garden with antique and vintage treasures to make you smile each time you come home, visit our shop FrenchGardenHouse.

8 thoughts on “Grill It! Pizza Party”

  1. Joanie

    Thanks so much for sharing this, Lidy. I will go out and look for this right away, I’ve never seen this magazine, but it looks wonderful. The recipe sounds so good!

    1. Joanie, the recipes are wonderful. I think you might be able to order this at Meredith online if you can’t find it in your town.

  2. John Paul

    I love the grill, this is a great addition to our summer cooking. Here in South Dakota our grill gets a good work out over the summer, it’s too hot to cook inside and we love our grill. Thank you for showing us this publication, will try to purchase at local bookstore, or maybe order online?

    1. John Paul, you will love the recipes. Lots of great entertaining ideas you guys will want to do. xo

  3. Sandy K.

    I have never seen this before. I follow your blog and love it. If you say this has great recipes then I know I will want to buy this. I bought some of the napkins in red, LOVE them so much. Maybe I need the blue ones too. hugs, Sandy K. in New York

    1. Sandy, it’s a wonderful issue. So many yummy recipes, so many great entertaining and party ideas, you will love it! Napkins and glasses will be on their way tomorrow.

  4. JSarah

    I love spring and summer entertaining with our BBQ. Will be looking for this at Target maybe, or the market? Love my dishes and bowls I got last month, thank you, you have the best things to make our home our little nest and haven. Jane Sarah Cabbott

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